Pathopractic of confrontation
compulsory vaccination DOCTATORSHIP
In general and anyway: nobody has to follow an invitation to vaccination.
Cooperating is unthinkable for every he or she be it for the reason alone that this would mean to take part in the crimes of the medical doctors (see: criminal charge).
Now, if somebody, for example at his workplace, still is bothered with a vaccination, confront the medical doctor with the following statement and demand his signature.
In some countries the medical doctors demand a written consent to the vaccination. By that consent people are meant to indemnify the doctor against all liability and to hold him harmless of all responsibility for any kind of damage due to vaccination. Turn the issue into its opposite: confront the medical doctor with the entire burden of legal consequences in terms of both criminal and civil law!
Declaration of refusal to be vaccinated
Herewith I refuse to be vaccinated.
My will has the highest legal priority. My refusal is mandatory for the medical doctor.According to the World Medical Association’s Declarations of Tokio and Lisboa it is worldwide forbidden to all medical doctors to take action against the patient’s will. No medical doctor is allowed to force medical measures, here: vaccination, on the patient. For every doctor those medical norms have the status of law and are legally binding. A medical doctor must not obey any law that is contrary to those declarations.
Every vaccination compulsorily executed against my will constitutes an act of grievous bodily harm and dangerous bodily injury, up to insidious attempted murder.
The mere attempt itself to force vaccination on me by threatening me is forbidden and punishable as criminal coercion.
It is well known already that the vaccine to be used contains neurotoxins and metabolic toxins. Severe bodily damages are to be expected: headache, vertigo, concentration disorders, tooth loss, diarrhoea, stomach and intestinal ulcer, visual defects and hearing defective, speech disorders and impaired balance, paralysis, rising from the feet up to lethal respiratory paralysis, cancer, damaging of liver and kidneys, Alzheimer’s disease, autism of children. These damages are documented and known to the medical doctors.
The information about a large number of other ingredients is withheld. Therefore it must be reckoned with additional life-endangering complications, for example by unforeseeable allergic reactions up to lethal shocks.
In terms of criminal law: grievous bodily harm and dangerous bodily injury, insidious attempted murder.
In terms of civil law: the medical doctor is liable without limitation for all my bodily harms und injuries occuring as a consequence of the vaccination.
Aware of these things,
in execution of his, the medical doctor’s legal guarantee-position (statutory duty and responsibility to protect the patient in any way, Garantenstellung),
and to avoid a criminal charge that otherwise will be brought against him,
the signing medical doctor declares that he will not perform a vaccination against my will.
Furthermore, the medical doctor opposes and counters every attempt – e.g. an attempt of administrative character – that coerces me to give my consent. The named declarations of the World Medical Association demand that from him, too.
Signature of the medical doctor, his name, place, date.
PDF of the declaration for printing
If the medical doctor signs it means you have imposed your will on the medical doctor and the vaccination will not be carried out.
If the medical doctor does not sign then note his name on this sheet, including place and date, and add: Mr/Mrs (name of the doctor) has refused his signature. With that, too, your opposing-will against the vaccination is documented and a vaccination will not be carried out.
For the rest it is a matter of: Always with a representative! (It may be more than one).
Here is the text of an authorization for representation that is ready for and takes into consideration all eventualities:
I, ..............................................................................................................................................................
born ........................................................................................................................................................
appoint and authorize according to the corresponding juridical regulations as my
My representative is authorized to safeguard and to defend my interests and me in all matters related to my current detention.
My representative is authorized, in case of compulsory medical treatment, to detect all the facts and circumstances, especially to bring a charge to the Public Prosecutor against the responsible doctors for all legal reasons.
With this, I release everybody from keeping the professional secret towards my representative. My representative is allowed to examine and to get access to all the files and records concerning me and to make the corresponding copies.
My representative must be completely informed about every medical measure against me, especially he must be informed about the medications which are administered to me (quantity, effects, trade mark and active substances, etc.).
This authorization also includes the right to represent me and to defend me in case of imminent guardianship and custody, also in respect to all housing and property matters.
My representative is authorized to take all means of legal redress, resp. to take all legal steps and to engage a lawyer for me, if necessary.
My representative must be immediately informed about all the measures concerning me (see my respresentative‘s address above).
In case of death, my corpse is immediately or as soon as possible to be made unusable, unusable for all medical inventions.* Any kind of autopsy, any kind of organ-removal or anything corresponding to that is strictly forbidden. Every violation of this, my will, will be prosecuted by criminal code. Also any medical treatment and any kind of medical intervention which precedes that. EuthaNAZIa remains forbidden.
Cremation O yes O noThe will of my representative is in force, if necessary also against my relatives.
(signature) (date)
A copy is deposited.
PDF of the authorization for printing
How to use the Authorization for representation
(Representative in illness‘ matters)
Compulsory admission to a hospital, compulsory therapy – does it exist? Every therapy is compulsory therapy. Psychiatry is only the smallest part of the whole. No illness cries for therapy and treatment, but for new-revolution by virtue of illness.
Make sure in time that you have a representative in illness‘ matters (somebody, chosen by yourself, and prepared for that purpose! But not a lawyer, none of us, by no means a doctor, nor a medicine student, brief: no "specialist"; because the guardian will not be far. Attention! Only what you do by yourself in matter of liberation counts).
Many already do this worldwide. Times of discussion are over. The lowest level of attack against compulsory treatment for everyone is the judicial level. Legal charge, a charge for all juridical reasons, against any intrusion or attack, is the least (the text: "for all juridical reasons" is sufficient. More "legal argumentation" (such as legal sections) is not needed in any legal charge. Why saving the prosecuting attourney any work?). The representative (could be also several ones, simultaneously and alternately) also has to control justice, even beyond a iustitium. Anything else, for example the so called psychiatric will (rest in peace!), the so called living will, advance health care directive or health care proxy, is in effect collaboration, hypocrisy and treachery.
Therefore: Pro-illness being the principle, the warfare against the medical doctors is the strategic main point, if that is being missed no end of oppression and no beginning of liberation in not any of the liberation movements will ever be feasible, no utopathy, that is: no human species, ever. Well then, everything forming a unified whole cast, namely: principle, method, and aim. That’s what we call Diapathics, because it is a materialistic dialectics, indeed, for the first time a materialistic dialectics: materialistic, because it is pre-set in the substance of the dynamics of illness (illness substance, matter), and the human species that is to be brought about is the energetic field of tension belonging to it, the strength of illness being the driving force (catalyzing agens) that is going to happen with it, recognizable from its influences and effects that are bringing about a new reality, blasting off the existing reality. That’s our theory of the revolution. And the practice, the pathopractice?: We all are already, as different as we are amongst ourselves, most closely bound to each other, at least as close as illness is bound to any single one of us. That’s the strongest binding force. Who attempts to bring about separation, will be experiencing it.
PF/SPK(H), 10.09.2009
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