The equals sign corresponds to the iatrocapitalistic principle of equivalence, for instance: 1 kg ham = 12 US $, or 1 labor force = 60 US $ per day, or 1 kidney = 24.000 US $, travel expenses and transplantation included, or 1 pair of imported eye cornea = 4.500 US $.
The genETHICS („bioETHICS“) gets its prattling nonentity paid with 5% of the Human Genom Project’s budget.
Each science with its „heads and tails“ (i.e. with the one and the other side of the coin respectively), from the most exact science to the ethics, has been ever since and continues to be from its very foundation and long before the Nazis appeared: a murder-market’s logic of the exclusion of contradictions … fundamentalist dogma of the identity of all commerce & ex/change, doings and dealings, from monet-Aryanism to euGENazics, no matter under which sign whatsoever, positive or negative alike, it makes no difference. We pointed out those relations already two years ago, in Vienna, because of then current events, and the doctors had to call for the ambulance and were forced to take their leave in the French manner, to the astonishment of the international participants of the conference.
This bioETHICS is one of the many marsh plants of the capitalist production process in which production is identical to destruction of life. Since the years of 1970/71 in the Socialist Patients’ Collective (SPK), we have denounced this process as differential euthanasia because of its permanent, methodical and systematic character of selection of its victims. „The products are valuable only because they contain life being destroyed, the lives of the exploited being used up. They are, therefore, murder weapons and valuable because they have blood on them. The exchange of products is equivalent to the exchange of life being murdered by installments, is equivalent to the exchange of illness“ (SPK-Dokumentation II). What counts are the economic necessities that is the ravenous hungering for surplus value, at the advantage of only a few people. The one who is not efficient or capable of producing surplus value is selected either for being repaired (what they call „healing“) or for being definitely rejected as unfit. During a public discussion (20.2.1970, thus shortly after the first self-organized plenum of patients in world and history on 12.2.70) one week before the foundation of the SPK, in February 1970, professors of Medicine of all medical specialization had to admit unwillingly in front of the public that „physicians do not certify and treat illness but incapability to work, and therefore they do not exercise any medicine but rather carry on some kind of tool making business, and that from the childbed to the dissection table“ (Huber, founder of the SPK: „Der vollständige Krankheitsbegriff“ in SPK-Dokumentation III).
Scientific progress is unstoppable? Nobel Prize Winner Werner Heisenberg 1970: „The Patients’ Front in the SPK cannot at all be overtaken“, Nobel Prize Winner Werner Heisenberg 1970 in Heidelberg (remembering his scientific contributions to atomic damages). REVOLUTIONARY ILLNESS THE ONLY BASIC MATTER AND MEANS OF KNOW-HOW AND CHANGE.
„Health“ is a nazi-biologist figment of the mind, meaning simply that the symptoms are situated in such a way that the sick fits in with the process of exploitation without difficulties. By consequence, „healing“ is the process of alienation and expropriation of illness, and being „healthy“ means being dead alive.
No matter whether being repaired or sorted out, the doctors’ class has a firm grip of the labor force, of yours too and of each and every one. Just as Huber put it, in 1976:
„The specific, species-creating characteristic of the human species which, by the scholastic-patristic tradition, was covered up as atomon eidos and differentia specifica and handed over to the responsibility of the therapists who, unfortunately, did not limit themselves to split only hairs and such alike [in the Greek ecclesiastical doctrine the term therapeutes means cleric (German: Pfaffe)], and which was determined biologically by L. Feuerbach but discovered and generalized as labor only with Marx, this specific, species-creating characteristic of the human species has now become entirely the medical profession’s secret cause. …The statements of medical doctors and of their bioethical accomplices about the structure of the cell nucleus („good / bad genes“, „desired / undesired genes“, „worthy / unworthy“) are actually and always implying a selection pursuant to medical criteria: the loading platform of Auschwitz in the clinic and in the test-tube, without the victims’ sobs and screams of pain, and without their resistance too – EuthaNAZIa / EugeNAZIcs.
Medicine does not only just program the human species in general and in particular –: all medicine is industrial medicine. Every one takes part and contributes to it, and more than only taxes. And where does that journey go to? … Where automation and computer technology are leaving the species-creating principle labor to the past, more speedily in Capitalism and more thoroughly in Socialism, there Iatrocracy (the medical doctors’ dictatorship) needs no longer restrain itself to find its limited fulfillment in the treatment of sick labor force (medicalized industry, industrialized clinics). Iatrocracy is setting itself up as the species-creating principle, is becoming labor of labor, labor as such, the one and only labor. It finishes off (German: „schafft“, here with the sense of „erledigt“) Man: as a test-tube cross-breed in its own image, finishing planetary imperialism up to brain-imperialism, and makes the productive proletariat go to the dogs via its cock (German: über den Schwanz auf den Hund) by the means of coercive differential euthanasia. Just as before. Dying without end is a politically programmed species-universality, if not under the venture’s trade mark of the staff of Aesculapius so under the MO Chief of Staff (medical officer in command)“ (SPK-Dokumentation III).
Talking about fighting „hereditary diseases“ means obscuring and covering up the facts, that is the extermination on a huge scale of their carriers and the preventive death penalty against them. It’s exactly this difference that those obscurantists in their white coats try to keep hidden.
Under the false pretense to „heal humanity from its slavery caused by the genes“, the eugenETHICist doctors are promoting the geneticallization of the whole society, of the whole planet. In order to get everybody’s consent, they transform the „hereditary defect“ Iatrocapitalism, the only hereditary defect which really exists, into a „genetic defect“ of the persons themselves, into the „inevitable fate“ of those „afflicted by a genetic defect“. In this way they try to make us all accomplices of our own exploitation and alienation, in order to make us to lose sight of the fact that the only possibility to liberate ourselves from Iatrocapitalism is to turn into action on the basis of illness as a protest against the iatrocapitalistic relations of production.
Talking of the „free will“ of those concerned („we don’t force anyone“) – and all of us are affected – in a class society under the dictatorship of economic necessities is demagogy and medicynical mockery of the victims. – The proof to the contrary is the enemy’s concern. We have decided, for a long time already: in favor of illness.
Abortion – in favor of or against it? Behold those of the doctors’ class who are aborting cheerfully the human species even before it has come into existence. And without questioning as to whether it is the human species that is missing. And there is lacking even the idea that species is lacking. Or do you know anyone, be it an average citizen or a university philosopher, who has raised that question, let alone give an answer to it? Bring him up, if you have one! You can be sure of the gratitude of future generations; or should one call them clones meanwhile instead of generations, in order to keep up with the times?
In this iatrocapitalist system, in which the ruling law is that of the economic strongest, that is the genetically strongest, it’s always illness that is in the right. Illness can’t be eradicated like weed, can’t be brought into line with the mechanisms of exchange and of value concepts.
Those who genETHICally justify the anticipation of death by euthaNAZIa or through „genetic intervention“ cling to an allegedly „social demand“ (i.e. the market, see above) in order to „avoid an evil“, to end „a life which is not worth being lived“, be it „on demand“ of the affected ones or of their next of kin or be it without even asking the „affected ones“ who have not been born yet. Apart from being the basis of production, „demand“ itself, in order to be „demand“, is depending on a certain object being produced, i.e. „demand“ is a product itself, the result of the production process. – If someone suffers from an „incurable“ disease or from „unbearable conditions“ of illness, e.g. for being the victim of a car accident, then this is not an unfathomable fate but the consequence of a preliminary decision of economic and political „nature“ taken by those in power. If someone dies of cancer, this is due to the fact that long before his birth already the course of his life has been set in such a way that his life is kept on low heat in order to fit with economic necessities that serve only a few people. But a life kept on low heat is susceptible to all sorts of damages provoked by external influences. And it is exactly medical „experts“ who determine the „threshold value“ for the daily portion of poison which we are forced to embody. „Unfathomable fate“? „It is you yourself that is to blame“? „Hereditary disease“? Go, ask the doctors and their bioethical accomplices! They will answer to you that, examining the cell nucleus under the microscope, they have not yet seen such a thing as Capitalism, and even more unlikely such a thing as Iatrocapitalism. Narrow-mindedness or are they protecting their professional interests and acting in self-defense? – We have read their articles very carefully, indeed. Did you, too? Did you understand everything? What are the interests that you are pursuing? The interests of patients or the vested interests of your profession? Be aware that your interests as patients carry thousand times more weight than any other interest, because once your „genetic defects“ will be discovered, the one or the other of your promising professional careers will be destroyed. Then you will get a fat pension, or may be you will not. The doctors’ class with its auxiliary services is following you, as long as you live, at every step, from the closet to the consultation hours at the out-patient’s department. They are waiting, with patience or not, for your consent to your death (euthaNAZIa). Who is just about losing his patience first? For this you can eagerly wait in suspense. But then it will be too late for any protest, rebellion and revolution. Because the world doesn’t have time for everything eternally.
The question whether „you want to continue to live“ you have answered positively already by reading this pamphlet. But have you asked yourselves already if you want to continue to live that way? The decision is all yours!
Clones? No, not at all!
But generation of a Patients’ Class against the Doctors’ Class,
revolutionary generation, generation by generation!
SPK, the very first beginning.
Create Patients’ Collectives, everywhere!
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The Communist
Manifesto for the Third Millennium![]() |