SPK Turn Illness into a Weapon now also in Brazil!


SPK Fazer da doença uma arma has just been published by Ubu Editora (Sao Paulo)  https://www.ubueditora.com.br/spk.html

The state of the world is illness. Everyone is ill. What is to be done?

Turn illness into a weapon that is the first glance at a future to be done free of (Endlösungs-) names, governors, health factories and so on. The Socialist Patients’ Collective (SPK) calls it Utopathie.

Turn illness into a weapon is and remains program, stable in its effects for over 50 years. The SPK and its further development in the Patients’ Front (PF) short-circuits illness and revolution. It has been shown: Health is nothing but an ideologistic-nazistic figment of the mind. The function of this figment is to veil in the head of every single person that illness is conditioned by society, and also to veil the social function of illness. Illness rather doesn't mean suffering and inactivity, but quite on the contrary as the result of capitalist relations of production, illness in its developed form as PROTEST of life against capitalism IS the revolutionary productive power par excellence for all human beings. The patients are thus in illness the revolutionary class in themselves, but as consciously suffering patients they are also for themselves the revolutionary class.

So, instead of fear of illness: revolution by virtue of being ill. In the fire of self-stigmatisation for illness, the front patients melt their scars into a process of infection, ignition and inflammation that, as warmth, goes through and through. They take “their” illness into their own hands, therapy is replaced by agitation, right into everyday life. They turn illness back to the outside as a protest, turn it into a weapon of collective liberation. A reality, truth and effectiveness free of doctors.

The all-dominating medical doctors’ class wants to suppress this worldwide process of infection, that is the common doctor-free appropriation of illness that unites everyone, by all means. Like any therapy, also this one is doomed to fail, because illness is stronger. No iatrocracy can ever undo the shaking of the iatrocapitalist foundations of the world brought about by the front patients. The beginning of a patients’ class has been made. And SPK/PF has also existed in South America for almost 20 years. PRO illness always the principle: the only effective weapon against fascist terror and nazistic promises of heal and health.

All the more important that “SPK – Turn Illness into a Weapon”, action manual and guideline of this class struggle and in use since 1972, is now finally also available in a Brazilian-Portuguese translation. It develops the contradictions entangled in illness, summarising principles and methods of SPK/PF pathopractice. It shows how anyone can do SPK/PF themselves and explains the propagation principle of multi-focal expansionism. Supplemented by a time table from the beginnings until today as well as texts from the impact context of the book.

Illnesses of the world, unite!

SPK Fazer da doença uma arma is available at Ubu Editora:  https://www.ubueditora.com.br/spk.html

It is of great importance for the international patients' class that this guide to patient resistance against the medical class is now also available in an authentic and authorised Portuguese-Brazilian translation, following the authentic and authorised translations into English, French, Spanish and Italian of SPK Turn Illness into a Weapon.

SPK/PF(H), 27.07.2024