Application to the Ministry of Justice of Austria
M. T. L. de la O. y S. de V.
Mag.Phil. (Universitaet von Sevilla)
Apartado de correos 7284
41005 Sevilla, España
To Ministry of Justice FAX-Nr.: +43/1/521522727 |
An das FAX-Nr.: +43/1/521522727 |
Dear Mrs. Minister of Justice Mag. Gastinger,
Due to the urgency, I write directly to you, Mrs. Minister of Justice, in order to put you in charge of stopping immediately the attacks against Front Patient Karl Schranz, SPK(OE), -and you as Minister of Justice can do that, based on your official competence.
Front Patient Karl Schranz has differentiated, to me and to my academic and non-academic surroundings, essentially the image of Austria and of some other past macro-empire (Grossreich).
Due to Front Patient Karl Schranz, for ourselves Austria is not only:
the country where today the patients are killed by doctors under the sign of euthanasia and therapy,
the country where still today the patients looking for asylum are killed by medical-doctors, for example during the expulsion procedure,
the country which, due to Kurt Waldheim and Joerg Haider, has caused protest and repugnance just not only in the European Comunity, but also in the countries of the United Nations (ONU),
the country where the medical-doctor Heinrich Gross commited euthanasia against children and boasted about he had the largest collection of sectioned tissues; similar to a killer who boasts about, that in the whole world he is the one who stores the largest collection of parts of corpses in his freezer,
the country where today in the Volkstheater of Vienna is being performed "Wiener Blut" sive "Spiegelgrund" and – allegedly because of Dr. Gross’ dementia senilis – nowadays and formerly the court does not call the medical-doctor Dr. Heinrich Gross to account for the mass murder committed by him.
Germans and Austrians, don’t join in that once more!, otherwise still 60 years later the world will point out you with the finger.
From my native country the sephardies have looked for asylum in other European countries due to the persecution. Front Patient Karl Schranz, Austrian of Sephardi origin, physically disabled at 80%, day after day and in stormy nights gets not tired to act in the streets of Vienna on the side and in favor of illness and the patients’ class and against the modern euthanazi extermination. With his international magazine Patientenstimme (Patients’ Voice) in the hand he discusses, it doesn’t matter the bad weather, with the natives and with tourists. In that way I got to know Front Patient Karl Schranz, for example through his tape-recorded speeches and his brochures which were brought to me. Also Spanish people were killed in the concentration camp of Mauthausen (Austria). The survivors inform about that still today at the Spanish schools. Since years Front Patient Karl Schranz is also active at the annual commemorative acts in Mauthausen. Already in the 90ies Front Patient Karl Schranz filed a criminal charge against medical-doctor Heinrich Gross with the Austrian judiciary. Compare also the precursor of the Patientenstimme (Patients’ Voice), the Linksspur (Left Track).
We would have expected that Front Patient Karl Schranz receives honor medals and decorations from Austria, because he is improving the Austrian reputation also for the foreign tourists from all over the world. Whether Front Patient Karl Schranz – on the contrary to his uncle and national ski hero with the same name (Olympic Games of Tokio, 1964) – had rejected these decorations, can be left out of consideration.
The least which you can do, dear Mrs. Minister of Justice Mag. Gastinger, is that you immediately put an end to the attacks against Front Patient Karl Schranz. Please take care that the proceedings against Front Patient Karl Schranz, which are shameful for Austria as a whole, are stopped immediately! I hereby apply formally to you to do this.
Please send your answer to my P.O.Box ("Apartado de Correos"), see above.
Yours sincerely,
M. T. L. de la O. y S. de V.
Mag.phil. (Universidad de Sevilla)
The undersigners join in this application
No to killing!! No to modern euthanazia!! No to the enemy-class of the world!!
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