
(1) Sewering, archiatrist of the FRG = President of the Federal Council of Physicians [Bundesaerztekammer]. Fromm, his predecessor in office, is now (1976) President of the World Medical Association. Sewering is Fromm’s deputy. The latter had to resign from his archiatrist’s office in the FRG because of unprofessional commercialism, in order to be promoted to the President of the World Medical Association.

(2) "Physician help yourself, then you will help your patient" (Nietzsche) [Medicus cura te ipse …].
Statistical research, carried out in recent times in the U.S.A., has shown: it is the doctors that come first in suicides, boozing, neuroses, common diseases.
For us: Only those are becoming doctors who, otherwise, would have to fear to get killed as patients. Especially psychiatrists and psychologists. An attempt to escape illness, or rather: "to burn like the moth in the open light".
One-sidedly: the new, the novum, which the world is seeking does come to light only in illness – which, however, is fettered by the physician.

Objective dialectics:

Everything is medicynically signified (inertia). Each and every organ of Man is being signified by the iatrocracy, and the single-one [der Einzelne] is thereby compelled to bequeath his body in life-time to the iatrocracy – everything what he knows about it within the (conditions of) seriality (he’s living in) has been signified to him by the iatrocracy. Likewise, each and every tool is being signified by the iatrocracy: is it detrimental to one’s health? School, education and upbringing is there included.

Means: dialectics of group and action.
Dialectics as the true "law" of nature, world, and reality.
Everything is related to everything dialectically.
Tool insofar as every practice is an answer to scarcity, and it is in and through practice that scarcity is removed (negation of negation).
The dialectics is a moment of practice (a tool by which practice is illuminating and promoting itself).

Group: illness is liberated = unchained and dialectically cancelled [aufgehoben], that means identical negation [Negation] and affirmation [Erhaltung] on a higher level.
Condition for a revolutionary act is, according to Sartre, its immediate relation to death (agony) and to circumstances which date the whole as present and urgent. This happens in illness, in any time and any place (cf. SPK).
Connection: there are some who know and perceive this (the Third), and who are communicating it to the others. From this the Patients’ Front as a whole arises (= the Third in action; cf. also: one recognizes that, from the outside, they are being identified as a group).

Space, time, and everything else are being dialectically cancelled [aufgehoben] in the group-in-fusion [fusionierende Gruppe], everyone is everywhere and nowhere [insofar as in each practice oneself is being the subject, since each practice is one’s own, and this happens because all are sharing in the same goal (that practice is always a single one is no contradiction to that)]; in the seriality each one has his own space and his own time. In illness, time and space are potentially cancelled (preserved and overcome): abstractly in the symptom (which is outlasting and preceding illness respectively; certain circumstances given, the symptom is joining together damages which are far apart from each other); effectively [wirklich] in the group (collective action of goal-directed practices).

Revolution has the structure of the immediately-at-once and everywhere, meaning it is being actual here and now at any time and any space [Revolution hat die Struktur des jederzeit und ueberall sofort]; in other words: the practices of the patients are continuously revolution.
The revolutions of the past, having occurred (spontaneously) over the centuries, did not have any concept of illness (just as digestion has been going on for millions of years, but it is only since several decades that there has been a physiology of digestion).

Two "myths" from the French Revolution:
1. Nationalisation of the medical profession, organised like the clergy, vested with all powers, administers and manages the bodies just like the clergy does with the souls (can be regarded as a predecessor of present-day iatrocracy). This was aimed at a medical conversion in the form of a militant, dogmatic medicalization, that is to say the entire society was to be committed to the medicine.

2. Total disappearance of illness, and medicine along with it. The battle against illness is to start as a war against bad (living) conditions. First, Man must liberate himself, then he can heal himself.

The members of the Mountain Party (Montagnards) have been demanding the dissolution of the hospitals in which they saw the institutionalisation of misery. If there were still people suffering after the Revolution, then everything had been in vain (Lebon).

Their point of view, however, was not a dialectical one: they did not notice that one must cancel [aufheben] illness at any given moment, for oneself, and the whole against iatrocracy.
Example: exteriorization of iatrocracy (SPK, Troy, Vietnam).

Epigenesis versa preformation: From the Middle Ages until 1906 big controversy as to whether the living being is completely preformed in the egg-cell already and just grows out of it, or whether it is developping from the egg-cell.
A similar controversy was about the question whether light must be conceived as being a wave or a corpuscule. Obsolete since quantum theory; what previously had been taken for substance (essence) were just properties.

Contradictions are dissolving at the end in a new discovery (practice) in which the two opposites, being equally untrue, are (to be) dialectically cancelled.

Montagnards / Mountain Party: medicalisation and abstract revolutionization (as to the revolutionary process being detached from illness) are two irreconcilable opposites, both related to the abolition of illness. Each is right because it has something to do with illness, each is wrong because it is side-stepping the real issue (collective in action) [aktives Kollektiv].

Dialectics of group and action: the revolutionary moment always is revolutionizing [umwaelzend] with respect to illness which is liberated in each and everyone, thus containing always the (reactionary) medicalizing moment as the moment which must be negated. Connection with illness: in illness which the absolutely new, condensed into illness, is making its break-through out of the future into the present (world).
Example: in the symptom, space and time are transcended (Cicero). The result: instantaneous, not distant, but a-part, all is brought close [Es tritt Ent-fernung ein (wird in die Naehe geholt)]. Stomach: pain in the brain – the symptom may be in the back, hence stomach and brain (at a distance of 1/2 a meter from each other) are a-part, are united in the symptom.

Gang (Bluechel) (Mafia: the honourable society), p. 29.
"In current dictionaries, mainly two definitions of the notion ‚syndicat’ are to be found:
1. Association of business enterprises, most tight form of the cartel with its own legal form and its own administrative machine.
2. Designation of a commercially camouflaged organisation of criminal racketeers in America …"

Kursbuch 28 (July 1972): Statements by Dr. H. Kretz, M.D., doctor and enemy of the SPK, see timeline of PF/SPK(H).

Kursbuch 32 (August 1973): Kretz recommends Prof. Erich Wulff (psychiatrist) and torturer Jan Gross, because he himself cannot undertake himself the job of psychiatrisation because of public attacks. Wulff is pushing to the front. He is on the side of the most healthy little group DKP (German Communist Party) and saw the opportunity to play the "liberator": out of prison -, but into the psychiatry. His aim: to eliminate the patients' class, formerly always harmless, but now having presented itself being capable, out of its own powers, of making a better warfare than others. But for patients in confrontations, unlike as for the view of the Normois, the prison is better, the psychiatry is worse, out of the frying-pan into the fire.

January '72, by order of the court: psychiatrisation in Emmendingen, to be carried out by Wulff as a member of a gang of murderers. This was made fail by the counterattacks of the patients and by the resistance of the judge and the lawyer. Since then and in future nobody ever dared to encounter the attacks of the SPK against the only ruling class, that is against the doctors' class, by means of psychology or clinics, nobody even dared to make an attempt. Once again: the psychiatric case has the name Prof. Erich Wulff, leftist, communist, communistoid psychiatrist of the party.

Even at the beginning of the SPK Prof. von Baeyer (see time-line), his responsible chief for the past 6 years, had stated in public, that Wolfgang Huber is "absolutely healthy and sane". After the first third of isolation torture (altogether more than 20 months), Baeyer is claiming to the pigs also have the Hubers to be psychiatrised. Baeyer, temporarily Chairmain of the World Association of Psychiatry and Chief Military Psychiatrist, is against the World Medical Association because it does not intervene against the torturers in the USSR (Initiative against Political Torture).

Humanists versus racists: humanism, inhuman: a polemic notion of the bourgeois, who uses it to proscript others as inhumans (beings of another species, contra-race). Humanism = a special kind of racism (Sartre).

Theory of Alienation with Sartre and Marx


According to Marx, alienation stands and falls with the capitalist society.
According to Sartre, the revolution stands or falls with the failure or with the achievement of the liberation from alienation.

Therefore, Sartre is looking for means which consent to eliminate alienation at any time and any place. For Marx, on the other hand, alienation is only a means of critique, a combative concept (For Sartre, "diagnosis" and "therapy" follow from the struggle).

To the end of the liberation from alienation there are (and Sartre makes them) available means of cognition and means of practice. Means of cognition with regard to the relationship which is possible to be mediated by third parties [Dritte] or third instances [Drittes] and which is, in principle, feasable, if nothing else is being added, as a non-alienated relationship, thus being community. Without third parties or third instances, hence, there is no community. Anybody, anything and everything can become the Third (party or instance) (including institutionalized behaviour, traditions). The liberation which is achieving itself as and in the group [Befreiung, die sich als Gruppe macht …] is the power of (and over) alienation [ … ist die Macht der Entfremdung]. That which is being caught and discovered by the eye on to the ternary relationship as a possibility, is becoming flesh and blood in the group (unleashed = liberated illness).

Every exchange in a dual relationship can be considered as an example of experiencing the community, although (or because?) the ternary structure basic to it – "any- and everybody" can be the Third in it – is not being experienced, and for that reason it can be taken into consideration only as a means of cognition without which, however, the emergence of a community through the exchange of, e.g., gifts would not be comprehensible. Or: two are quarreling. The one beats the other and the other, in return, beats the one. The act of the beating can only become communal to the two of them if a third party is coming along, or – which is the same thing – if and when they realise that’s the "we" who are quarreling. The condition for them to experience themselves as the "we", i.e. as community, or as somebody having something – and in this case (the quarrel) everything – in common, this experience is not dual but it is only possible as being "thirdly" or as the "Third". Each of the two, one as well as the other, is the "we-object" with respect to the Third. The being-for-others is now experienced as community.

Once again: What is at stake, here, is only what brings about community, and how this is being achieved. The fact that in the act of giving gifts is already included the possibility of setting traps, that the "Third" as value and iatrocratic machinery of violence is situated between practice and praxis(es), and that this is more apt to spoil community than to discover it, this fact is left out of consideration by the remark that the ternary relationship is the original and authentic relationship of mediation, being unalienated as such "provided that no other conditions intervene".

That "Third" has to be conceived, primarily, as an "Other" (person) – and not as a thing – for whom the respectively "Other" can be a thing, i.e an object, through which both of them are becoming aware of their respectively "being-an-object" for the respective "Other" [Blick, the "eye" (watching)]. In recollecting one's own "(former) being-an-object", one would be the "Third" even by one's own, as a single one. However, recollecting the experience of "having-been-an-object", which is common to the two of them, includes the possibility of acting together against the objectifying (iatrocratic) "eye", of becoming a subject capable of objectifying the (objectifying iatrocratic) "eye", thus shaking off alienation (collectively).

((Here, too, it is holding true that one only sees that which one already knows. In this respect this knowledge is becoming a means only from the moment in which it is being interiorized, after its being exterior in practice as a relation)).

For Marx, alienation is issuing from economic categories which are concealed behind persons (character masks). For Sartre, alienation is issuing from the "Other", or from the "Otherness" (RACE !!), which robs us of the aims, falsifying and mystifying them ((we would say: it is issuing from the physician and from the iatrocracy which cuts off from illness its aim of revolutionary fulfillment)).

For Sartre, and here he differs from Marx, the dialectical cancelling [Aufhebung] of alienation (negation of the negation) does not depend on historic conditions. But it takes place when it is plain that one has to face death, if one is opposing against or not ((AGONY)), and when the date which has been appointed from outside is being experienced as something that is present all the time, as something that is being interiorized. Time is thus being given the structure of the "at once". The place in which alienation, being the inner structure of the multiplicity [Vielheit], is being dialectically cancelled [aufgehoben wird und ist], is the group. In the group, lack, scarcity, want, need and all serious challenges (imperatives) are being collectively loosened from their being tight to time and place ((the co-ordinates of their iatrocratic external determination [Fremdbestimmung])) ((and they are being overcome [aufgehoben], overcoming that individually occurs only in and as illness which, like "all suffering wants revolutionary fulfillment")). ((Therefore it is essential to the group that illness is its starting point and iatrocracy its opponent against which illness has to be turned, because as a iatrocratically determined group it is the utmost alienation, the utmost thinkable and possible insormountable and internalised alienation and, in being the externalisation of lack and command (imperative), it is death, dated as now, as permanent dying [datierter Tod in Permanenz])).

"The unity is being practically re-actualized by the individual, and that is precisely being enacted simultaneously over there as the community of the goal, and here in his action itself, that is in its present moment as the action’s demand to become communal practice, or as the first instance of realization of this community in the very action itself and in all Thirds" ((MFE = Multi-Focal Expansionism, cf. SPK – Turn illness into a Weapon)).

The individual inertia-structures are being replaced by the collective invention of new possibilities. The Third as a member of the group interiorizes the object status of the multiplicity for the Third from without. Everyone is liberating himself from the otherness of his relations and, becoming a Third, he is being turned into a feedback center for invention and action. What has initiated the action, needs the action for its persistence.

Sartre, that’s the very top of modern times’ dialectical philosophy. Displacement of the pivot in order to prove the superiority of the dialectics in its shifting from the movement to practical experience, since in mathematics and physics movement can be conceived as being free of contradiction (as mere abstraction – besides time, space, matter, and energy – as the abstract property of a tangled network of effects, cf. Planck’s constant of action: h) [Planck'sches Wirkungsquantum h].

The subject is practically and by recognition [praktisch und erkennend] partaking in the action. It is the individuals in their totalising activity that are the real [das Reale].

In contrast to Engels, Sartre does not take things as his starting point being their relation to each other merely an exterior one but the individuals who have interiorised these relations and can reflect upon them. Therefore in Sartre, the ties of interiority and the totalising movement are apodictically connected one to the other (apodictically means: as unity of Being and Ought-to-Be, of that which is and that which ought to be [Einheit von Sein und Sollen]). ((Example: the individuals are interiorising scarcity - which, at first, is exterior to them and the dialectics of which, considered as dialectics between things, is precisely that which all have in common though it is, at the same time, precluding each and every community - as need and they are exteriorising the unsatisfied need as illness, this unsatisfied need being scarcity as illness, and precisely scarcity overcome and dialectically cancelled by and as illness [die Individuen ... entaeussern das unbefriedigte Beduerfnis als Krankheit, das der Mangel als Krankheit, die ihn aufhebt, ist]; cf. modifications of hunger and wretchedness of all kinds, all diseases. – This example, of course, is not from Roeth, and neither did Sartre start at this level of interiority. Only the ill ones are SUBSTANTIALLY capable of becoming a community [gemeinschaftsfaehig], provided they have conceived illness as having dialectically cancelled scarcity and as a permanent mortal threat … Mediation and representation (= re-present-ation) are obviously given: as iatrocracy)).

Marxism, on which Engel’s dialectics of nature has left its stamp, has subsumed the subject under the relations of production, deriving the relations it is situated in from the outside (exteriority), hence does not conceive them being interiorised, internalised by the subject but rather as abstractly idealistic, transcendentally dialectical ones.

The doctrine of the contradictions is of no importance for Sartre. Therefore, Sartre does not conceive the negation as an elementary category, but rather as the practical and one-sided relation of interiority, i.e.: only the subject being in struggle and in action is capable of negation, only who has practice in the broadest sense can negate, while objects and things cannot. Practice therefore is bringing about the formation of partial components within a social whole, which enter into antagonistic relations if not the same degree of social differentiation is given for all of them (differentiation, like difference, meaning the same as transition from thesis to antithesis. Polarization, too, is only another expression for this relation which is being determined as negation). The first negation is being dialectically cancelled by a second negation when the balancing of the differences is being effectuated, when the antagonisms disappear, and when the original unity of the whole is being restored; at this stage, however, in a more differentiated form.

Just like the affirmation as the negation of the negation, the turning of quantity into quality is only possible, according to Sartre, if the relations of the parts and the whole are relations of interiority.

Concerning Discomfort in Culture (Freud, 1856 – 1939)

Written in 1930. It is supposed to show Freud, so its critics, from his humane side ((Humanism is racism in disguise, concern of the few, and the rest is garbage in their view)).

In the beginning of his personal development, Man is just a bunch of anarchic instincts. The prevailing of the death instinct and of aggression and Man’s origin from the animal kingdom make him, Man, someone that must be looked upon as being, initially, an enemy of any socialisation [Vergesellschaftung]. An animal with periodic ruts whose dominant sense is that of smell. Thereafter he becomes a permantly sexualised possessor of (one) permanent female, hence the "family", hence society. And to society he’s not admitted if he stinks. For this he’s got to learn to find sweet-smelling only his own shit, but offensive to others, hence something that has to be disposed of (privy).

And that’s, according to Freud, how culture originated, precisely with the suppression of the instincts and their "anarchy". It is clear that this includes hygiene, or it is hygiene with which all started. Therefore, with something medical (even according to Freud!).

And what’s the whole thing ending with? Where living-together, for the sake of progress, surely, has to become more and more compact, whereas more and more culture is needed, where there’s less and less fun but more and more aggression and death instinct showing up, with world wars etc., there it has become obvious that all this culture, and the whole renunciation going with it, have been a waste because – as one may safely conclude – all this will bring forth nothing but an anarchy; an anarchy, however, which, in contrast to the one whereby it all started, is a capital one, pure and of the first water [eine Anarchie, die sich gewaschen hat].

All wrong, in the context of iatrocracy: for in the world of scarcity and surplus product, hygiene is first of all and last but not least racial hygiene, that is separation of "those who are smitten by disease" [die mit Krankheit zu schlagenden] from the "citizens from the ‘upper’ towns" (cf. medical history and the significance of hygiene in architecture, Egyptians, etc.), hence the cult of the medical man (physician, doctor) and his cadavers are the cause …

Concerning Foucault’s Concept of illness (Birth of the Clinic)

Before civilization comes up, so Foucault, illness was something plantlike, vegetative, which grows, heals, or leads to death.

The many illnesses and diseases and the disappearance of health, he continues, are consequence of social developments and confrontations.

We against Foucault, always and in the following:

In order to be able to make something of all this, one would have to transform it up to the heights of the concept [Begriff].

Thesis :  illness is, and presents itself to the doctor’s gaze as: cauliflower (vegetative life, classification according to Prof. Linné: species, genus, family, specimen).
Difference: Cult (spatialisation, anatomy, microscope), cult in the sense of sowing and cultivation.

Death (temporalisation [Verzeitlichung], (vive-)section, transplantation).

The whole is in this way since  the 17th century; latest development not included; a heap of partly important facts are reported, e.g. utopias from the French Revolution; everything is being subdivided many times (primary, secondary, tertiary spatialisation …), is being related to the "doctor’s gaze", and how that perhaps should have changed within and along with the above mentioned social field of gravity. Thus today, for instance, the doctor, being faced with the patient, has nothing but death in his mind (whose death might that be?), because this (death) - in the doctor's view - might give him insights about illness and its mixing process [Verwurschtelung*], which the living patient is concealing and "forbidding" to the doctor.

* In German verwurschteln is an ugly word, here thrown against Foucaultists. 
  The word Verwurschtelegalscheiß comprises the meat and sausage processing mincing 
  and muddling and mixing up in food plants (factories) as well as anthropomorphical issues 
  and the systemic automatisms of trade market on the base of the iatrocapitalistic system, 
  by putting them altogether into one, so drastically as unappetizingly, but appropriately.

Quite a bit of fuss to arrive at the arché; also possible that - of all that I believed to have read between the lines - is actually nothing implicit in Foucault. But I won’t give it a thorough reading except perhaps for another purpose. When someone like him does agree with the patients' standpoint even at only one single corner, one must immediately take a left turn, because otherwise one is being put on the wrong track and on the blind alley of the fetish Science. (Also Deleuze and a lot of others. Additional remark, 2003).

Re: Lanthenas, 1789 etc.

Lanthenas was a Girondist. In 1792, he had been allocated on the list of those who were to be beheaded. Marat, however, crossed him off this list, thus sparing his life. Reason: According to Marat, he was too weakheaded.

It had struck Lanthenas that diseases, too, are not always what they used to be, therefore they are subject to social change, hence based on social conditions, therefore invented by medical practice.

And then it starts to become wrong, after the beginning had left almost nothing to be desired: Man must return to Nature, then there won’t be any diseases any more either. But in order to get there, he first must have liberated himself, but not via the alienation of illness, not via its unchaining – which has the structure of the At-once, here and now, abolishing iatrocracy – rather, on the contrary, it is the doctors who are to become political, because of all people it is them who are supposed to know where illness is coming from, that is from poverty and misery, and because no one else knows as well as they do where illness is not belonging to except as a delight (at the Court of the 14th Louis, Roi-Soleil, there was an entire army of doctors, and thus the conversation of the nobles about farting and the like was taken care of to everyone’s delight from morning till night); it is the doctors who are to become political, against the tyrants, while liberation is to be achieved first against the government, then from this, and then from that, and only after that it is illness that is to be tackled, and precisely by jolly old doctors, up until they have made themselves superfluous [ueberfluessig] at the end in a paradise bursting with health.

So far Lanthenas.

His opponents – may be the Montagnards of 1789 were among them, too – have even a stronger fixation about the doctors. They wanted to get rid of illness by abolishing the hospitals (which sounds good); in their place everybody was to be handed over to an army of doctors, better yet if the whole nation were to be made of nothing but of this sort of pigs.


Since the beginning of the 20th century, a wide international movement embracing the ideology of Malthus, Darwin, Galton, De Gobineau had spread the propaganda of psycho-hygiene and eugenics the world over. In Germany, the first to become known were Dr.Alfred Ploetz and Dr.Wilhelm Schallmeyer, precisely by taking part in a competition sponsored by Alfred Krupp concerning Darwin’s theory of evolution and state legislation ...
In the USA, Alexis Carrel, Nobel-prize-winner (1912) and sponsored by Rockefeller, made a big splash with „Man, the Unknown“ (1935).

As soon as National Socialism got a foothold in Germany, all set to work:
Montagu Norman, President of the Bank of England, and Otto Niemeyer, his right hand, granted credits for rearmament to Germany until the beginning of the war. After the invasion of Czechoslovakia, the Czech gold which had been on deposit in the Bank of England was decontrolled and turned over to Hitler by Norman. There seems to have been meetings between Norman and the President of the German Reichsbank, Schacht.

Norman and his wife Priscilla were followers of Evelyn Fox, President of the British Society for Eugenics. In the week the War broke out, Lord Feversham recommended the amalgamation of the associations of the Mental Health movement, and Lady Norman thereupon organized the Provisional Association for Mental Health which, toward the end of the War, with the help of Norman became the National Association for Mental Hygiene (NAMH) – with Otto Niemeyer as its treasurer – which in turn established itself on a world-wide scale as World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH).

After the seizure of power in Germany, the first measure to be taken was the Sterilization Act: „Whoever is afflicted with hereditary disease can … be sterilized if the experiences made by the medical science are justifying the expectation that his offspring will suffer from severe physical or mental hereditary defects“ … even against his will and by force of police. The decision is to be made by 1 judge and 2 physicians.

Then followed the Law according to which „insulters of public morality are permitted to be castrated (e.g. in the case of sexual intercourse with 2nd-class-citizens). Sterilization laws were being adopted also in Denmark, Switzerland, USA, and Sveden, where euthanasia bills had been introduced, too.

A certain Mr.Knaur from Leipzig, on the advice of Dr.Catel, petitions to the Fuehrer for the killing of his child. Shortly thereafter, Leonard Conti (Fuehrer of the physicians of the Reich), Karl Brandt, and Phillip Bouhler are presenting a note to the Fuehrer for his signature: „Reichsleader Bouhler and Dr.Brandt, M.D., are authorized and have the responsibility to extend the authorization of single medical doctors, who will be appointed yet, in such a manner that mercy killings can be granted to all those who must be considered incurably ill, on the grounds of a critical evaluation of their state of illness, and as far as anyone can judge.“ Hitler himself rarely pronounced any statement on the euthanasia issue, his favoured occupation being war games.

The Euthanasia Committee was composed of the physicians Linden, Hans Heinze, Werner Catel, Helmut Unger, Wagner, Ernst Wentzler, Max de Crinis, Berthold Kihn, Carl Schneider (Heidelberg), Pfannmueller, Bender, Werner Heyde; Paul Nitsche was involved in the preparations which lasted till the end of 1939 (construction of gas chambers, foundation of camouflage organizations such as „Non-profit Association for the Transport of Sick People“, „Study Group of the Reich for Mental Hospitals and Nursing Homes“, „Charitable Foundation for Caretaking in Mental Hospitals“).

Then it started - Questionnaires to be filled in and processed. One of the „cross markers“ [„Kreuzelschreiber“] managed to complete 2,109 questionnaires within 2 weeks. Extermination in the ‘terminal-hospitals’ [Toetungsanstalten] of Grafeneck, Hadamar, Hartheim, Brandenburg, Bernberg, Sonnenstein – about 275,000 patients labelled ‘mentally insane’ were killed – the next of kin had to pay the costs. Later on, when informations about the killing had leaked out and rumours were going around, extermi-nations by gas were replaced by deadly injections. That’s what T 4 stands for. Orders came directly from the Fuehrer’s Chancellery [Kanzlei des Fuehrers, KdF], a private chancellery which served as camouflage for the Euthanasia Committee.

In 1941, T 4 was followed by ‘Aktion 14f13’ – now targeting concentration camp inmates, including Jews and, later on, Polish asylums … it became even more scientific, now: while T 4 had run experiments concerning the speediest and most profitable method of killing, Dr.Julius Hallervorden was now examining brains by the score, „wonderful specimens“ among them, and „… where they came from, now, that was really none of my business at all“. This ‘action’ was being extended to all diseases resulting in inability to work (e.g. the so-called front-line frostbites, injuries – Dr.Mennecke). Killings were perpetrated in the concentration camps of Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka. These camps were lead by physicians in ultimate responsibility, camps which developed in a completely different and autonomous way, namely in a medical manner and lead by physicians, apart from the other concentration camps. Hence, the orders for the gassing of all Jews were given by Blankenburg, out from the Fuehrer’s Chancellery [Kanzlei des Fuehrers, KdF]. The remains were sent back home – to be used as fertilizers.

After World War II, most of the crimes were never brought to trial:
The nursing personnel who knew about the crimes had been sent to the front-line on suicide missions anyway; Dr.Heyde who continued to practice medicine as „Dr.Sawade“ with the consent of high government officials for several years (maybe) committed suicide shortly before he had to stand trial; Dr.Bohne had escaped to South America; Dr.Hoffmann was found incapable to participate in his trial (so were Schumann and Best); Dr.Tillmann (maybe) committed suicide.
Dr.Villinger, who had been entrusted by the WFMH with the task „to bring a Mental Health Movement into being“ in the FRG (Federal Republic of Germany), committed suicide, but his collegue and former assistant, Dr.Helmut Ehrhardt, has been continuing his job for the decades to come. In 1968, he was a member of the Executive Board of the WFMH. In 1969, Dr.Mueller-Hegemann from the GDR (German Democratic Republic), former assistant of De Crinis, is to be found there, too. A.Wahlmann was convicted of murder of „Polish labourers“.

Eugenics today: In 1968, a bill relating to this subject has been rejected in Florida.
South Africa: „… it is the mentally deficient ones among the white man who are dragging him down“ … or … „there is to be put a limit to the white element“ …

Schreiber: „ … Perhaps this was the secret weapon of which Goebbels was boasting that it could bring about the rebirth of the Reich …“

Translation: Kurd Ch. Schager, Dipl.-Angl., M.A.soc.ling.

final editing: Huber
                      KRANKHEIT IM RECHT

Stale ‘bits’ from Bluechel’s Medical Syndicate (cf. Gang)

For those interested in false, but nevertheless high estimated matters like interconnections and all kinds of link-ups, which are - according to Bluechel - dominated by pharmaceutic industries, which is false, and he who is interested in courts, etc. and reformistic matters. The World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) is not mentioned at all. Instead of that he is writing about the World Medical Association all what we have written yet and long ago (e.g. about Mitscherlich’s The Crimes against Humanity Committed by German Doctors, and all the things that go with it).

„ … Syndicates, which are as a rule being constituted against the laws in force, ... consider themselves as being outside the law or, more precisely, above the law. They write their own laws*, which are accomplished with brute force. The laws of the society which is financing the syndicate are … for the syndicate … of no importance. ... They fight the deviationists from their own ranks and, in society, everything that is an obstacle against the interests of the syndicate.“

* iatro-legal, compare judge Ostermeyer (cf. also Plinius Secundus, already in AD 79: „impunished murdering“): No suitable law, no suitable kind of guilt to sentence the physicians, … all this wangles the penal justice into the role of a knight who, following the rules of the tournament, rides with a lance against a tank, whose driver he cannot perceive, while the driver is planning cold-bloodedly the knight’s being tied to the rules of the tournament as a part of his calculus … the medical „overkill“ (cf. surplus, scarcity).

On a national scale, the Gang is based on two pillars: the Federal and Regional Medical Councils (in which membership is compulsory for all physicians) [Aerztekammern, Baden-Wuerttemberg, 1976: Mairose, Degenhardt] and the Federal and Regional Associations of Doctors who treat patients of health insurance schemes [Kassenaerztliche Vereinigungen] („medical services in principle cannot be recompensed", as they say in their propagandistic ideology). [„The High Command“ ("Oberste Heeresleitung"). Bluechel, „Secret Society“].

An other of the Court’s "powerful" men [Gerichtsgewaltigen] from Celle: the physicians are taken for possessors of an ethical instinct, therefore they need no laws.

Professor Mueller (Forensic Medicine, Heidelberg): If killings are committed habitually by physicians, insofar as only individuals are being killed, that’s not that bad, meaning that is not a punishable offence. It is becoming bad only if the habitual killing by physicians touches the public interest (He’s not kidding at all!).

Bluechel, just as in the case of the pharmaceutic industry, is once again wrong, when he derives iatrocracy from Himmler’s SS-fellow Dr.Brandt (T 4). Mentioned too is Dr.Villinger (also T4), of whom the ‘wanted’ posters have been circulating for twelve years, and who was never arrested although he was practising as a forensic expert in court trials (a fake identity card was all he needed) and though he was writing letters to his wife who had submitted a declaration of death to the authorities in order to get his pension. In 1970 two medical assistants, lefty students of medicine, got difficulties to continue practising the medical profession, difficulties caused by the Federal Medical Council and executed by the Permanent Conference of the Federal Ministers of the Interior. This oppression, too, was firstly introduced by the national iatrocracy, which, at present, happens to be identical with the international iatrocracy.

Even the Adenauer-government had to give in when it was blackmailed by the Federal iatrocracy (Bluechel’s book deals only with national relations). In 1957, a bill was to be passed in Parliament according to which a doctor would receive for each health insurance certificate only a certain amount of money. After the intervention of the iatrocracy the government surrendered (compare also the propagandistic lies of the doctors, all the times the same: it is the patients, who are to blame for the explosion of costs in the „public health sector“ and who, because of the sickness for which the patients are themselves to blame !!, should be obliged !!! to participate in the expenses).

Sewering (peacefully defunct maybe in the 80ies) holds office in 32 organisations (on an international scale). “To express frank criticism is committing suicide, this is true today as it was time ago, 1957.“ In 1967, a surgeon who had published a novel based on facts, had to escape from the doctors’ class to South America. The Federal Medical Council threatened to take actions against the fugitive doctor with all due strictness trough the World Medical Association and the „Foreign Office“.

Concerning Sigerist’s The Beginnings of Medicine

It was the medical men who decided what illness was and what it was not, as well as he decided which illness was "curable" and which was not.
Hence the production of illness and the selection of the "illness-begotten goods" [Krankengut] – Background: power.

Treatment of the ill one by a magician – medical man = the origin of racism and its first manifestation. In the main, the magician – medical man and the tribal chief and headman are one and the same person.

The one makes the other ill, or causes him to fall ill (by the means of magic): the only one who is the "master" of magic and spells is the medical man. In order to avoid being suspected (of having "produced" illness), it was necessary that he "explained" the magic: separation of "cause and effect".

          1.) "Magic is caused" by a human being, and
          2.) its "effects" consist in the change (illness) of another human being by the magic spell casted on it.

In this way, the magician managed to kill three birds with one stone: i.e. to treat the one who was suffering from the spell casted on him, to treat the other who was said to have casted the spell, while he himself was be sitting pretty. In the end, this leads to the conclusion that people were (and are still) convinced that one could (and can) get rid of one’s illness if one could burdon someone else with it, hence the magician’s prominent position!

The determining moments of what is being diagnosed by the shaman as illness are the spirits and the ill ones. That is something lifeless, dead, and immaterial which is believed to produce effects on the alive. illness is beheld as punishment. One is being punished by illness if one is violating a "taboo". These are the prerequisites needed for the medicine man to enter in action in order to find out the "reasons" of the punishment and, according to his findings, either to eliminate illness (by transfering it to an object) or to let die the ill one. The "best" thing to do for the ill one is to confess and to make a sacrifice.
Escaping from epidemic diseases, abandonment of the infected or, in the case of settled tribes, killing of those affected by it in order to eliminate illness by eliminating the ill one. This includes the killing of old people and of the weak, of cripples, partly out of "compassion" with the ill one.

Everythere and for all time, labor is being considered one of the main determining factors of illness and "health" (labor which has as its object: labor, e.g. cloning workers, in German: Arbeit der Arbeit). Magical-religious medicine was the medicine of the poor, whereas "scientific" medicine was mainly at the disposal of the rich (rare drugs cost a lot of "money"). Only the sons of wealthy families became doctors. Sakhmet, the lioness-headed goddess mastress of the plague, was (most probably) the patroness of the surgeons.

Babylonian Empire:
Everyone was well acquainted with magic / religion; supreme and most specialized knowledge and practice, however, were put in the hands of priests, fortune-tellers, exorcists and necromancers, medical men who were studying the ancient texts, and who belonged to the temples and who were initiated into "science", of which the most was secret.

Assyrians:  ‘Azu’ = the one who has knowledge of water
‘iazu’ = the one who has knowledge of oils

Oil and water were important means of prophesying. In Assyria, the Azu were physicians in the stricter sense – priests who were attending only to the ill ones (amulets, remedies and surgical interventions). Physicians at the service of the Palace had to swear an official oath (to the king). The "science" of medicine was considered to be occult knowledge, just as any other "holy" knowledge, which had to be protected against profanation: "Who does not keep the secret, will fall in illness. His days will be shortened."

"Healing gods and goddesses": Nimib and Gula. Gula: was capable of resuscitating the dead by putting her hands on them – goddess of drinks and poisons (her symbol was a dog). In the Code of Hammurabi there’s mentioned, for the first time, a tariff for physicians.

"Medicines" were tested on slaves. Bad spirits compared to bacteria (by Sigerist) – one needs protection against them (rules, taboos, and etcetera must be obeyed). The Jews were the first to develop special methods against "infection": they separated and isolated the ill ones from society.

‘pharmakon’ (nota bene: pharmacon equals poison): "medicine", originally denoting a plant-substance which possessed magical forces.

The same helds true with the Greeks:
The poor could afford only "religious medicine". Doctors had to be payed and only the rich could afford them.

Aesculapius-Temples were erected only in "healthy regions" with pure and enough spring water; thus, already at that time: Doctors settle only where it is clean.

The "Hippocratic oath" is, in reality, a Pythagorean document: The significance of the Pythagorean doctrine for the science of medicine consists in that "health" is being considered the state of "perfect equilibrium" (harmony).

3000 BC, ancient civilization in the Indus Valley.
Very high developed: the city of Mohenjo-Daro ("Hill of the Dead") reminds (Sigerist) of modern urbanization: "settlement of an industrial suburb". In 2000 BC, this civilization was destroyed by "primitive barbarians" – especially the high developed health system declined rapidly. In 1500 BC, invasion of the Aryans.

The caste of the medical priests ("Aryans"), the "brahmans", was the highest societal class (it ranked even before the kings). The caste-system was fully developed around 1000 BC, after the Aryan tribes had conquerred the whole north of India. Main resource of this civilization: the 4 Vedas = "books of knowledge", "holy wording" (words kept secretly). The texts deal with sacrifices, with the role of those who offered sacrifices, with the inauguration of the king, of course by the medical priests, this supreme caste , with the erection of fire-altars. The cow was the standard unit of trade.

Intoxicating concoctions and drinks: sura, soma – which correspond to the Mexicans’ peyotl. Who drank soma escaped diseases, and was healed from sufferings, was thrown into ecstasies.

The Persian civilization:
The dog occupied an important place in Persian civilization: he was allowed to eat the dead (the dead were impure). Who hit a dog was severely punished.

Back to Greece:
The Hippocratic oath forbids to "administer drugs which destroy the unborn life". Nevertheless, abortions were being the order of the day in the Greece of the celebrated "Golden Age"; they were even highly recommended by Plato as well as by Aristotle. Abortions were practiced by hippocratic physicians as well as by other physicians (on the grounds that the growth of population had to be "dammed up"). The Hippocratic oath, therefore, was not representive of the general attitudes of that time (just as little as it does today) – it rather expressed the programmatic efforts toward a reform – i.e. the manifesto of a relatively small religious sect.

Hippocrates regarded the body as an organism; he based medical practice on knowledge, i.e. to him medical knowledge was, partly, the result of putting together dispersed singularities into a concept and, partly, of the separation of the whole into its natural sub-species (cf. Edelstein), according to an observation of Plato.

Among the "Hippocratic writings" there is a treatise titled "The Art" – an apologia in defense of the art of healing (a speech given by a sophist). This points to the fact that the medical system was under attack already at that time (for all sorts of reasons: be it because the ill one could ‘heal’ himself by his own doings, or because the physician could not heal illness (if not by chance), or because physicians did refuse to treat "hopeless" cases).

Concerning Kurt Pollak’s Knowledge and Wisdom of the old Physicians
– The Art of Healing of the early Advanced Civilizations

The physician did not need at all to be a priest. But the office of the priest enjoyed high standing -> physicians had to become priests to occupy an important position from the start (in this way, the difficult process of gaining the people’s "confidence" could be dextrously avoided).

And the control exercised by the caste was garanteed as well, from the very outset. As to his "reputation", there was already a great difference to that, for example, of the medicine man or shaman.

Egypt at 900-800 BC: Homer’s "country of the physicians".

Akhenaten (Amenhotep or Amenophis IV) (1380-1358? BC) – an "ill revolutionary" – public revolution against all the ‘existing’ (his revolution comprising all the sectors of societal life). Turning away from tradition, from "sacredness"; -> secularization -> power struggles against the powerful priests of Amon (Akhenaten = "the one who serves Aton"), "Aton" = the unconcealed sun disk, life-donating sun rays; there was dealt with the "knowledge of truth and justice".

Later on, Akhenaten retired. Allegedly due to his progressive illness (kind of weakling, effeminacy).

Nefertiti, his wife, tried to continue his revolution, but later on she was banned; the conquists of the revolution were destroyed by the priests of Amon who had returned to power.

Egypt priest-medical man named Ranofer, aware of his absolute power.
Murderous pig (Mordbulle): therefore he and his equals are to be taken for supernumerarious!

On the relative picture, the curing of Horus’ eye (which Seth had torn him out, Seth, the god of the underworld) looks like the letter ‘R’ -> promising ‘health’-> the character-symbol ‘R’, today put on medical prescriptions all over the world: ‘R’ = recipe (you ought to take ...).

Pharmacy: dates back to the Egyptians; ‘pharmaki’ = the one who donates security (Thot = god of the art of healing and chemistry). Chemistry: stem of the word: kem(et) = black, black soil.

Brahmanian medicine (800 BC – 1000 AD): physicians were forbidden to help the criminals, the cripples, the corrupted, the difficult, the savage and other incurable people – therapy as reward, no therapy as punishment. In 400 BC, surgery was highly developed in India; it was held in "high esteem", in contrast with the Egyptian-Hellenistic surgery.

Around 200 BC, the physician Hua To does major surgical treatments. Inventor of anaesthesia (bone-, especially stomach- and intestine surgery, trepanation). "Legend": he was sentenced to death, because trepanation was taken for an assassination attempt (on a famous general, in this case, of course).

Around 250 AD, first continuous textbook on acupuncture and moxibustion (Huang Fu-Mi); also dating to this period: the textbook on pulse diagnosis (Shu-Ho, archiatre of the emperor’s court).

Autopsy was allowed only in single cases, on "criminals" (because of the ancestor-worship, 4th century).

Still in the 18th century, the emperor’s (Kang-Hi) attempt to import occidental anatomy met with the resistanceof physicians and failed -> in China too, the economic superiority ("power") and violence of the physicians were ubiquitous and omnipresent.

In the book "Nei-Ching" bodily organs are named after expressions relating to the state’s civil servants:
Heart = the ruler of all civil servants -> wisdom and knowledge.
Lungs = administrative officials ->observance of laws and of public order.
Liver = Chief commander, who is in charge of the military operations.
Gall bladder = Senior civil servant of the central government who has a decisive influence.
Pericardium = legate or ambassador who delivers good luck and joy.
Spleen / stomach = civil servants who guard the store-rooms.
Large intestine = has the task of initiating transformations.
Small intestine = civil servant who carries out changes.
Kidneys = servants-labourers who are "effective by their skills".
3-fold-heater = servants who take care of the water channels.
Bladder = governor of the province who collects the "secretions" in order to subordinate them to the "Ch’i" (pneuma).

Besides those above:
Heart = point in which awareness of mind and lucidity of thought arise.
Liver = seat of the soul where "all the projects come from".
Gall-bladder = courage.
Lungs = mood.
Stomach = joy.
Man’s right kidney = "gateway of life".

Essence of illness: disharmony conditioned by predominance of one of the two principles Yang and Yin.

"Causes of illness": the climate, weather, poisons, psychic influences (affects and passions), evil spirits, imaginary animals (especially, the fox), and water.

Development of acupuncture: around 500-200 BC.

Before proceeding to surgical interventions, all the other remedies were tried out.

Complementary to that: In 1100 BC, castration as punishment for "serious offences", also crippling: around 500 AD, women and girls had their feet bandaged in order to tie them to their homes. A "legend": -> enlargement of the exterior parts of genital organs. Furthermore: an "ideal of women" was to be slim-waisted -> around 1100 BC already, many Chinese women starved themselves to death. Abortion was forbidden – nevertheless, many recommendations were given how to do it.

Forensic medicine (1248 AD) – 300 years before the first European book on Forensic medicine was published.

1076 AD: Foundation of the Imperial Medical College - (formation and training of medical officers, physicians of the court, personal physicians), members were the "high-born nobles" = social standing of civil and military servants. There were also physicians belonging to the common people; their social rank: below that of the teachers.

illness was conceived as being a punishment for the sins committed – as mentioned.

Bloodthirsty human sacrifices: prisoners had their (living) heart cut out of their body; other sacrificial ceremonies too were always related to killings of men – skinning of the dead and of the living as well, e.g. to cover one who "suffered" from a skin disease with one of that skins -> by-product: knowledge of anatomy.

The ideas of the "world thereafter" were thoroughly characterized by medicine. The social status of physicians was one with that of carpenters, bricklayers and scribes; the majority of the physicians, however, belonged to the caste of priests who performed human sacrifices (being indeed the purest, murder-lecherous war business).

The women who were to give birth to children had the same status as the warriors – while the baby was born, the midwife was uttering war cries-> future warriors, labour-forces.

Occult knowledge which was related to ritualistic acts performed by Aztec-priests : the preparation of "LSD", "Mescalin", etc. in order to use them in oracles.

Psychological expressions and ideas were already found in documents of the Aztecs.

The Maya (compare Aztecs):
Around 328 AD, on the top: the high-priest, "Master of the Serpent". Before the ill ones were attended to by the priests-physicians, they had to undergo confessions, expiatory acts, and a kind of baptism, otherwise they didn’t receive any cure.

Furthermore, there was a special goddess for those who committed suicide (it appears that "sui"cide was very common) (people killed themselves by hanging), she reserved a place for them, "in heaven".

At first blood-sacrifices in the way that people had to do the bloodletting by their own. Human sacrifices by tearing out the heart or by drowning them were practiced only later on.

Deformation of the head, already with the newborn and with small childs, were practiced by squeezing their heads between wooden boards. A "practical side-effect": such deformed heads suited perfectly to carry heavy burdens – a flat head was considered to be "noble".

Squinting too: to succeed in this, small balls were hung right in front of the eyes of children.

Highly developed numerical system, multiplication (with twenty), existence of zero = represented as a closed mussel-shell; . = one unit; - = 5 units; Mayan arithmetics was superior to that of the Hellenic-Roman culture.

The physician (= ahmen) was a priest. Medicine = service to the Gods.

"Mental diseases" were given great attention.

Dear readers:
Don't care about righties nor lefties.
Don't care about history nor humanity nor idealism.
Turn your illness into a weapon now!

The Inca:
Highly developed military and administration system <-> greatest expansion of the Inca Empire around 1500: From Columbia to North-West-Argentina (Pacific coast – Amazonia-region) (in 1535, conquerred by the Spains). The name „Inca“ denotes some sort of „master race“ ("Herrenmensch") descendance – only high-ranking persons were called „Inca“ – in contrast to the „ordinary people“ – if an „Inca“ became ill, it was deferred that his subjects had committed serious sins (not he himself!). The „Inca“ (son of the sun) was not capable of offending taboos or committing sins, that means that his subjects were held responsible of the Emperor’s well-being and of his woes as well, living therefore permanently under threat and danger (not of becoming ill they themselves, but of the Inca’s becoming ill).

In event of illness, human sacrifices, especially of virgins and children, were the ‘dues’ his subjects had to pay, in order to transfer „new vital forces“ on the Inca. If the first wife of the Inca became ill, she was turned out of her husband’s house for being a „public danger“ (the public = the Inca). Marriage between sisters and brothers were allowed only to the members of the Inca family (in order to maintain „divine purity“), in the main, of course, to guarantee the continuation of the Inca family and of her property. With the Incas too we have „confession“: the priest-confessor had to keep the seal of confession; if he did not, he was inflicted the death penalty (Spanish missionaries called this confession a „devil’s working“).

Dear readers:
Don't care about righties nor lefties.
Don't care about history nor humanity nor idealism.
Turn your illness into a weapon now!

To defend themselves against diseases: celebrations were organized; on these festive occasions „strangers“ and „cripples“ were banished (because of their „sinfulness“). The whole banishment-spectacle was carried out by screaming battle cries and clashing and waving ones weapons.

Besides physicians from the caste of the priests, there were also physicians whose standing was with the class of the disabled and infirm (i.e. the ill) <–> collectors of herbs and practioners skilled in the use of herbs, who could not work in the fields or take part in the war business, but had to work anyway.

(forced labor -> i.e. ability to work = ‘health’ must be guaranteed)

In case of all sorts of violation of taboos, e.g. preparation of poisonous drinks (with exception of the Inca, of course) or inebriation, the favourite ways of killing were: stoning to death (the whole family and other relatives included), strangulation, public flogging (until the victim was dead), other ‘offenders’ (especially when the offence consisted in „sexual excess“ or „furious speeches“) were kicked on the belly by the crowd who had gathered to participate in the public punishment.

Koka (coca, like Coca-Cola): a „tonic“ (it was used by „special“ priests who were performing ritual ceremonies); a „help“ to endure hardships, to drive famine and tiredness away, to „give“ energy, well-being (Koka stimulated the foundation of contemporary local anaesthesia).

illness (especially epidemies) was being faced with the armed force in its literal sense: men armed to the teeth were moving around. Since Inca-warriors were used only to the climate of the highlands, in the lowlands many of them fell victim to malaria diseases (mal-aria means literally: bad air). Therefore, after a several months service, warriors who did their military service in the lowlands were replaced and went on holiday to convalesce in the high mountains (as for „climate“, cf. North Ireland, Vietnam).

The selection of the sick too was made by separating them according to the varied groups of diseases: e.g. ‘infirmaries’ – patients of one group were expected to marry only partners of the same group. … Furthermore, patients were forced to work, if they could be expected to comply with their duty to work; that’s what Selection & Breeding was alike, in the Inca-era. (Compare ergotherapy of nowadays).

Epilogue: The medicine of the Aztec, the Maya and the Inca has made „a considerable contribution to the furthering of the world-medicine“ – surely, as you can see, to the warfare-medicine.


The theory of preformation (Leibniz and von Haller, century XVIII) was based on the assumption that all parts of the organism would be preformed en miniature in the parental egg and sperm cell respectively (everybody’s health is preformed in the totalitarian health-police). The development of the organism, therefore, would not take the form of a qualitative neo-formation but, rather, that of quantitative growth.

Quite in contrary, C.G.Wolff developed the theory of epigenesis, i.e. the continuous, gradual neo-generation of the organism in the process of the embryonic development. All that would take as its starting point an initially not "organized" substance-matter from which the organism would develop little by little up from the most simple stages to its complete form ((if the revolution leaves time and opportunities to the doctors, then they will certainly succeed some time or other)).

The experimental embryology of the last decades has refuted both theories. There is only dealt with a functional entity consisting of presumptional potencies and presumptional tendencies of the cygote (fertilized egg cell). The presumptional potencies are attributed to the germinal substances altogether, the presumptional tendencies to the Urmundlippe (literally: lip of proto-mouth, compare: gastrulation); though it should be noted that these material basics for their part represent only possibilities (matter = dynamis, cf. Aristotle = possibility), each of them being capable of representing the respective other. The experimentation with presumptional potency and presumptional tendency, moreover, offers possibilities of changing purposefully the speed and the direction of development.
[illness is corresponding to the presumptional potency, while revolutionary practice to the presumptional tendency / presumptional: anticipatory consumption. This term is imprecise in so far as illness takes its starting point from the future, whereas revolutionary practice is the community in the form of the imperfect (grammatically spoken)].


The history of Egypt, from 3200 BC till 30 BC, knows only one single constant factor of which the power and the mode of action could posite and affirm itself as "historically basic category" inside and outside Egypt, surviving all turmoils and struggles, as all-embracing and absolute power ruling over Pharaohs and God-Kings, as well as over labouring slaves:
Namely it is the priesthood, able to relieve themselves of time, a priesthood that was seizable everywhere and nowhere and that, at the same time, was generating space and time; it is from their temples that, mysteriously for the bourgeois cover-up science and not less for the new-German-stupid sciencelessness of the so-called Leftists of any knitwear fashion, the "mysterious" Egyptian medicine arose, developed, and became perfect.

Dear readers:
Don' t care about secrets in Egypt or elsewhere.
Turn illness into a weapon everywhere and every time. Now!

Herodot too, around 450 BC, had already known about the structural constants scarcity – iatrocracy, and, giving a general account of Egypt’s history, he could report with amazement that "the whole country is abounding with physicians. For every single illness a special physician."

Therefore, it is no wonder that Amun-Re, emerging during the period of hardship around 1500 BC (from the union between Amun of Thebes, and the sun god Re, who was considered being the greatest physician and preparer of medicines), became the most powerful God of the Empire, comparable only to Osiris, the miracle-working drug, before his dismembering the unifying and collectivizing wisdom God of the black midnightwarmthsun, with regard to the latter the imprudent pharaoh Akhenaten believed that he could do without him by replacing him with the God of Life, the sun, fact that, after his short regency (20 years), brought him only the total eradication of his (new) religion and an upheaval, which had never occurred before, on the part of the priests-physicians who had been restricted in their power for that short time, and on part of the people who had felt betrayed of their hope of (continuing !!!) life after a permanent death in this world.

The scale of illnesses ranged from rheumatism, periostitis, smallpox, tuberculosis, kidney disease, to cancer-tumours, disorders of the nervous system, epidemies of any kind, all of them expression and result of scarcity and misery: certainly because the Blue Nile and the White Nile, swelling up at the period of the torrential rains in Central Africa and of the melting of the snow in the highlands of Ethiopia, carried enormous masses of water to the Nile valley, leading to desastrous floods, and death and illness, but also fertilizing soils, and making it possible for life to develop.

Millions of people whose lives were depending on "the approaching of the Nile" were ready to subjugation to everybody who could predict the arrival or the non-arrival of the flood, who could tell them when they should seek shelter from the floods in the mountains and when it was convenient to begin sowing. Imhotep = "the one who gives contentment" was in the position to do that. He’s also the first known physician "whose life emerges from the mists of the early periods of human history", ruler over scarcity and creator of culture, all in one, emerging at the same time as Djoser, the first pharaoh known, that is about 2700 BC. This "Wise Man", as Imhotep was called, made Djoser build the step-pyramid of Saqqara and the temple grounds, as a symbol of their god-likeness, of their own species against the people. The pyramides, symbols of the permanent existence of the God-Kings after their death, were the pure places of the pharaohs. The technique of embalming, preceded by a period of experimentation on the corpses (only the corpses?) of prisoners and slaves, was accomplished by the priests-physicians.

Around 2500 BC, increasing consolidation of the priests-physicians as class: vulgarization of the God-Kings, driveback of the military-industrial complex in favor of the cultural-iatrocratic one: the pharaoh had to buy his rank by making gifts and concessions to the high-priests, the local governors, and the viziers. Simultaneously, more and more concentration of power in the hands of the priests-physicians: according to a document of Uzahor, the pharaoh’s personal physician and chief physician, their task consisted in "keeping alive the suffering", hence in preserving the usefulness of those who had been placed already on the budget of death, be it by distributing garlic and onions in the camps of the laborers who built the pyramides, be it by establishing a "primordial hygienic order", but only for the upper class, comprising toilets and lavatories, sewer channels for the upper towns, as well as incense as a remedy against the unpleasant smells and the illnesses in the mass accomodations.

Medicine: an alienated remedy for the few, but a lethal poison for the others:
The Ebers Papyrus (c. 1500 BC) permits an insight into the reign of remedies and drugs; one third of the pharmaceuticals (pharmakon = remedy, poison) comprised in the pharmacopoeia of the modern era were known already to the priests-physicians, viz. in their twofold effect (as a remedy and as a poison), thanks to their being permanently experimented on prisoners and slaves: if the dosages were to high the effects could be lethal, paralyzing, or provoking excitement and madness. Among those remedies were the poppy plant (from which Opium and Morphine could be obtained), the mandrake plant, henbane and thorn-apple. Therefore, exact measuring and prescription were required; hence the emergence of the categories of quantity and measure, as being generated by the medical profession.

Furthermore, the priests-physicians took measures that would produce their effects on the masses, guarantee their own survival as species and the supernumerarity [Ueberzaehligkeit] of the people, by maintaining the greatest possible degree of exploitation of the latter:
A sort of Health Minister, bearing the title "the Greatest Physician among the Physicians of Upper and Lower Egypt", was responsible for hygienic measures in whole Egypt, chief physicians were supervising the working-class town of Deir el-Medina, located at the entrance of the Valley of the Kings, "Public Medical Officials for the Serfs" [Hoerigen] were organized as institution. "The number of those in this country who were left and abandoned to their fate was enormous because medicine was a creation of the uppers and had to serve them first; and only indirectly it helped the masses which had to bear their sufferings without medical help and which could resort only to their gods" (J.Thorwald). But even in this regard the people were at the mercy of the ploys and plots of deception and fraud orchestrated by the priests-physicians, who attributed illness, partly, to disorders of the human body which were explained, in analogy to the irrigating channels of the Nile, as stemming of the flow of the bloodstream in the channels departing from the heart (the knowledge of these "movements of the heart" was acquired through the techniques of embalming and, acting in their quality as producers of scarcity and administrators of the surplus product in the business of sacrificial offerings, through the view of the viscera of sacrificial animals), partly the illnesses arose from demons (demon = evil spirit, viz. physician), whereby therapy was to be expected as intervention only from outside, that is to say from the every ruling Healing-God, or it was not provided for at all and delegated to the God Osiris, as redemption from earthly dying.

The priests-physicians, as custodians of the Gods, as adaptable Masters of the changing world of beliefs, kept alive the religious fervour of the people and exalted it, if necessary, that is in periods of total hopelessness, to its maximum.

They did so at the time of their constitution as a gang, during and after the end of the New Empire (c. 1200-1000 BC), the period of imperialism directed outwards, which resulted in the "oversaturation, degeneration" (J.Thorwald) of the priests-physicians. The pharaohs, they themselves being stricken by illnesses, therefore in need of the priests-physicians to dominate the people, had to share with the priests-physicians the booty of their military expeditions. At the time of Ramses III, the class of priests owned 750,000 acres of land, 500,000 head of cattle, and 107,000 slaves (compare the really governing class of nowadays, ruling from West to East by so-called globalization. Aida -). They collected the taxes from 169 cities in Egypt and Syria. The priests of Amun received from the pharaoh 32,000 kilogram gold, 100,000 kilogram silver, as well as 185,000 sacks of grain yearly. The same uppers of priests, which had given birth to science and medicine and had promoted its further development, now became a gang of greedy, power-hungry bloodsuckers who, temporarily, were seizing power directly as priestly kings. The ill people became the direct victims of their greed for money and power. Not only by extorting from them sacrifices or offerings, which were fundamental to the living of the priest-physicians, but also by the means of rites and healing sleep (where opium and henbane were used to transport the ill one into a hypnotic, inebriate sleep). Treated by priests and ‘healing gods’, the ill ones were abused as instruments of money-making and power struggle. Recourse to the physician of the early period, Imhotep, who was established as Healing God (long before Asclepius) to arouse new waves of faith and hope.

Of decisive importance was, however, that besides those priests-physicians, who were driven by their greed for power, secular physicians continued to live on. In this way, the survival of iatrocracy was guaranteed, regardless of the possible decline of the priests-physicians who had ventured too far forward.

The people, dominated in such a way, rebelled only once, around 2280 BC, precisely when the manoeuvres of deception in the business of economic exploitation (taxes, construction of pyramides) and worship of gods had become too obvious; according to a document dating back to that time, the whole political complex collapsed "like a house of cards in one single day"; however, that collapse had no effect in the end because only a short period thereafter in Thebes, supported by the order of the priests-physicians who had remained untouched, a new strong dynasty of kings emerged.

Therefore dear reader:
Create multi-focal expansionism in time,
just now!

Here too, as in the case of Egypt’s foreign conquerors - were those Hyksos, the Libians, the Ethiopians, the Persians, or Alexander the Great – culture had succeeded in absorbing and dominating every kind of rebellion as long as rebellion had not targeted culture itself and its creators, carriers, administrators, and beneficiaries, and in absorbing and dominating the entire military-industrial complex as well. Indeed, "the whole way of life of the Egyptians", as it has been observed by Diodorus Siculus, "was arranged so uniformly that one might think it did not follow the rules established by a law-maker but those calculated by a skilled physician according to health-rules."

Dear readers:
Your enemy needs no arguments. You yourself as an entity,
created by the identity of iatro-capitalism and illness,
need to develop the collective strength of illness,
be it by means of arguments.
Turn illness into a weapon, now!

Scheme concerning the history of reception
(Schema zur Wirkungsgeschichte)

Fourth Milanese mammouth congress, about 170 lectures and seminars, about 3000 international participants, about 30 organizers (Collettivo Freudiano "Semiotica e Psicanalisi").


Method of the organizers:

Their tendency:

Their means:

Madness (Wahnsinn)

Language viewed as strategically decisive area ("step-by-step de-bourgeoisification with and of Lacanism")

Progressist, anti-Basaglian (put an end to the illusion of "medical cure")

Centralistically tightened organisation, finances, media

Implicit contradiction:

Explicit lack:

a iatrocracy replacing another one / a replacing of iatrocracy
(Ersatz-Iatrokratie / Iatrokratie-Ersatz)

Phantom battle between progressist therapy abstinence and reactionary line "medical cure"

(Patho)practice: Frontpatients of the Patients' Front (SPK) breaking medico-psychiatric iatrocracy on the spot.

Prof. Wulff, left-orthod-ox of the FRG-Psychiatry, after partial publication of the FP-text, had let know the organisers that he’s off sick. Interpreted by the organiser’s collective (Armando Verdiglione) as 

"Maladie diplomatique".

By the way: Wolfgang Huber, iatro-legally convicted psychiatrist of the FRG, in absentia enthusiastically hailed by huge crowds of people, print media and TV as the "probably most important congress participant" ("Against the iatrocracy on a world-wide scale") (cf. "TEMPO", N. 48/1976).

Patients’ Front proving to be resistant against and in spite of all integrative efforts (cf. "LE MONDE", 10 Dec. 1976)

Provisional results: Frontpatients' practice [Pathopraktik] is transcending the best-organized, optimally camouflaged iatrocracy.

The boycot strategy of the healthy-sick FRG-Leftists and their prominent persons, directed against the Patients' Front, in an international context has been deadlocked anew, just as in 1975, when it was deadlocked for the first time on occasion of the hunger-strike of Huber/Huber (Hohenasperg / Stammheim) activated under the condition of isolation torture and food deprivation. With that hunger-strike at the risk of their lives the Frontpatients confronted the doctors with the question of power (Machtfrage gestellt), and directed against the medical power over the prisons. And the two Frontpatients of Stammheim and Hohenasperg resolved the question of power by setting an example how to liberate the patients' class in a special situation of the most severe persecution and menace by terrorism and by death. (Cf. The SPK’s and Front Patients’ Report, published in "Semiotica e Psicanalisi", 1st Volume, Milano 1975 – in the meantime available in French, too. Compare also the scheme of strategy:  La iatrocrazia su scala mondiale (Iatrocracy on a world-wide Scale), since then published in several languages. By the way, the Patients' Front has passed also its second baptism of fire by police raid on December 6, 1976).


Kurd Ch. Schager, Dipl.-Angl., M.A.soc.ling. , PF/SPK MFE

Final editing:
