E-Mail: KRRIM-PF-Verlag@web.de
Patients' Front / Socialist Patients' Collective (H)
Three fundamental matters: Iatrocracy on a World-wide Scale Power, Iatrarchy / Illness, Violence |
History of the Patients' Front Identity of Illness and Capital Materialistic development of the contradictions in the concept of illness
Theses and principles
11 Theses on
The secret of
illness is human species The Communist Manifesto for the Third Millennium
Annotations to the
Ground-Plan of the History of Medicine
world depends on you, on the SPK/PF(H) Patients’ Front for Pathopractics, against Spiritualistic Pathocentrism
Surprise Attack and
Clear-out |
The Complete Concept of Illness
What we wanted to revolutionise so far?
The Demand
On the black
sacrificial lamb
warning Crash-down of the all dominating medical doctors’ class’ programme Transparency-Retranslation (Transparenz-Rueckuebertragung) of our translation of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Preface to: SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen (SPK - Turn Illness into a Weapon) into English
Medical Doctors’ Class? Why Iatro-Capitalism? |
Here and today the existing systems, structures, conditions, relations and dependencies on societal and cosmic influences have to be overcome. The main interest can no longer be, as in the Middle Ages, to have, as a single person, an ending as happy as possible. Instead the exterior conditions have to be changed by those who are working against these conditions by their pro-illness-decision in their own special way and who, contrary to all others, have united for that purpose. They abolish everything that others take merely for their destiny, politically induced, for inherent, genetically rooted and astrologically determined, melt the whole of these influences, called destiny, carefree and regardless of their own illnesses and courses of disease, offend together by the strength of illness who and whatever there is to be offended, that is preferably the nowadays only ruling and all dominating class of medical doctors, while its weakening, starting with the loss of trust, is the yardstick for conditions and opportunities for human species to gain ground on earth for the first time, however sporadically and limited. The yardsticks of what is to be materialised and achieved can be looked for and found exclusively in the future as human species, and the presence with the sum of particular illness mankind is the evidence of the realisation of speciesness and its inevitable implementation, one way or another.
Socialist Patients' Collective (SPK) / Patients' Front (PF)
January 2020:
Foreword of SPK/PF MFE Columbia
to the Spanisch edition of
SPK – Turn Illness into a Weapon
in Columbia
Proposal for a text for international use concerning SPK. Overview.
Concept of Illness (from: SPK-Documentation Part 2)
Huber’s Letter to Contat concerning Sartre’s Preface to SPK - Turn Illness into a Weapon
Information about a book: SPK - Turn Illness into a Weapon
Voices and
on the Socialist Patients’ Collective (SPK) and on the Patients’ Front (PF)
The medical system as a wear and tear-regulator and as crisis prevention
The hospitals are production plants exactly in the same manner as the factories
The Fraud in Medicine
Leaflet of the SPK dated 13 July 1971: Strategical retreat
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S PK - Turn Illness into a WeaponFor agitation by the Socialist Patients' Collective With a preface by Jean-Paul Sartre and a preface by Huber, PF/SPK
New 2021/2022:
revised and enlarged edition |
For the
first time the founder of the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv SPK / PF/
Huber 2007. ISBN 978-3-926491-43-5, 376 pp., EUR 18.- You can read the book also here: Long Letter |
How everybody can do Patients' Front themselves: MFE = Multi-focal expansionism
More and more people are in favor of illness and make use of it in their own ways and interests, according to the principle of MFE (multi-focal expansionism). MFE focus arose and came into being, also in other countries, on other continents. They all prefer serving illness free from authority instead of continuing under the delusion that as ladies and gentlemen they may go on day and night with the business of their personal immortality using authority and power, property and profit and much "culture", naturally always to the disadvantage of people like themselves.
Materialistic development of the
contradictions in the concept of illness
(from: SPK - Turn Illness into a Weapon, completely revised and enlarged edition
About the method of the SPK
(from: SPK - Turn Illness into a Weapon, new edition 2020)
Dialectics (from: SPK - Turn Illness into a Weapon, new edition 2020)
Crash-down of the all dominating medical doctors’
class’ programme
Transparency-Retranslation (Transparenz-Rueckuebertragung) of our
translation of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Preface to: SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine
Waffe machen (SPK - Turn Illness into a Weapon) into English
The state of the world is illness. What is to be done?
What we wanted to revolutionise so
Answer: the revolution, from our earliest beginnings up to the present day
Long Letter (SPK Indeed - What the SPK really did and said)
The secret of illness is human species
How to apply the concept of illness
Prior Warning. "An investigation of political acts" is deciphered between the poles of transcendental experience and urban guerrilla.
Patients’ Front for Pathopractics, against Spiritualistic Pathocentrism
Notes on the question: How do we, the SPK/PF(H), handle symptoms?
Get started and stick to it (MFE Hamburg)
Some pathopractice about the feminist question in the new-revolution on the strength of illness
"It's really the greatest I've ever read"
Stop the medical
doctors' iatrobiontic warfare all over the world!
Stop the medical health dictatorship!
New victories for the Patients' Class! Thanks to the Patients’ Class, one of the two draft bills for compulsory vaccination in the Colombian parliament was overthrown and moreover, the decree on the vaccination pass was declared null and void a few days ago!
Popular petition for a referendum:
Front patients distributed this leaflet: About yet other doctors and man-eaters in 1979 against a medical congress in Maastricht (Holland). It is about dictating and prescribing, safety distance, health machines and the devouring of the sick. Just the same as with "Corona", now everything being much clearer.
Up to date: April
13, 2020:
Iatrocapitalist SALVATION Front (HEILsfront) or PATIENTS´ FRONT.
Medical extermination selection (Triage) or Turn Illness into a
revolutionary weapon
New defeat of
the medical doctors’ class
New ruling of the Constitutional Court of Colombia regarding the HPV-law
AIDS, SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, now: Ebola
Many are joining in the
attack against the Iackers / With and pro illness, all for each and each for all
/ Here you find how to do it
Turn illness into a weapon /
Hack your rage and anger in the keys
The medical doctors are to blame for the
deadly dust epidemic:
dust or clouds of smoke and poison, fine dust, pesticides, herbicides,
insecticides, contaminated water, radioactive pollution, smog ...
The medical doctors are to blame because they hold the guarantee-position!
The medical doctors’ class is drowning
Mandate for
The planned organ procurement law gives the medical doctors the go-ahead for
murder. Government and Parliament cover with their hand of law the murdering
doctors, lest any should kill them.
All the doctors’ rubbish to the dump, cause no-one no more wants their junk
In addition to
the worldwide system decay another core melt-down
(nuclear power plant Fukushima, Japan, March 11, 2011)
The medical doctors’ declaration of non-objection with respect to any nuclear
power plant in advance and long since
Pathopractic of confrontation against compulsory vaccination DOCTATORSHIP
The WHO-swines make the flu that does not exist (The doctors themselves don't want to be vaccinated. Guess why?!) Away with the medical doctors’ health dictatorship!
Stop the medical doctors’
iatrobiontic warfare against all people!
Make front against it!
Book-tables and Millions rallying for Peace
What to
do against medical doctors and clinics
What to do against examinations
Radio-Interview with KRANKHEIT IM RECHT (Illness in the Right / Illness in Justice)
Locked up people are attacking the therapy
Diapathics of a Resurrection. Collective action against euthaNAZIa doctors on an Intensive Care Unit
Authorization for representation (Representative in illness‘ matters)
HEALTH is against everybody, except the ruling class, the class of the jackers itself
Why the refusal to any medical examination?
Concerning the decisive phase:
the following texts
- Doctors’ class has chucked examinations
- Keep in mind very well and finally get that into your head:
Patient's will has the highest legal priority !!
- Herewith every examination is forbidden to you
Heuristic example from our arsenal of weapons for the patients’ class
In the name of the people of the world: Application to the Ministry of Justice of Austria
Defend yourselves against the primary (proto-)medical Modern-EuthaNAZIsm (so-called assisted dying, euthanasia). Attack!
Now, also the UK makes front against EuthaNAZIa
The Patients' Front in Canada attacks the primary (proto-)medical Modern-EuthaNAZIsm
Message of solidarity to NOT DEAD YET UK
Respect the
Canadian people’s will! No EuthaNAZIa! (Letter to the Minister of Justice
and Attorney General of Canada)
Latest news: Only some hours ago we have got to know
that the Minister of Justice and Attorney of Canada will appeal – following the
will of the Canadian people, that is to say, the will of the patients' class –
the euthaNAZIa decision of the British Columbia Supreme Court of June 15th,
Europe is forming a united front against EuthaNAZIa
Not until us the winds have turned, they’re blowing right into the jackers’ face
Re: EuthaNAZIstic
murder remains stopped
Here’s the latest news
Victoria (Australia), too, knows us
In Europe euthaNAZIstic murder remains stopped
Newest announcement:
The Patients' Front has achieved that the primary
(proto-)medical Modern-EuthaNAZIsm (here: Pro-Euthanasia-Bill in Luxembourg) has
failed also
Interim Results in the
Electronic Class War
Italy is taking up the illness, we knew it already, the HEAL is
The newest medical
internment camp-for-the-final-solution is called Luxembourg.
Those in the Netherlands and in Belgium are still working,
under the command of the all dominating medical doctors‘ class
to which everybody obeys, also democratically made in USA,
primogenitorally founded and established not in Germany but in the USA.
Special announcement
from Colombia published in three different newspapers.
The attempt to introduce a Pro-Euthanasia-Bill was flung into the waste paper
Special announcement from Colombia
Patients’ Front causes downfall of
attempt to introduce
Pro-EuthaNAZIa-Bill in Colombia
Denial of rights in relation to the proto (primary) medical Modern-EuthaNAZIsm
Again! The primary (proto-) medical Modern-Murder will be destroyed again by the SPK - II
Really no human rights in Europe, in the opinion of the European Ombudsman
Again! The primary (proto-) medical Modern-Murder will be destroyed again by the SPK.
A Register Ton Heavy Weight Gossip About Torpidity Made Sink by Torpedoing
= Murder as therapy
In total: Genocide
To heal what or whom? The iatrocapitalism of course!
Euthanazia, nowadays?
Cutting short life is annihilation of the possibility
to continue making experiences and to grasp the sense of earlier experiences.
Profitability through cost-effectiveness is not an
argument, but is poison for the human species by suppressing its creation, the
poison prescribed by the doctors - probatum est.
Genetics = Genocide
The Communist Manifesto for the Third Millennium
On the electronic class struggle
Anamnesis (re-membrance), Amnesty (remission of punishment), Amnesia (loss of memory)
Siegfried Hausner and the snooping polyps
Concerning Idiotism And EuthaNAZIsm
Gossipcide against English snooping polyps Wikipedia
Nobody is allowed or was allowed to attack the SPK of nowadays
Für unsere Leute: SPK im Schild (jetzt vollständig: Briefwechsel Kolumbien ./. U.S.A.)
In the electronic class struggle the patients’ class has won also the second round
Counter initiative from Colombia
We smashed the poisonous fang, hostile to human species, of the systems of language and numbers
Attacks against mass media shitheads and SPK-falsificators
In the present situation of the primary (proto-)medical Modern-EuthaNAZIsm, anyone who denigrates us, PF/SPK(H), and also if he only makes an attempt, exemplarily any mass media shit-head, commits mass-slaughter against the patients’ class everywhere
Watch out!
Poisoners of the human species at work!
Gerd Kroske does not make a film about the Socialist Patients’
Collective (SPK).
He shoots a film without SPK, a film against the SPK.
Basaglia and Cooper / do not replace a Huber
The whole antipsychiatry was over already 40(!) years ago, without being even
able to die. As a ghost of the past she is still haunting occasionally some
press. On that the
following letter, which reached us from abroad.
The dog that
in the iackers’ stable dwells,
After our heels is striding,
And all the while his noisy yells
But show that we are riding.
Against SPK-falsificators in the music business
Against SPK-falsificators in the arts business
Proposal for a text for international use concerning SPK. Overview.
No concern to illness, bullshit
Das Allernötigste zu einer wohlwollenden US-Buchbesprechung
über Krankheit im Recht (in English)
1998 until 2006 - Richard Huffman joins the SPK
Note against false representations, meanwhile withdrawn
Ref.: SPK
Gossipcide in the case of print media, TV & Co.
about the question:
Why and because in
the past there were gossips about SPK
Gossipcide against Australia, Sweden, RE/SEARCH, and to whom else it may concern
Gossipcide Letter to the Kleintje Muurkrant
Gossipcide Letter to the Groene Amsterdamer
The way out of torture is paved with broken doctors
The Concept of Solitary Confinement
Why the refusal to any medical examination?
On the
Why not any signature?
Ferroconcrete as a Torture-Instrument
The University of Heidelberg and the primary (proto-)medical Modern EuthaNAZIsm
University of Heidelberg
and the primary medical Modern-EuthaNAZISM
What a showpiece, forsooth!
Chief Quartermaster:
The US-sleep-epileptic and chief eugenicist Harry Laughlin has remained its
honorary doctor
Other pathopractical actions and statements in specified application of illness, on current occasions
Hello Scandinavians, hello Italians! Don't click around in our internet so much
Christian-Islamic Season's Greetings 2001 from the Old to the "New World"
We were asked for a statement on
the current situation
(New York, September 2001, etc.)
Difference between Fascism and Nazism
SPK: In Australia, too, the seeds are bearing fruit
Stronger through Collective
Illness Strength
Hell of the Medical Doctors, where is your Victory?!
Bibliography of Writings of Illness (publications in English)
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