Against SPK-falsificators in the music business
Rechtsanwältin Ingeborg Muhler
Mrs Suzanne Ryan
Editorial Music
Oxford University Press
198 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
RE: Punishable false allegations about the Socialist Patients' Collective (SPK) and about the founder of the SPK and the Patients' Front (PF), Dr. Wolfgang Huber
in: S. Alexander Reed, Assimilate, A
Critical History of Industrial Music,
Oxford University Press 2013, p. 146
Caution before institution of proceedings
The signatory, herself active participant in the Socialist Patients' Collective (SPK) from 1970 to 1971, has been entrusted with all juridical matters concerning SPK [Socialist Patients' Collective / Patients' Front, SPK/PF(H)]. She is required by mandate especially by the founder of SPK/PF(H), Dr. Wolfgang Huber, medical doctor and psychiatrist, SPK/PF(H)-Frontpatient ever since, to take juridical steps against all false reports (see enclosure).
Herewith Oxford University Press and S. Alexander Reed are
in case of repeating false allegations concerning Dr. Wolfgang Huber and the Socialist Patients' Collective (SPK).
The Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv, today Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv / Patientenfront, SPK/PF(H), by meaning and matter has nothing to do with the way the US-author, S. Alexander Reed, tries to make palatable, especially to foreign countries, what he takes for the "German" SPK. He makes false allegations and tries to denigrate the SPK.
In detail (all quotations p. 146):
"... the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv, a radical group of patients and former caretakers in Germany ... "
That is false. The Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv was Socialist PATIENTS' Collective, no caretakers or other medical helpers, no charitable or other social workers.
It is the intention of the author to draw a parallel between the Australian music band S.P.K. and the original authentic Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv and that in contrary to the facts and the contents of the SPK. Yes, indeed, G. Revell was a nurse. But in the SPK there were no caretakers or other medical helpers, no charitable or other social workers.
The SPK was the first patients' selforganisation in the world, free of all medical doctors and of all that is medical. Every doctor-patient relation abolished, every therapy abolished, instead: single agitation, group agitation, working circles.
"Founded in 1970 the group disbanded a year later and was largely absorbed by the Red Army Faction."
That is false. 500 patients were in the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv. The number of RAF people was at all times only a fraction. None and nothing has been "absorbed" by the RAF, neither SPK contents nor patients.
Fact is that no one of the SPK as SPK ever was allowed to join the RAF, the Riege Arischer Feldwebel (Aryan sergeants majors' squad), no one of the SPK was allowed to do not even any of the donkey work, arrant- or other minor services without previously having opposed drastically to all, to really all and every specific and unspecific significant SPK-contents (RAF- and by far not only RAF-slogan: "Away with the patients-shit!"). Every "membership" according to RAF decision executed since 1973 by force up to the threat of death was tied to the break with the complete SPK-positions.
It is ascertained by court decision: none of those who were sentenced because of SPK was ever sentenced because of RAF. None of those who were sentenced because of RAF was ever sentenced because of SPK.
" ... the group disbanded a year later ... " That is false. The Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv continues up to nowadays as Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv / Patientenfront, SPK/PF(H). The RAF meanwhile has ceased to exist.
"SPK's [musicband] embodiment of the movement is most clearly enacted in their 1979 song "Slogun", which chants, "Kill, Kill, Kill for inner peace! Bomb, Bomb, Bomb for mental health! Therapy through violence!"
False! The words of this song have nothing to do with the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv. This is an old US soldier's song. The reader himself may judge, which side of the medi-cynical US-foreign- and home affairs is being dealt with by this slogan.
To attribute this slogan to the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv, that is to mistake the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv for the USA, requires a brain capacity worthy of a centrally conducted intelligence, that wouldn't even stop at music journalists.
"Hill ... would commit suicide in 1984 ... . It's potentially troubling that former nurse Revell and Dr. Wolfgang Huber were the figureheads of the SPK and the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv, given that these were ostensibly pro-patient groups."
The author constructs a relation between the co-founder of the music band, Neil Hill, who committed suicide 1984 in Australia, and Dr. Wolfgang Huber and the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv of 1970/71 in Germany. This relation does not exist, neither in respect to time nor space nor matter. According to the author's statement the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv has disbanded 1971. Hill's suicide was 1984, that is 13 years after the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv. (Suicide: being self-murdered by the murderous iatrocapitalist circumstances, as we call it.) In addition to the distance in time there is also the distance in space: Australia is not Germany. 1984 is not 1970/71. Who at least has learned to count and calculate, when not being in full command of so-called critical functions of basic differentiation and judgement, should know at least this difference. The author makes up a relation to the SPK that does not exist (see: textbooks of psychopathology: hallucinated relation without reason or cause).
Neil Hill never was in the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv. At no time there was any contact between him and the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv and Dr. Wolfgang Huber. Also the music band never had any contact to the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv, has not learned anything from the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv, has not adopted anything, instead it has spread US-killer-slogans (see above), trying to commercialize spectacles of patients' extermination.
What there was, is a contact of Neil Hill to the Australian music band and to the ex-nurse G. Revell. And Hill's suicide took place in exactly this relation of space, time and matter: the music band, no "pro-patient-group" as the author fantasizes.
The attempt to relate the suicide of Neil Hill to the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv and Dr. Wolfgang Huber is a punishable false allegation and a biased, male-volent insinuation. The author's diffamation propaganda is an expression of the author's hate for patients and especially for revolutionary patients (Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv). He tries to denigrate the Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv and by that he prosecutes the business of the medical doctors' class. But maybe the author himself will make his last better experiences with this very medical doctors' class as potential medical doctors' slaughter cattle, today or tomorrow. Or at a sick ward. With or without music, but industrial.
Enclosure: Ref.: SPK: Gossipcide in the case of print media, TV & Co.
PF/SPK(H), 28.05.2014
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