Where: Athens
How: Leaflet-action
When: Just now
The University of Heidelberg with its Medical Faculty had persecuted the SPK (1970/71). The persecutors are in turn themselves being persecuted to this day. By us.
Today there is no longer the SPK in Heidelberg, it is just as much present in other countries, on other continents, overseas and in Europe.
These days, the University of Heidelberg was on the road in Greece with their Prinzhorn collection of pictures. "Cause of death: Euthanasia", so the title of the exhibition. The Greek President gave the opening speech.
The SPK-MFE Greece has not missed this opportunity for a cross-border attack against the medical doctors’ class.
Against the exhibition, the following pamphlet was distributed by the SPK- MFE Greece on 22 January 2011:
"Cause of death: Euthanasia"–? No! The cause of death is the
medical doctor!
It was as if people had anticipated it ardently. The visitors were eager to get a leaflet, read it while walking and standing, wanted to know more, and pictures and welcome speeches were forgotten. A visitor, electrified, no sooner had she read the headline, then she offered spontaneously her help, she herself would distribute the leaflet as well.
And the police, omnipresent on such occasions? No "transportation to the police station for ID-check", no "Security" agents to protect the Greek-German relations from interference. Paralysis of reaction. As if they had sipped from Socrates' cup of hemlock.
Concealment was not possible. A week later, there appeared in the newspaper VIMA the statement of a genetics professor who very clearly took position against EuthaNAZIa. This is all the more striking since it was just the same newspaper, which recently had dedicated a special edition to the subject of "euthanasia", precisely by giving unbroken support to EuthaNAZIa.
Almost three weeks later, another opportunity for persecution arose, as the SPK-MFE Greece had found out.
On 11 February 2011, also in Athens, the Greek chief psychiatrists gathered at a conference ("Madness and Creativity"), accompanying the exhibition. There also had arrived from the University psychiatry of Heidelberg a Ms Dr. Heike Rotzoll, to deliver a speech as a lecturer.
This time, to all the conference participants, about 130 people, the following leaflet was distributed:
The University of Heidelberg and the primary medical Modern-EuthaNAZIsm
(honorary doctorate from the University of Heidelberg for a eugenics racist)
(Full text, see leaflet below).
Once again: Everyone wanted to know what it is about, everyone wanted to have a leaflet. They forgot their civil manners and continued reading in it even after their medical colleagues at the lecturer’s podium, rustling their speech manuscripts, had started their speeches.
And they had a lot of time to read. Hardly was the leaflet brought to the people, when the organizers, as a first reaction, postponed the beginning of the meeting. While, originally, the meeting was to start at 5 pm, now a new beginning was announced at 5.30 pm, without further explanation. The psychiatrists stood together in small groups, their heads bent over the leaflet, having conversation in hushed tones and looking around in uncertainty.
When the conference finally started, the first speaker to talk was the guest from Germany who had brought along with her the Prinzhorn-exhibition from Heidelberg: "I now give the floor to Ms Dr. Rotzoll, who is also a psychiatrist. She also speaks Greek", so the President of the Hellenic Psychiatric Association.
No sooner had Ms Rotzoll entered the lectern and brought forward the phrase: "The title of my paper is: Psychiatry and Art in Germany from 1900 to 1940", than she had already reached the end. She was interrupted. The simultaneous translator could not be found, so the official reason. The guest speaker from Heidelberg was unable to take the floor.
Then, there were lectures on the question whether psychiatric patients are actually able to create works of art. (This is not a question but iatro-racism and selection for Auschwitz.)
The leaflets, however, a collective of several hundreds, were gazing at the participants, looking out from handbags and shining from tables, and many a participant was banned, read on and on, held it in trembling hands, and he felt as if there was dripping blood. A psychiatrist said he felt ashamed for his profession, which had participated in the patient murder.
After two hours, everything was over. No, wait: now, at the very end, the honorary speaker, who had travelled from Heidelberg to take part in this event, could finally speak, and it was translated.
Soon after the return to Heidelberg, the excitement was great. According to the Internet logging, someone from the "German Cancer Research Center" (DKFZ) has searched the SPK/PF-electronic newspaper (meanwhile more than 900 texts). Search query: "Heidelberg University + honorary doctorate".
The local press published an article entitled: "Heidelberg University awarded doctorate to the first Afro-American". That was in 1849. The Theological Faculty had awarded an honorary doctorate to an American pastor with black skin. It was discovered, what a coincidence!, while preparing a list of each who ever had been honoured with a doctorate. How so? Just read the leaflet.
In an Internet discussion forum in Greece, a patient is outraged. She had been at the meeting and had heard the talks: How could the psychiatrists say that there were no patients there? The only thing missing was a sign at the entrance: off-limits to patients!
Here, the leaflet distributed on 11 February 2011 in Athens against the conference:
The University of Heidelberg
and the primary medical Modern-EuthaNAZIsm
The University City of Seville to the Front Patients’ City of Heidelberg
His Magnificence Rector of the University of Heidelberg
Mr. Prof. Dr. Peter Hommelhoff
Universitätsplatz 2
69117 Heidelberg
Seville, 23 February 2004
RE: "War against the Weak"
In: DER SPIEGEL 5/2004
Miracles ./. Dances macabre out of honorary doctorates
His highest venerated magnificence, the Rector of the University of Heidelberg!
To the eugenic racist, the American Harry Laughlin, the University of Heidelberg has awarded an honorary doctorate in 1936. Because that early euthaNAZI Laughlin had provided for the German medical doctors’ class and, at the same time, for the Nazi Regime an all-embracing catalogue in theory and practice on how to eliminate the patients’ class.
The same University of Heidelberg, however, and that still 34 years thereafter, has removed from his office one Dr. med. Wolfgang Huber, a Dr. med. Wolfgang Huber, that means as truly as it is real, the doctorate of a thaumaturgist and creator of miracles in philosophy and psychiatry who had emerged from that very same University of Heidelberg. Why? Solely because he has taken sides with illness and with the patients, but against the criminal medical doctors’ class.
Nothing, but absolutely nothing has been disclosed by the University of Heidelberg over all those intervening years with regard to its standard-setting co-creator of mass murder Harry Laughlin, let alone that it would have even thought of having him, or at least itself by the means of a self-indictment deprived of that honorary doctorate. And many of the fellow congeners of that Mr. Harry Laughlin continue to be mentioned unchallenged in the books on those who live on in eternity and by which the University of Heidelberg under its criminal medical doctors’ class is adorning itself at the contempt, derision and shame of the euthaNAZIstically murdered patients’ class.
Under the command of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Heidelberg has attempted again in the 70ies to eliminate the patients’ class by the means of torture and atomization. Without luck, and exemplified by a sweeping failure. And meanwhile this has become known also abroad. No wonder, because that part of the patients’ class, as Socialist Patients Collective (SPK), has broken for the first time in all the past history of occurring events with the role of victims they have been intended for by the medical doctors’ gang, and that once and for all.
To the ramp-selective memory, now, has to be added the selective loss of memory! The Auschwitz-ramp bids greetings. Indeed, a Josef-Mengele-Society in Vienna has got to have once again a name plate, a building, its headquarters and its voice after all, and in the concentration camp of Sachsenhausen near Berlin the criminal medical doctors’ class has to offer to tourists from abroad at a spot price of 25,- EURO per capita and per child even a Dr.-Mengele-Museum, while the sausages from the wurst stall, Cheers, To Your Health!, are not included in the entrance fee.
To Harry Laughlin however has to be revoked at least that honorary doctorate, before, by the universities of Vienna and Berlin, it is being granted to that Mr. Dr. Mengele, because according to reports the latter has croaked it oversees long since on the route of the XII. Innocence, due to an overdose of all that cheesy honor rubbish.
Yours truly
The University City of Seville to the Front Patients’ City of Heidelberg
His Magnificence Rector of the University of Heidelberg
Mr. Prof. Dr. Peter Hommelhoff
Universitätsplatz 2
69117 Heidelberg
Seville, 12 April 2004
RE: Our letter from 23 February 2004 concerning the revocation of the honorary doctorate granted to the euthaNAZIst Harry Laughlin
Miracles ./. Dances macabre out of honorary doctorates
His highest venerated magnificence, the Rector of the University of Heidelberg!
Herewith you are being informed that your failure to reply to my letter has provoked big disconcertment even at Latin-American universities.
Main tenor: tacet consentet.
What a shame! What damage!
Yours truly
The University of Heidelberg had awarded in 1936 the title of an honorary doctor to the US-American Harry Hamilton Laughlin, and that precisely for his "science of racial cleansing".
An honorary doctorate was awarded by the University of Heidelberg to the same Laughlin whose sterilization law had served as a model for legislation in the USA by more than 20 states already in the 20ies and also for the German sterilization legislation in the 30ies. More than 60,000 people were subject to compulsory sterilization in the USA on the basis of Laughlin’s sterilization laws, many hundred thousand people were subject to compulsory sterilization in Germany. The epileptic Harry H. Laughlin, father of three children, should have become a candidate for compulsory sterilization he himself if he had to follow the criteria of his own sterilization law. He acted according to the primary medical principle: while being sick oneself and being dispensable as a supernumerary oneself, one shifts one’s own supernumerarity on to others in order to escape one’s own annihilation.
Harry H. Laughlin was, among other things, member of the Galton Society, member of the Eugenics Research Association, chief of the Eugenic Record Office in Washington D.C., member of the American Society of International Law, President of the American Eugenics Society, co-editor of the Eugenical News from 1916 to 1939, Secretary of the Third International Congress of Eugenics in 1932, and he had served as an expert in genetics for the US-Immigration Commission as well as a member of the permanent Immigration Commission of the International Labour Office of the United Nations. For "eugenic reasons" he wanted to prevent immigrants out of the South and South-Eastern European countries considered being marked by "hereditary diseases", because of their being poor and communists, from coming to the USA, while favouring the immigration of "healthy" Northern-European people (so-called Arian-Germans) instead.
"Cause of death: Euthanasia"–? No! It‘s the medical doctor!
Nazi terror was a doctors’ cure
The world is rotting in doctors’ manure
(The old and new EuthaNAZIsm)
The doctors must perish to the ground
capital to the same is bound
then the further will be found
Socialist Patients Collective / Patients Front
MFE Greece
So far as to the leaflet distributed on the 11 February 2011.
Here is the leaflet of 22 January 2011, by which the SPK-MFE Greece had opened the eyes to the visitors of the exhibition "Cause of death: Euthanasia":
Cause of death: Euthanasia"–? No! The cause of death is the medical doctor!It is a historical fact, made public for the first time in 1970/71 by the SOCIALIST PATIENTS’ COLLECTIVE and meanwhile having become an integral part of general knowledge, that the mass murder of people, declared by medical doctors as patients, during the so-called Third Reich – at least 275,000 people killed
– was carried out by medical doctors in the name of "health". The so-called eugenics movement of the medical doctors throughout the whole world had prepared the mass murder of people. That mass murder was not the doing of the Nazis but rather the medical doctors’ doing, who had found in Nazi-Germany the suitable conditions to put into practice the extermination of people they had been planning and preparing for ideologically already since the 19th century, and it was carried out in the name of "health". It was by the use of the propagandistic term "health" that they had been preparing the grounds for the programmed killing of people. And the Jews, too, were being fought and killed as patients, for instance, as "a cancerous ulcer in the people’s body". On the other hand, Jews were exempted from prosecution when they were found to have got "good, healthy blood". Thus Jewish women (!) for instance were made pregnant by SS-men in the so-called Lebensborn ("Fountain of life") institutions, in order to create "healthy" offspring. Thus, solely what the doctors had defined as "health" constituted the criteria of selection for those being allowed to live or forced to die.Hitler was but the executor and the highest henchman of this ideology, which, as a therapeutic one in its ravaging against all "unworthy life", had been common to the world and not only to the Germans, and that a long time before the Nazi era. Even so-called leftist Parties in the Prussian Landtag and Reichstag had introduced relative bills in the Parliament long before 1933. And it was not only in Germany, but also in Scandinavia, France, Switzerland, and who knows where else, that patient people were murdered in institutions, and that continued for a long time after the end by force of the so-called Third Reich. Thus the doctors’ international "health"–ideology had prepared the grounds for the murder of hundreds of thousands of patient people already long before. The medical profession as a whole had done in public calculations as to the cost the "national community" had to bear for maintaining the patient people in life, and painted with glaring brightness the threat patient people would represent for the "people’s health" according to the motto: "first of all they are expensive, and in the second place they are monsters" [Denn erstens sind sie teuer, und zweitens Ungeheuer]. The propagandistic call for slaughter "Health" ["Sieg HEIL!"] was followed by the killing as the therapy.
Euthanasia is the mass-bloodthirstiness of the medical doctors’ class: There is no good or bad euthanasia, no good or bad assistance to death: all that was, is, and remains euthaNAZIa, as long as there still exists just one single medical doctor, who thus has got the say in that. Prior to that, already any attempt of discussion on that issue is but euthaNAZIa, for all the actual and future holocaust-practices [Holocaustereien].
Euthanazia, nowadays?
Cutting short life is annihilation of the possibility to continue making experiences and to grasp the sense of earlier experiences.
Pass on the message! Imitation is strictly forbidden! |
What is going to happen next? Voluntary euthanasia – or euthanazia, as it is referred to sometimes – , especially under the sign of the wave of biogenetics, which has just started, is ranking under the first priorities of all programs, and by far not only of computer-programs with their fully automatic promise of efficiency. An evil light is being shed on a society, which is allowed to boast about the voluntary approval of both their murderers and their victims in the matter of reducing and even cutting short life. Because a society is composed of social beings. But a society, which is no longer able to differentiate between social beings and their decomposition (die zwischen Wesen und Verwesung nicht mehr unterscheiden kann), must probably be considered to be in its entirety a pretty dead society. Peace to its ashes? This too remains, besides other issues, a yet unresponded question directed to the future and to each single one; because what nowadays appears yet to be nothing but the scientificated (verwissenschaftlicht) anecdotal arabesque around many a case of suicide, or a number of unrecorded cases, because it doesn’t even enter in any statistics which can claim to be to some extent respectable, is a mass-destiny if not: a class-destiny, that means a destiny granted by the hands of the doctors and, on top of that, thanks to their complete blindness and enslavement by the doctors, a destiny even approved of as "good" and "healthy" by the concerned people themselves.
And whether death is really so much healthy, even science doesn’t know. It is however certain that society, in all its components, wants to live, and many an experience which the single ones are deprived of, or which they have been spared of, when life is being artificially (lege artis) cut off by the doctors' gang, might turn out, in retrospective inspiration of the single ones, to have been one of the most important experiences in relation to the society as a whole in a given permanent societal situation and responsibility, and everywhere characterized by irresponsibility, a society which, if one excepts the ultima ratio (see above the so called "ultima ratio", see the so called "suicide"), nowadays, is so poor in its decision-making responsibilities, so weak in taking risks, so overloaded with insurance policies. But there are also revolutionary experiences, and be they only as second-hand experiences. This has nothing to do with people’s age or the weariness of life also of so many young adults. There is an enormous, a really enormous difference between this one kind of death; and the question whether the other death, wherever and whenever it is finding someone, can be considered a suchlike is not even the theme of this dissertation. However, it is certainly the theme and the signum male ominis of a society in which similar questions and considerations are being raised necessarily, and not only in the mind of the author of this dissertation, and it is necessary that they must be raised if the inspection of the materials on which these findings are based is a somewhat serious one. On that regard, by the way, there was no need of a school-leaving examination for university entrance qualification or a bachelor’s degree or any other maturity certifying examination.
Price-winning writing (Preisschrift), taken from:
Additional propositions, taken from the same dissertation:
... Gradual reforms? It is the author’s impression that such measures not only are null and void but also that they are missing the aim intentionally: instead of at least trying to grasp the matter of illness, the "reformers" put their fingers in the till to grab the cash they hope to find there. Neither the patients nor their illness can just only be reached by such reformers, let alone illness as such; whose being intertwined and interwoven with the present should always be, in the end, also the concern of the social workers’ profession; and not to mention at all the theoretical and historical premises of the relation between illness an the human species whose bringing about still remains to get started in other places, just like we ourselves started to bring about human species by our pathopractical and diapathical principles. In the whole scientific literature the possibilities and means which are necessary for such a revolutionary transforming comprehension (verwandelndes Begreifen) on this matter are scarcely being provided, and this is true not only for those who are and who will be taking action in the social work but also in general and in particular. The author takes the view that, in present and in future, each generation will have to face the task to put into effect its own new-revolution out of the force of illness, and this in a gradually increasing uprising way.
Pass on the message! Do it on your own and for yourself! |
For at least two generations others have failed to do this, two generations, which have been drowsing away since then, and precisely since the starting-point of the SPK, back in 1965. However, small SPK-units (MFE = Multi-Focal Expansionism), scattered all over the world, can put into effect such issues, and they have proved that materialist liberation thanks to the forces of illness can be accomplished in a non-spectacular way by making a medical-free reality during the last 34 years, that is for more than one generation already and also for the dropped out second generation. Therefore, this is not a propaganda-text written in favor of the SPK. The SPK has found its own way to reproduce, that is to propagate itself, already long time ago, and by doing so it could and it can completely do without every other propaganda.
MFE is
better than Woeee… (To do MFE is better than suffering)!
This will be the human password.
FP, do you know the enemy of the human species,
that class of cannibals that is chaining up illness?
Let’s attack them by using all means, according to Jean-Paul Sartre.
SPK/PF(H) is the key to put an end to any archiatre.
, this spelling has been introduced for the first time by Huber (SPK).EuthaNAZIsm is the hammer with which we crash the medical doctors' class.
Kyriakatiki Eleftherotypia, Athens, on Sunday, 30th
April 2006
Headline: Authorization for life or for death?
"… because wherever the conscience has been revolutionized, reality can no
longer withstand up to it."
(G.W.F. Hegel, Letter to Niethammer)
Socialist Patients Collective / Patients Front
MFE Greece
MFE Greece
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