Concerning the decisive phase with respect to
In the name of the
people of the world: Application to the Ministry of Justice of Austria:
the following texts)
Doctors’ class has chucked examinations
Two frontpatients promote essentially.
Rousing signatures avalanche.
Public prosecutors tremble.
Doctors’ class fears big scandal.
Frontpatient Karl Schranz continues receiving as gratitude for it, always three servings for free in the restaurants.
PF/SPK (H), December 2, 2005
Keep in mind very well and
finally get that into your head:
Patient's will has the highest legal priority !!
Karl Schranz
November 26, 2005
Laubichler, Werner,
Univ. Prof. Dr. med, born 1st April, 1932,
address for a summons: 5412 Puch with Hallein, Vollererhofstrasse 682
we bring in a
Charge for all juridical reasons
Application for denial of the license to practise medicine
Application for cancelation from the list of the court consultants
Application for cancelation from the recommendation list of the US embassy in Vienna
The base of the right is the will. I have expressed legally and unmistakably my refusal against every medical examination (see 1. and 2., enclosures).
Every act of the medical expert Laubichler as well as of possible successors, representatives and follow-up perpetrators* is against the law.
Also so-called Psychosocial services are well equipped with "mentally ill law breakers" of this kind, be they just in the practical training (in an honorary capacity so to speak, vulgo: nark).The expert has to be prosecuted and sentenced.
When a refusal statement is presented, a medical examination is prohibited also according to the declarations
of the World Medical Association.In particular the declarations of the World Medical Association of Tokyo (1975) and Lisbon (1981) forbid every doctor to act against the will of the patient.
The medical doctor may not follow law regulations which stand in contradiction to these declarations.
In the declaration of Lisbon it is laid down expressly: " If the laws or the government of a country restrict these rights to the patients by measures, the doctors must search suitable means and ways to grant these rights still. "
It was not without reason that the World Medical Association has fixed these declarations which are commitments, binding for all doctors. There was overwhelming evidence that it were the doctors worldwide with their medical arsenal who carried out compulsory treatment and torture as effective as possible and, besides, hindered the death (often ultima ratio of the tortured!) to the maltreated torture victims, in order to be able to torture them again. Under the pressure of the international general public were voted the named declarations which forbid worldwide all doctors to act against the will of the patient and to apply compulsory measures.
These declarations of the World Medical Association are
binding commitments for every doctor. These medical norms have law rank.III.
When a refusal statement is presented, a medical examination is prohibited also according to the international regulations of the European
Convention of Human Rights and the Charter of Human Rights of the United Nations.The Universal Declaration of the Human Rights of the United Nations was written under the impression of the 60 million dead people of the II world war and the medical-psychiatric mass murder actions againts patients in the III Reich. So that never again occurs such a thing, the explanation of Human Rights of the United Nations was approved.
Prof. Laubichler
knows, according to evident selfstating, that to him it is forbidden to proceed against the expressly declared will of the signatory. As a reaction to my writing of November 7, 2005 (Appendix 1):"Herewith every examination is forbidden to you",
Prof. Laubichler sent back by mail the files to the court with the note:
"Files are sent back without any consideration. Mr. Schranz refuses the examination."
This, his handwritten fax of November 11, 2005 to the court, is included in the files as a piece of evidence. It is the admission of culpability of Prof. Laubichler and the documentation of his awareness of wrongdoing.
Prof. Laubichler knows that he is not allowed to do any examination.
Nevertheless, he up to now, has not contradicted his brief as a medical expert at the court on December 6, 2005, and he has not finally returned the brief of examination either, although he knew that his doing was illegal.This offends clearly the named declarations of the World Medical Association and the behavioral regulations for doctors, laid down in it. The declarations of the World Medical Association are binding commitments for every doctor and have law rank.
The relation of these medical behavioral norms with other regulations, in particular with law regulations, is laid down unambiguously. The doctor is obliged
to obey with priority the medical rules of behaviour. Beyond it, to the doctor it is imposed to intercede actively in favour of the patients and, if necessary, has to do that also in contradiction with law regulations when they are opposite to the medical rules.In the declaration of the World Medical Association of Lisbon it is expressly laid down:
"If the laws or the government of a land keep from the patient these rights by measures, the doctors are held to search suitable means and ways to grant these rights still. "
That means: Prof. Laubichler was obliged to reject his brief as a medical expert at he court on December 6, 2005 (and also for any other date) immediately, because it is forbidden to him to act against the will of the signatory.
The above named doctor knows about the punishability of his doing, but he is either not willing or not able to act according to this knowledge. Therefore, it is the duty of the responsible authorities, for the purpose of damage avertingt, o seize as soon as possible the suitable measures against Prof. Laubichler, disciplel of the children-mass murderer Prof. . Heinrich Gross. This not least for general deterrence reasons. There is the risk of repetition.
It is to proceed as applied.
A similar case just one year ago has ended bad for the perpetrators at that time. (see Internet under attempt foiled). Still today also the failures and lapses of all Austrian authorities are at the European Court of Law. (
Euthanazistische reactivity - European complaint about the Austrian constitution; statement to the European committee- Complaint against the republic of Austria).There one can read how such things end, namely bad and with the fall of the instigating perpetrators in office.
By the way: the signatory was taking action at that time in another case (for Dr. B.), successfully, actually as a counselor-in-sickness (Beistand im Krankheitswesen). The medical experts of that time have remained fugitive in permanence.
Even then they have come to the wrong ones, actually to patients-in-confrontation. You can even read it in a rhyme (; extract):The illness' weapon counterblow
hit hard this City Council now
including all Jackers' cheating gossip against patients.
This will cause quite another trouble.
For "City Council" there can be inserted nowadays current names like Laubichler, but also Kail and Schober.
Karl Schranz
My writing to Prof. Laubichler of November 7, 2005 (Appendix 1) (see beneath)
My writing to Prof. Laubichler of November 16, 2005 (Appendix 2)
Herewith every examination is forbidden to you
Karl Schranz
Mr. Univ. Prof. Dr. Werner Laubichler
Vollerhofstrasse 682
5412 Puch bei Hallein
November 7, 2005
Herewith every examination is forbidden to you.
See enclosure: application of November 7, 2005 in the matter of proceedings: 274 Ur 357/05 – v – 1 (BS).
Karl Schranz
Enclosures: as mentioned
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