(From the book "SPK – Turn Illness into a Weapon",
KRRIM – PF-Verlag fuer Krankheit)
Illness is condition and result (Voraussetzung und Resultat) of the relations of production (Produktionsverhältnisse) in capitalism.
Illness being the totality of conditions of capitalist relations of production is the productive power (force of production, Produktivkraft) par excellence for capitalism.
As the result of capitalist relations of production illness in its developed form as protest of life against capitalism is the revolutionary productive power par excellence for all human beings.
Illness is the only form in which "life" in capitalism is possible.
Illness and capitalism are identical: in the same measure in which dead capital (totes Kapital) is accumulated, a process which runs parallel to the annihilation of human work, so-called capital-annihilation (Kapitalvernichtung), becoming a common matter, illness becomes more widespread and increasingly malign (Verbreitung und Intensität von Krankheit nimmt zu).
Relations of production in capitalism involve that living work (lebendige Arbeit) has to be turned into dead matter (tote Materie: commodities, capital). Illness expresses this process, which is in permanent progress and gaining ground.
Illness is the veiled unemployment and in the form of social security contributions being imposed (Sozialabgaben) illness is crisis-buffer (Krisenpuffer) par excellence in iatro-capitalism.
Illness in its undeveloped form is inhibition and impediment and therefore the inner prison of the lonely ones (der Einzelnen).
If we get illness released from administration, exploitation (Verwertung) and the custody (Verwahrung) through the institutions of health and if illness emerges in the form of collective resistance there is the situation, that the state has to intervene in order to substitute the inner prison of the patients by external, "real" (richtige) prisons.
The health system can get along with illness only on condition that patients are totally outlawed.
Health is nothing but a biologistic-nazistic figment of the mind (Gesundheit ist ein biologistisch-nazistisches Hirngespinst), the function of this figment is to veil in the heads of the making-stupids and of the made-stupids (Verdummer und Verdummten dieser Erde) that illness is conditioned by society and also to veil the social function of illness.
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