Ref.: SPK
Gossipcide in the case of print
media, TV & Co.
The Socialist Patients’ Collective (SPK) never ceased to exist and it has prevailed again and again despite of the most adverse circumstances while all the other currents and movements, at that time being considered "far more revolutionary", have failed long since and have terminated or surrendered, even if un-dissolved.
The SPK exists only as SPK within the Patients’ Front, as SPK/PF(H).
Note and pay attention that:
The SPK had and has
but it had and has to do with
illness against Iatro-capitalism.
At that time only the SPK had referred positively to illness. No other political, socialist, communist, anarchist or militarist grouping was disposed to do the same. In the meanwhile, however, the PF/SPK(H) has spread worldwide stabilizing itself in the common interest and goal of opposing finally the doctors’ class, which has been murdering without punishment since thousands of years, at least with the beginning of a Patients’ Front and a patients’ class. The principle of propagation of the PF/SPK is called, just as it was then, Multi-Focal Expansionism (MFE). There is, for instance, PF/SPK(MFE) Austria (Stimme der Krankheit, Voice of Illness), and likewise MFE Spain, Greece, Colombia, Canada, Brazil and many others.
The PF/SPK(H)-texts are published by the KRRIM – PF-Verlag fuer Krankheit (PF-Publisher pro Illness); its actual address is: Postfach 12 10 41, 68061 Mannheim, Germany.
The only address for information on the SPK is:
Pathopraktik mit Juristen
D-68307 Mannheim
Phone: +49-621-25366
Huber himself, founder of the SPK,, has entrusted all juridical matters concerning the SPK to Mrs. Ingeborg Muhler, attorney and MA in Computer Science, being herself an active member of the SPK already since 1970/71.
This means among others: who continues to repeat the false statements on the SPK has to face a fine of 250,000 EURO or a prison sentence up to 6 months. As a result of that, since 1995 nobody has dared to vouch personally for the false statements referred to above, neither in private nor in public, let alone stood a public trial on the relative charges. By the way, during a 3-years-period the best-before date of the aforementioned lies and reporters’ legends, which were being repeated with obstinacy for such a long time, has already been tested successfully several dozens of times.
Text for entries on the SPK in the Encyclopedias of Brockhaus, Duden, etc..
Socialist Patients’ Collective
The SPK was founded in
Heidelberg, February 1970, by the frontpatient Huber, WD, The
SPK-program: Turn Illness into a weapon!, keeps on being practicated and remains
reality. The SPK, which has emerged from the Patients’ Front, declared its
self-dissolution in July 1971 (strategic withdrawal). As Patients’ Front of the
confrontation-patients this SPK had already existed since 1965, and it continues
to exist and to be active without break in its continuing activity, that is as
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