More about the question:
Why and because in the past there
were gossips about SPK
Re: SPK, your e-mail of November 14, 2002
Dear Sir:
Here our short summary for the purpose:
The reasons for which you asked:
SPK-principle of TRT (=Total Refusal
of Testimony; TAV = Totale AussageVerweigerung):
Total refusal of speaking to and acting with every kind of authorities
and especially with the medical class, which indeed is the only ruling
Boycott of the media, especially the German media (print
media, TV and all the others) from 1965 until now. It was clear from the
very beginning that our concept of illness never fits into the framework
of the media. From the false frame can only result false things and effects,
if they deal with illness, be it with concern to the concept of illness,
be it with concern to ourselves.
No information at all from our side to the class
enemy and his media.
Hatred against illness and therefore hostility against
all patients, not only against SPK-patients.
A few former SPK patients, more than a decade later
and having left the SPK and having joined certain groups hostile to illness
- these few former SPK patients, terrorized in the prisons of the iatrocracy,
being made (in Italian:) pentiti, repeated the gossip read in the
media, instead of being or becoming or remaining aware of the SPK-concept
of illness.
Publications by others about SPK therefore are gossip,
fantasy and gossip, copied and copied and copied. This is not your guilt,
this is not our guilt, but it is the guilt of the ruling medical class.
With concern to your special question about the false
relation to RAF:
Since the capitulation of the RAF, publicly declared
by themselves in 1992, PF/SPK(H) counteracts any relating the SPK to the
RAF, which is completely false, and PF/SPK(H) also uses judicial means.
Latest since 1992 none of the others in prison can get any judicial damage
by that. Owing to the gossipcide activities of PF/SPK(H) the number of
false publications about SPK is getting less and less.
Example from 2001: We wrote to Pirella:
Università degli Studi di Torino
- attn: Sig. Prof. Agostino Pirella -
Via Verdi, 8
I-10124 Torino
Ref: SPK
Dear professor,
founder of the SPK, since 1965 for its own part has done away totally the
ruling class (zero therapy), also the ruling culture (KRRIM – Publisher
illness, in function strengthened by illness) and the ruling judicial system
(KRANKHEIT IM RECHT, ILLNESS IN THE RIGHT, in function strengthened by
illness). A standing army had not to be abolished, because instead of it
stands and stood the anticipation of the human species with illness
turning into a weapon.
But you, too, are part of those, who at the same
time, have eaten his bread and are scrawling shallow drivel (...). Shame
on you! Pfui!
So far our letter to Pirella.