In general it is true
(as to specific particularities,
see declaration overleaf):
Science is in effect the ignominy and shame of Auschwitz, of Hiroshima, and all the scientific trash and waste have already formed garbage dumps even in space (satellites etc.).
That this must be imputed only to the wrong use of science? You must be joking. Technical progress, comforts for the "masses", welfare, medical achievements, … and in exchange for all that there it is, the price to be paid for it: the price itself, the prices, the high and low prices, all prices, prizes and praises, and the price also as value (equivalent, in German: scheissegalgesund, Verwurschtelegalscheiss!*) Shit or health, it makes no difference; or, frankly said, it’s all the same shit! The whole matter has got in a muddle that is equal to health/shit, even as the holy of holiest, i.e. as HEIL-health, as GeSSundheit, that is as precisely that animal-like-Nazi-foolish figment of the mind that is too well known up to puking and by far not only here, in these parts, -: human sacrifices, since the times of the very first and the very last medical priests. Was that really only pre-scientific or pre-empirical, the sacrifices of humans, the highest price, supposedly to praise the Gods? More and more actions of mass extermination since then, in times of war and peace (not more than 3 weeks since 1945!), show the contrary: scientific progress – –. They were planned and executed by the medical classes of the time, while illness was their pretext, and their justification every time afterwards. That is the price to be paid for (what kind of?) progress, especially since you too, dear reader of these lines, are certainly carrying something "ill" all along with you in your "genetic equipment"; yes, you too, and all the others.
* This word is to spare the readers several thousand pages of philosophical-political literature, which they don’t like to understand anyway, let alone so much as to even read them, not even in the UK or the USA; yes, it’s an ugly word that comprises the meat and sausage processing mincing and muddling and mixing up in food plants (factories) as well as anthropomorphical issues and the systemic automatisms of trade market on the base of the iatrocapitalistic system, by putting them altogether into one, so drastically as unappetizingly, but appropriately; perhaps one should learn also elsewhere, just for the sake of change, to spell suchlike words, which are more than of common use in chemistry, in physics, in engineering and elsewhere, letter by letter und read them aloud with a raised voice (vox alta), in order to learn anew in favor of understanding that every single word in all sciences is sharpening one’s awareness of the various myths, lies and cock-and-bull stories that, with the regard to history and its results as a whole, link by link, constitute one single chain of live-damaging action and destruction. Taken literally or letter-by-letter, and in application to the facts here exposed, it means that millions of people stigmatized by etiquettes are being killed of course any moment, and that goes without saying as commodities are being sold and bought on the market.
It’s already in its bases that
science is precisely the stuff that in all times has made us into throwaway
merchandise and, vice versa, turned wares (money, credit) into idols. Scientific
basic research? A silly joke. Science has abdicated a long time ago. But
far from resigning definitely it is pushing its way forward, more and more
(trade with organ banks, genetics = biotechnological genocide). All of
us have been inoculated with all that as logic (logo! okay!) since thousands
of years. And all of us, be it as scientists and humanists (i.e. as scientists
of the science of nature and of the humanities), or be it as the so called
physically or mentally "less well-offs" or "less illuminated" in consequence
of poverty or whatsoever, in brief: as "idiots", "cripple-idiots", or be
it only as "dimwits", we all have adapted to that murderous nonsense to
such a degree that it has become to us the guarantor, the base (still another
"basic research"!) of our pride and of our philanthropy (humanism). All
are guaranteeing, we too, nothing. But a part [SPK/PF(MFE)] has succeeded
at least in proving shame for all that. By the force of illness, offend
those who are offending you. How else but by your action you can dissociate
yourself from this murderous logic, change the conditions, and change yourself?!
What has caused the opportunity we took for the following statement? You might forget it. It was just an opportunity, and by no means the cause, the reason (Ur-Sache): your and our relation to illness. We are, for reason of that cause and on occasion of all the caused opportunities (contradiction in the identity of illness and capitalism), absolutely and decisively in favor of illness (revolutionary moment). But it’s not we that are at stake; as we are already very well off thanks to the forces of illness, for us all doctors can get lost, and that since several decades. And what about you? Should we, at least, still feel sorry for you? Or is it you that, in top secret, should at least feel sorry for yourself? It is said that things like that might happen.
The following declaration was distributed to hundreds of people. Against all sorts of party-fractions and fragmentations (e.g. against a meeting organized in Vienna by students of medicine hostile to patients), and in so far against an insignificant fragmentation of the White Army, or, as you might say as well, against a little bit White Army Fraction (WAF – – ). But even at this regard the repercussions were astonishing and flabbergasting, and a few people, who, in the beginning, had thought of our declaration printed overleaf "to be perhaps a little bit exaggerated" were shocked at those reactions. A doctor’s car for emergency calls which, called on for help by the doctors and medical students, had hurried to the doctors’ aid and succeeded in rescuing a few of them. Rescuing them from what? From the following sheet of paper (see declaration overleaf). It’s precisely the same declaration that has been distributed to hundreds of people, and other hundreds have asked us, within the first three days, to allow them to reprint and distribute this declaration unchanged on their own expense, and so they did.
As to the specific particularities:
Subject: Symposium Viennese
from the 5th to the 7th of November 1998
(Or: From the Cup of Poison to Genocide-Cannibalism)
As to me, K. S., I, too, am not partaking in this Congress, although I’ve been invited by Mr. Spann, PhD, to organize a bookstand.
Last time it was in January 1998 that I have given my opinion here, as a front-patient of the Patients’ Front. On that occasion, reports were published in the print-media, broadcasting and TV, CNN live included. From January till now no one of those present at that time has learned something new and, according to the schedule of today’s congress, no one of those who has come along since then has learned something new.
Iatrocracy’s international army, the army dressed in white, and their followers and supporters here too, being tied to their interests, can not be taught because they are incorrigible. It goes without saying. At most it’s from the Nazi, against whom they line up here as they say hypocritically, that they can learn something more.
Each and every science, and even and properly the most exact science, as mathematics and the science of nature, has been always the same, right up from its very origin and basics, and even before the Nazi showed up: that is, the murder-market’s logic of the excluded contradiction. What? How that? Nota bene: The Identity-dogma of each trade and change, from monet-Aryan-alike up to … and anyway logic (logo!, okay!): holocaustologic logically! "Authentic identities", from Aristotle and Thomas, the Saint of Aquino, and the stakes (Scheiterhaufen), up to, and it could not be otherwise, could it?: Just take a look on the schedule of this Congress: True, true, true, true = authentically true, exactly as prayer wheels that run at top, Aryan-alike, medico-alike, archiatric-ally, nature-ally, liter-Aryan, and, logically, holo-logically, holocausto-logically!: In the past monet-Aryan-alike, at the present digit-ally, in brief: logistic-Aryan-alike (cf. B. Russell), authentically and identically, but true!
History as science has been ever since that of the winners, who make and fake and patchwork together the "histories".
Ethics and Morality became and remained the matter of single elites nut-cases, instead of being the concern of each and all, originally: defeat of Gods and Idols!, that is against those puffed up blossoms of the swamp and all sorts of ethic-casters.
In brief: all past and future science plus all the congress-garbage belonging to it, all scientific approach and methods, remain as such iatro-capitalistic science, and such ones as Hitler as its henchman is always available. In its basics and its effects, its oppressive actions and its shirking, all of it, from physics to philosophy, with medicine as the crown of all these creations and of this act of creating (doing away with the "ballast-existences" and with the in-equivalent, that is the unworthy, unhealthy lifes), with the genocidal genocide as its last extra gain for the time being.
This is why I’m fighting, and why I’m learning by fighting, ever being willing to learn, but exclusively orientated to Diapathics and Pathopractice in Utopathy, me too.
Off with all the medical fraud!
Put the Doctors’ Class on Diet-zero!
Free yourselves from them and them from themselves!
From the Patients’ Class
to the Human Species
through the New-revolution
by the Force of Illness!
K. S., together with PF/SPK(H)
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