Euthanazia, nowadays?

Cutting short life is annihilation of the possibility to continue making experiences and to grasp the sense of earlier experiences.
Profitability through cost-effectiveness is not an argument, but is poison for the human species by suppressing its creation, the poison prescribed by the doctors probatum est.



Pass on the message!
Imitation is strictly forbidden!

What is going to happen next? Voluntary euthanasia – or euthanazia, as it is referred to sometimes – , especially under the sign of the wave of biogenetics, which has just started, is ranking under the first priorities of all programs, and by far not only of computer-programs with their fully automatic promise of efficiency. An evil light is being shed on a society, which is allowed to boast about the voluntary approval of both their murderers and their victims in the matter of reducing and even cutting short life. Because a society is composed of social beings. But a society, which is no longer able to differentiate between social beings and their decomposition (die zwischen Wesen und Verwesung nicht mehr unterscheiden kann), must probably be considered to be in its entirety a pretty dead society. Peace to its ashes? This too remains, besides other issues, a yet unresponded question directed to the future and to each single one; because what nowadays appears yet to be nothing but the scientificated (verwissenschaftlicht) anecdotal arabesque around many a case of suicide, or a number of unrecorded cases, because it doesn’t even enter in any statistics which can claim to be to some extent respectable, is a mass-destiny if not: a class-destiny, that means a destiny granted by the hands of the doctors and, on top of that, thanks to their complete blindness and enslavement by the doctors, a destiny even approved of as "good" and "healthy" by the concerned people themselves.

And whether death is really so much healthy, even science doesn’t know. It is however certain that society, in all its components, wants to live, and many an experience which the single ones are deprived of, or which they have been spared of, when life is being artificially (lege artis) cut off by the doctors' gang, might turn out, in retrospective inspiration of the single ones, to have been one of the most important experiences in relation to the society as a whole in a given permanent societal situation and responsibility, and everywhere characterized by irresponsibility, a society which, if one excepts the ultima ratio (see above the so called “ultima ratio”, see the so called “suicide”), nowadays, is so poor in its decision-making responsibilities, so weak in taking risks, so overloaded with insurance policies.  But there are also revolutionary experiences, and be they only as second-hand experiences. This has nothing to do with people’s age or the weariness of life also of so many young adults. There is an enormous, a really enormous difference between this one kind of death; and the question whether the other death, wherever and whenever it is finding someone, can be considered a suchlike is not even the theme of this dissertation. However, it is certainly the theme and the signum male ominis of a society in which similar questions and considerations are being raised necessarily, and not only in the mind of the author of this dissertation, and it is necessary that they must be raised if the inspection of the materials on which these findings are based is a somewhat serious one. On that regard, by the way, there was no need of a school-leaving examination for university entrance qualification or a bachelor’s degree or any other maturity certifying examination.

Price-winning writing (Preisschrift), taken from:
Progress or functional adaptation ... ?
Examined, considered to be right and censured as rite
by the High Faculty of Social Services Professions of the University of Dortmund, in the year 1999.

Additional propositions, taken from the same dissertation:

At this regard, however, it has to be taken into account that the doctors are of the opinion that "a mental health hospital in which doesn’t occur any suicide cannot be considered a good hospital" (Meyer, quoted from Dörner/Plog, 1990). Or, formulated in a different way: "a low rate of suicides may be an indication of a lack of therapeutic activity"(!) (Eickelmann, 1997). Kisker (1985) calls that: "Balance-suicides caused by too exacting rehabilitating efforts". What do we have to think of the fact that therapists like Kisker and Eickelmann, and they too want of course to be considered as, to function as and to work as therapists, just only for reason of their respective professional choice, what then do we have to think of the fact that both of them, nevertheless and impudant, are imputing the guilt for the death of patients precisely to that therapy, Eickelmann to the therapy of mental health hospitals, Kisker to the therapy of rehabilitation, a guilt for the death of patients which, after all, they themselves, as the managers of their institutions, have to answer for even if not always to ordinary courts, as for instance the notorious professor of psychiatry Dörner, unless they appear before the courts only just as witnesses against their nurses in the geriatric wards and long infirmity departments (see the press reports on this matter). And not to forget, on that regard, that they, when they got engaged themselves in the persecution against the Socialist Patients’ Collective, belonged to the most fanatic zealots and propagandists of that persecution, precisely against the same Socialist Patients’ Collective which, as SPK and even more in its continuity as SPK/PF(H), since more than 30 years, has been standing for the active refusal of all therapy and of any doctor’s and social worker’s round. How long such ‘gentlemen’ will yet continue and will yet be allowed to continue to abuse the patience of the patients, and how long such scientific games like theirs, the raving of their balanced killing of patients included, will yet be allowed to continue, and how long will they yet be allowed to mock at the patients, unless the patients themselves, and who else but the patients, will stop them once and for ever, fighting them by pathopractic and thus efficient action?! Indeed, one has got the strong impression that they can’t almost wait for that any longer. And it was precisely at the time of the 68tiers-rebellion, and the patients had not appeared yet in the public, as they did for the first time in 1970, as SPK, that such a professor of psychiatry had expressed in the circle of his colleagues that he hoped a rebellious student would give him a clout; then he could finally retire and get an early retirement pension, and as far as the probable brain damage was concerned, he would live a happy life and even better, as he knew too well from first hand experience as a therapist of other brain-damaged patients.

... Gradual reforms? It is the author’s impression that such measures not only are null and void but also that they are missing the aim intentionally: instead of at least trying to grasp the matter of illness, the "reformers" put their fingers in the till to grab the cash they hope to find there. Neither the patients nor their illness can just only be reached by such reformers, let alone illness as such; whose being intertwined and interwoven with the present should always be, in the end, also the concern of the social workers’ profession; and not to mention at all the theoretical and historical premises of the relation between illness and the human species whose bringing about still remains to get started in other places, just like we ourselves started to bring about human species by our pathopractical and diapathical principles. In the whole scientific literature the possibilities and means which are necessary for such a revolutionary transforming comprehension (verwandelndes Begreifen) on this matter are scarcely being provided, and this is true not only for those who are and who will be taking action in the social work but also in general and in particular. The author takes the view that, in present and in future, each generation will have to face the task to put into effect its own new-revolution out of the force of illness, and this in a gradually increasing uprising way.

Pass on the message!
Do it on your own and for yourself!

For at least two generations others have failed to do this, two generations, which have been drowsing away since then, and precisely since the starting-point of the SPK, back in 1965. However, small SPK-units (MFE = Multi-Focal Expansionism), scattered all over the world, can put into effect such issues, and they have proved that materialist liberation thanks to the forces of illness can be accomplished in a non-spectacular way by making a medical-free reality during the last 34 years, that is for more than one generation already and also for the dropped out second generation. Therefore, this is not a propaganda-text written in favor of the SPK. The SPK has found its own way to reproduce, that is to propagate itself, already long time ago, and by doing so it could and it can completely do without every other propaganda.