Ingeborg Muhler, Attorney at Law,
To the
European Court of Human Rights
67075 Strasbourg – Cedex
First of all
L’existentialisme, est-il un humanisme?
Jean-Paul Sartre’s answer at the regard, as well known, was negative. In other words and said in English: Is the Human Right really the right to exist of all beings having the right to existence [aller Existenzberechtigten], thus a right being unquestionable and irrefutable by anyone and under all circumstances?
We’d like to believe that, malgré cela, let’s say on a trial basis just another time.
Thus, we hereby lodge a
Claim for
enacting Europe-wide laws against Euthanasia
Aim: Abolition of all national laws within Europe that include killing people (so-called Euthanasia) and prohibition of all the relative propaganda materials.
Reason: They are incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights (see below).
Therefore, the European Court of Human Rights is called to take immediately all the necessary steps,
because these laws are incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as with the corresponding United Nations’ Convention on Human Rights.
The commentators of the European Convention on Human Rights had acknowledged that, when they clearly stated:
"The Declaration of the right to life of any human being as his or her fundamental right, stated in Article 2, Paragraph 1, of the Convention on Human Rights, has its special significance. Such a declaration can be found also in the UN-Declaration of 20.12.1948, which precedes the Convention on Human Rights, and in the Basic Law of the German Federal Republic (= German Constitution; Article 2, Paragraph 2 Basic Law), while it was not included in the Constitutional Law of the Weimar Republic of Germany. During the creation of that constitution it was believed that one could renounce an explicit declaratory commitment to that fundamental right, since it was considered being a natural and self-evident human right. The mistaking [Verkennung] and disrespect of that human right, which, in totalitarian states, and namely in the National-Socialist State, had resulted in acts of barbarity, unimaginable cruelties and the sabotage of the moral law, stood before the eyes of the legislators, reminding and admonishing them. This was why it was believed that one had to prevent such elementary transgressions of the law from happening again by an international declaration of the right to life of any human being. So, Article 2, Paragraph 1, of the Convention of Human Rights, as well as Article 2, Paragraph 2, of the German Basic Law, "are to be understood as a reaction to the empirical teachings of certain historical violation-events …"
(Schorn, Comment on the European Convention on Human Rights, Frankfurt, 1965).
According to this, the European Court of Human Rights should have taken appropriate action on his own initiative long since and it should have imposed long since the prohibition of mercy killing by implementing Europe-wide a Law against EuthaNAZIa.
Substantiation of the request
to enact Europe-wide laws against Euthanasia
Today’s Europe was founded on the battlefields of World War Two and its 60 millions casualties, that is: killed people. There ought to be put an end to any Nazism and No more War! The relative supranational treaties, according to economic interests, are meant to guarantee that through their unifying effect upon all the peoples.
However, has World War Two really ever ended? The beginning of war, in any case, had started long before the beginning of war. In Nazi-Germany, that medico-political mega-event, the medical doctors’ class1 had managed to create the appropriate conditions that allowed them to finally put into the practice of doing and killing what they ideologically had prepared for decades, precisely their war of extermination against people stigmatized as unpopular and undesired [Missliebig gemachte], the sick, the old, the weak, under the pretext of "Volksgesundheit" ("community health", "public health"), "Erbgesundheit" ("hereditary health") and suchlike: mass-murder in the name of "Gesundheit" ("health"), thus in the name of something that has never existed and that will never exist, if not as an illusionary product out of which springs Nazism in all its past and future varieties (HEALTHsystem, HEILwesen).
If we use here expressions such as: medical doctors’ class, patients’ class, we do that in order to conceive to the point in the terms of concept the reality of that class splitting that is on its base (for further explanation see PF/SPK-literature, KRRIM – PF-Publisher pro Illness, ). Also, we generally refer to a collective "we"-subject and only occasionally to "the undersigned" or "the claimant", for exactly the same reason of class antagonism. It is for shabby, flimsy, and tactical reasons that Mr. Andreas Praefcke, the addressee of our criminal charges reported below, has hurled selectively at the lawyer Mrs. Muhler. But it is the KRRIM-PF-Publisher of pro Illness Writings and KRANKHEIT IM RECHT, Pathopraktik mit Juristen, he is trying tactically to get round everywhere by even denying their pure existence, let alone their worldwide work [Wirken] and effectiveness [Wirksamkeit].1
The beginning of war: 275,000 defenseless people, assassinated treacherously by medical doctors on recommendation and with the applause of the international medical doctors’ mafia, even before and during the war. Hitler was only their first hangman’s assistant and the executor of that ideology, which, in its ravaging as therapy against all "unworthy life", the whole world and not only the Germans were familiar with long before the Nazi-era. Already Jacques Lusseyran had acknowledged that: today in France, tomorrow oversees, several extermination-deportations to the German concentration camps, therefore: Résistance, despite and all the more because of his total blindness, then the end of war experienced in the concentration camp of Buchenwald, his return to France, his starting point as a man condemned to death by martial law and subject to several simulated executions by medical doctors of the SS for being one of the leaders of the Résistance in Paris.
The extermination-war of the medical doctors’ class - that "white army" (German news-periodical published on Monday) - against illness, conducted against the sick, against the born and unborn children in their mothers’ wombs, against the weak, the old, the selected people, and, to sum up, against all those who have been stigmatized as unpopular and undesired [Missliebig gemachte], the ravaging of this EuthaNAZIsm has never stopped. This battlefield is being extended more and more. Because one thing is certain: Illness is increasing more and more nowadays. And the progress of medicine, at that regard, is everything else but convincing. Especially characteristic of that medicine is its "success" to have re-launched the extermination of patients and the breeding of the master-race in public discussion. Mass-murder by the means of genetics and euthanasia: that’s their declaration of failure in the view of growing illness.
For the one who is a patient – and is there anyone who’s not, given that "health" can no longer be found in any organism, the latest since we have got scientific genetics (formerly called "doctrine of healthy stock", the doctrine of "hereditary health" [Erbgesundheitslehre])? – therefore, for the one who is a patient and, as a single one, thus confronted with the "white army", the medical doctors’ class, it is of vital importance, also for his/her survival, that there exist the Patients’ Front and the Socialist Patients’ Collective.
The SOCIALIST PATIENTS’ COLLECTIVE (SPK) has existed in the public eye since 1970. Since then it has expanded world-wide and stabilized itself as PATIENTS’ FRONT / SOCIALIST PATIENTS’ COLLECTIVE, PF/SPK(H) to the end of opposing the medical doctors’ class, which has continued its practice of killing without being punished for thousands of years, finally with an energetic [tatkraeftig] patients’ class. SPK has discovered THE illness, yes indeed, it has discovered it, not the illness of this and that, but illness AS SUCH. THE illness as if it were the whole object as a common object [Krankheit als Gesamtgegenstand], just like a continent that has not been discovered yet. This is new and important, and it has changed everything. No longer the single illnesses, made harmless, being prepared to suit to diagnostic categories, locked up by the doctors, split up into pieces to fit in special disciplines and their idiotic-specialized diagnostic tangle [fachidiotischer Diagnosenwirrwarr], but THE illness of all the people being connected to Capitalism: Identity of Illness and Capitalism (SPK-Formula). Thus the concern of everybody, unavoidable, compelling, demanding action. SPK stands for the explosive mixture made out of wrecked lives and of consciousness, a mixture that no longer retains illness in itself, but externalizes it, compelling it beyond the limits of the singularized life, defending itself against therapeutic terrorism, because who, like the medical doctors’ class, is incapable of healing, has got at least to learn how to terrorize in the name of a so-called "health" that doesn’t exist, that can never exist, that is but a biologistic-nazist figment of the mind.
Everybody needs the SPK. What does that mean? For instance the following: nobody who dies because of a so-called suicide (ca. 100 each day, in this country alone, one hundred) does really want to die. She or he wants to live, but not that way. If she or he enters in contact with the SPK, the PATIENTS’ FRONT (PF), they make the experience that their individual lives too are identical to the social contradictions that have compelled them in the first way to want to kill "themselves". She or he no longer wants to die, because there exists that explosive mixture out of wrecked life and consciousness (SPK) that is creating confrontation-patients ready to stand up against the medical doctors, instead of continuing to deliver illness into their hands as their prey. Did you already know that? From the clinical point of view, a low (!) suicide quote is considered being an indicator of a missing (!) therapeutic activity.
That means: the one who instigates against the SPK, who suppresses and counterfeits its contents (that must stop, therefore the present ECHR-claim), who hinders patients to address themselves to the SPK, to the PATIENTS’ FRONT, is indeed someone who says: Yes, and Bravo, and Go on, to each suicided and to everyone who, under the pretext of being ill, is being murdered by medical doctors in hospitals, in homes for old people, in asylums, or even at home by the family doctor; she or he is indeed someone who says Yes to therapeutic terror, to the proto-medical Modern-euthaNAZISM; she or he is indeed their assistant and accomplice, and she or he is taking part in the murder.
The one, who is against the SPK, is automatically and undeniably a Nazi, is herself or himself a proto-medical modern-euthaNAZI. That is as dead sure as the death by the medical lethal injection in Auschwitz then and in the infirmary stations of nowadays. But who wants to be really and truly an anti-Nazi must be pro illness, pro PF/SPK.
As a claimant in the present human rights cause I have become unpopular and undesired [missliebig] in Germany with two press spokespersons, who hate me to death. One of them appears in the Internet and his name is Andreas Praefcke. The other press spokesperson works at the Public Prosecutor’s Office and his name is Andreas Grossmann. About their political party’s membership books, I don’t care a straw. I am completely aware of the fact that in Germany, as well as in Europe, there exist no regular Nazi-membership books. Understandably I have refrained from the requests of investigation in the relative evidence.
I write and publish as much as I can about illness. In this, I always hit the target. When a jurist writes, his statements – let’s hope so - always abandon with juridical features. Therein something rarely hits the target, goes the saying. Encyclopedic writers instead, since the times of Diderot, have to court the so-called masses for their favors; because if they do not, no one casts a glance into it. If a press speaker of the Internet is joined by the State, the latter acting as his accomplice by confirming him in his doings, then, the devil’s let loose, the more since the latter, in the general opinion, bears at least traits in common with illness.
As to myself, I descend from an affluent family. My father is a lawyer; he’s been in the bank business for all his life. In fact, from the Africa Corps of Erwin Rommel he had ended up as a prisoner of war of the Canadians, where he was permitted to become a lawyer by attending an Open University course. Among his ancestors, there were teachers, priests and Huguenots and farmers, who had acquired standing and high reputation. I myself was allowed to attend language laboratories for becoming an interpreter, but soon afterwards I changed over to my very first juridical training. Not one of the two press spokespersons referred to above are likely to have absolved a similar training, ever. In fact, I did my very first juridical training in the Socialist Patients’ Collective. There, press spokespersons were demonizing us with their smear and hate campaigns every single day for more than 17 months. Any juridical means of resistance – and we did not leave out even one – turned out to be a complete waste of time, and the files with our juridical means have been published, meanwhile. My goodness, that has been a juridical training indeed, and how glorious and magnificent patho-logical it has been in all its juridical instances, from the first to the last one. Not ten horses could and can ever make me more accessible to press spokespersons, after that successful training in the SPK, no matter where they are working, be it in the Internet be it at the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
I bear the name of my divorced husband proudly. The encyclopedia-spokesperson Andreas Praefcke was really generous in his scorn and derision of that my name. The right to do so, just as any other right, he has taken from his spokesperson-colleague Grossmann at the Public Prosecutor’s Office at Mannheim, who has let him get away with it by referring me, the plaintiff, in generic terms to private action, while, in the case of Mr. Praefcke, however, he has persuaded himself that he is acting in the public interest.
It is quite part of my experiences made during my juridical training that I have accompanied my husband through half of Europe, after they had managed, only in his regards, to get him down by the means of torture during his pre-trial detention (detention on suspicion), me being the only one capable of fighting by my hands’ work against his starvation, so that he, whom nobody, especially not from the medical doctors’ class, would like to have back with them any longer, could be spared of repeating such an experience.
A press spokesperson is thus allowed to take a lot of liberties, especially in such an illustrious company, flanked by the representation of the State. Already in 1983, the Member of the European Parliament, Mr. D’Angelosante, had delivered the following comment to KRANKHEIT IM RECHT:
"If in the German Federal Republic things were right,
all medical doctors and public prosecutors of the Federal Republic
would have been locked up in prison long since".
Today’s Europe, with its Convention on Human Rights and its Court of Human Rights, just for the sole reason of the history of its origins and by following the anti-nazi intentions of its founders, cannot and is not allowed to tolerate any kind of euthaNAZISM.
What is at stake in the present case, is the proto-medical modern-euthaNAZISM by the means of modern electronic media (Internet), the smear and hate campaigns against the SPK, against the patients’ class as a whole, and namely against the undersigned. What matters is the electronic class war in which the patients, the patients’ class, the Patients’ Front, the SPK, on one side, are opposed to the medical doctors’ class and their specialists-nerds (Fach-Idioten) on the other, including their assistants and helpers, the latter being idiots even without expert knowledge.
The word "idiot" gets to the very heart of the present controversy. It’s indeed a matter of idiots, in English: "private persons", who are running the activities of a proto-medical modern-euthaNAZISM, and who assist in the killing of patients by exploiting the technical possibilities of the computer age under the cover of anonymity and within the frame of an association that calls itself "Wikipedia", which is directed against everybody and all the people. There must be put a stop to their criminal activities, immediately, from Europe.
From current cause we file two criminal charges to initiate legal proceedings. They are embedded in the substantial and juridical context of the present ECHR-claim. Following is the presentation of the facts of the matter, the proceedings and the juridical substantiation of the present ECHR-claim.
Report of Offences and Penalties and Request to Prefer Public Charges against the Public Prosecutor, Andreas Grossmann, and against Mr. Andreas Praefcke (of "Wikipedia")
We hereby lodge a
Report of Offences and Penalties
and the
Request to Prefer Public Charges
as well as a
Supervisory Complaint
against the Public Prosecutor Andreas Grossmann, Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mannheim.
Together with this we hereby lodge the
to assign the case to another Public Prosecutor’s Office with the Ministry of Justice of Baden Wurttemberg. The Public Prosecutor’s Offices of Mannheim and of the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe have been charged several times already with the present case complex. Further, the accused of our criminal charge happens to be the press spokesperson in all concerns of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mannheim, especially in all its political concerns. The present case is thus a political case, just on the mere basis of the allocation of responsibilities. And which is the case in this regard that is being marked to stand out from the court’s jurisdiction and made a topic of non-juridical matters, provided that Political Justice is quite and simply prohibited, just like Class Justice, and the criminal abuse of Justice as well? Answer: It’s the mass-murder2 committed by the medical doctors’ class as a higher value protected by law, and, in the present, by its propagandistic furthering, carried on by "Wikipedia" (cf. the modern-euthaNAZISM in the so-called "Wikipedia", in the present ECHR-claim, section IV).
Each year 400,000 deaths in US-Clinics, and that admittedly because of medical therapy. The numbers in Germany and Europe are alike.2
The primary (proto-) medical modern-euthaNAZISM is operating worldwide; in this it is supported by an all-party coalition: the "health"-party, that "legal branch" (so a German magazine, Der Spiegel) of the medical profession. And worldwide too, there are the attacks against it, taken by people unwilling to be killed by the medical doctors under the sign of therapy. In this, the Significant euthaNAZI, introduced by Huber, PF/SPK(H), universals pathopractitioner, and directed against the medical doctors’ class, this significant is being taken up all over the continents. Even by consultants of the UN and by members of the Papal Academy of Sciences. In being pro or contra the medical euthaNAZIA, the party’s membership book or the religion is a matter of complete indifference. Supporters and opponents are to be found across all political colors and across the world religions. In South-America, people are taking to the streets and collecting signatures for a referendum and the prohibition of euthaNAZIA by the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights. In Italy, a Christian politician of the government had opposed the practice of euthaNAZIA in The Netherlands, and there was a Europe-wide scandal. Representatives of the Partito Radicale, the leftist so-called Radical Party, called upon the public through the Internet requesting it to euthANIZe (!) the politician himself as the first one, and they attempted to stigmatize him as being insane. In Greece, the Athenian newspaper Kyriakatiki Eleftherotypia published an article against EuthaNAZIA under the headline: "Authorization for life or for death?" framing it by a picture of a demonstration showing people of all age groups that were taking to the streets carrying posters "EuthaNAZIa, no thanks!" to attack the daily mass murder committed by the medical doctors under the pretext of "euthanasia" (cf. attachment). Others are attacking the medical mass-murder with the following appeal:
Apprenez: plûtot EMFir que souffrir. FP, connais-tu l'ennemi de l'espèce humaine, Translation: MFE3 is better than Woeee… (To do MFE is better than suffering)! FP, do you know the enemy of the human species, |
MFE = Multi-Focal Expansionism, cf. SPK – Turn illness into weapon, pp. 73; Krankheit, die Ganzheit mit Zukunft (Illness, the holistic entity with a future), pp. 87, 374; Utopathie vorweg (Utopathy, first of all and from the very beginning), p. 71, all publications published by KRRIM – PF-Verlag fuer Krankheit (editor pro Illness).3
In this context, several "idiots", in English: "private persons", are running the primary (proto-) medical modern-euthaNAZISM business and offer their support to the killing of patients by exploiting the technical potentials of the Computer Age, while acting under the cover of anonymity and within the frame of an association that calls itself "Wikipedia", thus targeting everyone. It’s to their criminal activities that there must be put a stop from Europe, urgently.
In this context, we have accused the named Public Prosecutor of the following facts of the matter:
As the official responsible for the investigation in our requests to prefer public charges directed against the primary (proto-) medical modern euthaNAZISM (here: taking the name "Wikipedia") he has been accused of ignoring the essential contents of these requests that are in the vital interests of all, and of trying to get rid of them by pushing us on the dead-end road of a private suit (cf. attachments). And that he, on the contrary, so our accusation, has obeyed to the appeal of one of the accused modern-euthaNAZIs to the detriment of us.
By acting in this way, the Public Prosecutor Grossmann has attempted to legitimize this whole direction – genuinely medical modern euthaNAZISM in the lines of those who call themselves "Wikipedia" – on a trial base, thus encouraging them to continue in their hate campaign and witch hunt.
The Public Prosecutor Grossmann is bound by the duty of his office to keep himself informed on the newest jurisdiction. The verdict of condemnation for instigation against the people and for criminal association, taken against an extreme rightist music band on the basis of their texts, has been brought to the notice of the Public Prosecutor Grossmann long ago, at the latest by us. Although the penalogic parallels with "Wikipedia" (instigation of the people by their Internet-texts against the SPK) are obvious to any jurist, we had explained with great care for particular details, especially for the Public Prosecutor’s Office, how to apply that verdict to the case of the criminal association called "Wikipedia". The Public Prosecutor Grossmann, however, considered the euthaNAZISTIC activities of the Wikipedia delinquents irrelevant for being subject to penal prosecution, and only of private interest. His erroneous and tendentious handling of our relative claims has been attacked by us with the adequate juridical means including the present ECHR-claim.
If euthaNAZIs are not subject to prosecution, they are being encouraged. This is well known by everyone. If, on the contrary, it’s those who attack the euthaNAZIs that are being prosecuted by the State, for instance by decreeing a penalty order against each who intervenes against that, it’s the State itself that is furthering euthaNAZISM. That’s, then, no longer an issue of different interpretations of the law, nor can it become the object of regular legal remedies, and it goes far beyond any suspicion of partiality and interest [Befangenheit]. But it contravenes the fundamental and basic law (the right to life!), and it violates the European Convention on Human Rights as well (right to life!), and such a partiality is incompatible with the office of a Public Prosecutor. The whole matter is a political issue, and is thus of public interest. To indict it for criminal violation is the due course of action. The mass murder practiced by the medical doctors’ class and, in the present, its propagandistic fostering by the "Wikipedia" delinquents, ought not and cannot be allowed to constitute the higher value protected by law. The pertinent and relevant explanations given in the present ECHR-claim are made the object of the present request to prefer public charges in all regards of their contents. Hint: the European Court on Human Rights has just condemned the German Federal Republic another time in a case of killing practiced by medical doctors, because they had been exempted from penal persecution in the German Federal Republic by all its domestic courts.
The Public Prosecutor Grossmann is actually acting as a prosecutor in a trial against an extreme rightist, and in the courtroom "one is discovering the Public Prosecutor Grossmann, whose eyelids are dropping (with tiredness)", so the court’s report of the local newspaper Mannheimer Morgen of July 12, 2006 (the newspaper’s revenge relevant to the present day for a house search in its offices carried out by the Public Prosecutor Grossmann in relation to the "Frog King Scandal"? In that, Grossmann had been whistled back by the Regional Government because of the election campaign!).
We are reproaching the Public Prosecutor Grossmann for the fact that he has shut his eyes to the euthaNAZI tendencies carrying the name of "Wikipedia", which we had reported to him; tendencies that he culpably has spared from penal prosecution while prosecuting the signatory (of the present claim) instead. Lawyers who stand up for illness and against medical euthaNAZISM are being killed. Experience shows that therefore juridical writings4 are all that is needed (cf. the ECHR-violations asserted under point 15 of the present claim). How much more is this the case, then, if it is an article in "Wikipedia", both false and irresponsible, against the SPK and the signatory, especially if enforced and increased in its effects with the approval of the Public Prosecutor!
Mr. Schifferer, lawyer and barrister – on all sides respectable [unbescholten], just as the signatory of the present claim – was fighting for the creation of law by the force of illness and for the patients, reason why he was exposed by medical doctors to the attacks of the disciplinary court of the Chamber of Lawyers. He was accused of having violated the lawyer’s so-called "chamber-tone" [Kammerton], meanwhile declared being anti-constitutional; he was accused of having stricken the wrong note, compared to the ‘right’ one imposed by the Chamber of Lawyers. The medical doctors went even so far as to put into practice their desire to have him declared "insane" – an enterprise doomed to fail miserably and to cause great damage to its medical initiators and authors – because he spoke of Iatrocracy and of the fact that medical doctors are permitted to supersede the legislative, the judicative and the executive without being punished. Not only the European Commission on Human Rights and other European organisations condemned the medical intervention against the lawyer Mr. Schifferer, but also the German Federal Republic has been accused and is still under accusation by the UN for these interventions.4
The local Chamber of Lawyers of Karlsruhe has been shitting itself for that till today. But, after all, it was with their approval that there was made an examination under psychiatric aspects of the lawyer’s writings to courts in defending people, taken from courts’ files (!), an examination against the repeatedly declared will of the lawyer Mr. Schiffer, declared repeatedly by writing and by phoning. The then Member of the Disciplinary Tribunal, Schibel, a millionaire lawyer (vox populi!), was plainly conscious about the fact that his proceeding would destroy all parts of the existence of the lawyer, and therefore on the first day of the proceedings Schibel denied to the press to have the least intention to take psychiatric steps. Nevertheless he forwarded some weeks later the files and the order for a psychiatric examination of Mr. Schifferer’s writings to a by him chosen psychiatric expert, for the rest bad-famed as an ideological high-ranking Nazi-functionary. Outcome: not any mental illness with the lawyer, Mr. Schifferer; but acquittal by the Legal Profession Higher Disciplinary Court, and all the procedural costs to be refunded at the expense of the Chamber of Lawyers. Another result: The lawyer, Mr. Schifferer, is dead (47!). Cause of disease according to the post-mortem autopsy: none. The then Member of the Disciplinary Tribunal, Schibel, the millionaire lawyer, responsible of the coercive psychiatric measure, indeed directed against Mr. Schifferer personally, - Schibel: a few years later dead, too (post-mortem autopsy? Please don’t spare to start researches!).
His one-sided and biased stance became all the more evident in the context of the above-mentioned Wikipedia-Idiotes-request, because in this it’s a matter of life and death, while in the Frog-King Scandal it was only a matter of the in-house garbage of a political party, precisely that produced among several members of the CDU (Christ Democratic Union), who had gotten into an argument and begun to play rough and clog at each other just alike schoolboys in their snack break.
The Public Prosecutor Grossmann not only has ignored culpably the factual context with regard to euthaNAZISM, but he has also stripped single words from their relation to the contents and from their linguistic context, stringing these words together arbitrarily, while, at the same time, he was lacking any substantiation required by law. All this he did to the disadvantage of the signatory. This is contravening the German Constitution, the Human Rights, and therefore liable to prosecution.
The Public Prosecutor’s request for penalty (see attachment) |
Refutation and evidence to the fact that the Public Prosecutor’s handling of the case is liable to punishment |
Single words stripped from their context |
The Federal Supreme Court stated with regard to that practice:
The relevant decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court, too, oppose with all the necessary sharpness any attempt to pursue the prohibited falsification of a text by the omission of facts and contexts that are relevant to the decision. The ruling of the supreme court demands imperatively to "take into consideration the whole line of arguments" and prohibits the butchery dismembering of the textual entity of a written statement. And that’s precisely what the Public Prosecutor has been practicing culpably. The Public Prosecutor Grossmann has disregarded the jurisdiction of the supreme court and selected in an arbitrary manner single passages from our written statements. At the same time, by acting in this way, he purposefully has created a prejudice that, as a consequence, could have made it impossible for the Federal Constitutional Court and the inferior courts to take into consideration –and be it only casually – essential integral parts of our juridical argumentation in the cause of the legally, and all the more on the basis of the human rights, unacceptable killing of people. Omitting the factual and juridical context, he has plucked out gingerly [spitzfingrig] fragments from the line of arguments in order to piece together, from his chaff cutting, an accusation against the signatory, at least on a trial basis. This is forbidden and liable to punishment (cf. the Federal Supreme Court, the Federal Constitutional Court, established case law). By laying out the fundamental connections in our juridical writings, thus in our explanations of the juridical and legal implications, we have exposed the significance of the liability to penal prosecution of "Wikipedia" for their false representations of the SPK, - not only in the article about SPK, but also in their large and abundant, bloody so-called talk pages (discussions about that), as a fix part of the article. We exposed fundamental connections that are certainly represented on paper only through printing ink, but would never have found the way to writing-paper without the reality on which they are based, which is indeed a bloody reality of patients killing and of white-coat’s- euthaNAZISM, executed day after day and each hour in old people’s homes and surgery halls, and pushed further propagandistically by "Wikipedia" (cf. our relative explanations in the attached requests to prefer public charges, our claims and our constitutional claim). In his quality as the representative of the pre-investigative instance, equal to a judge according to the ruling law, the Public Prosecutor Grossmann was called to judge and evaluate [gewichten]. |
The Public Prosecutor’s request for penalty |
Refutation and evidence to the fact that the Public Prosecutor’s handling of the case is liable to punishment |
In addition to that, and since he seems to have convinced himself that he should piece together an accusation against the signatory, he should have delivered a substantiated and differentiated reasoning required by law, to show that a "public interest" is given to do so. The question whether it is the utterance of an opinion in the pursuit of one’s limited private interests (medieval "Wikipedia"-idiotism, cf. Bolz, a Berlin media-professor) that is at stake, or, on the contrary, a statement on issues concerning the interests of all the people (Put an end to euthaNAZISM!), this question is being evaluated [gewichtet] and measured in jurisdiction in quite different ways, in view of the safeguarding of the Basic Law on the freedom of expression. Under the protection of the Basic Law are such statements that are concerning all the people (in the present the SPK), while any statement of opinions that is serving only the pursuit of private interests, and that therefore must be considered being literally idiotic in the legal view, has to back out. With regard to that a recent decision of the Superior Court of Justice:
The instigation of the people against those that are made unpopular, as it is promoted by "Wikipedia", is not protected by any right that regards the expression of one’s opinion. On the contrary, it is liable to punishment as instigation of the people [Volksverhetzung]. It is self-evident that nobody wants to die just like that and only because of the fact that the perpetrator is a medical doctor and the homicide is called therapy. And it is just for the sake of democracy, because it is orientated at the interest of the majority, that those times must be put behind once and for all, those times when humanity as a whole is considered being genetically deficient without exception, a wording used by minorities, that is by the medical doctors’ class, for a generalized license to kill [als abschussreif gesprachregelt wird]. And those times must be put behind also for their handymen and mental lackeys [Hand- und Kopflanger] at "Wikipedia". |
The Public Prosecutor’s request for penalty |
Refutation and evidence to the fact that the Public Prosecutor’s handling of the case is liable to punishment |
Any euthaNAZISM, independently of the form in which it appears, must be decidedly opposed to. It’s the Basic Law, all the relevant single laws, and the European Convention on Human Rights as well that require such a stance. With regard to that, the signatory has never missed to state that with all the necessary clearness and decisiveness relevant to the facts of the matter. In this, from the point of view of an attorney at law, what is at stake are not the maxims
or that
In general: there are no means drastic enough to attack the accomplices of euthaNAZIa, because in drasticness any language is falling far behind the bloody reality of euthaNAZISTic homicides. The statements of the signatory are protected by law. At stake was and is "an issue of fundamental importance to the public", namely the issue of illness, linked [festgemacht] to the decision in favor or against the SPK, in favor or against the primary (proto-) medical modern-euthaNAZISM, in favor or against the killing of people. That concerns everyone, and certainly not only when the latest epidemic prescribed by the medical doctors, plus compulsory mass vaccination and quarantine concentration camps, are ad portas. The modern-encyclopaedists from "Wikipedia" want to get rid especially of the signatory’s position and function as an attorney, as they are law-shy after all. The named Public Prosecutor has encouraged the "Wikipedia"-instigators. He is a Public Prosecutor for political cases. In the duty of his office he is obliged to the prosecution of attempts to justify the Nazi-era. He knows very well the following facts, because we have informed him on them by our writings: Laws always forbade murder and mass-murder, even during the medico-political mega-event called national socialism. Only later on, under the dictatorship of the medical doctors it was forbidden to all the lawyers, even in a single case and on request of the bereaved, to oppose by juridical means the mass murder action (at least 275,000 deaths). In 1941, the medical doctors obtained a decree, issued by the Ministry of Justice. Judges and Public Prosecutors were ordered [vergattert] not to investigate on complaints for criminal charges, which were lodged with the authorities by the next of kin of the deceased and by their lawyers, in order to clear their deaths. The juridical control through the organs of justice was in this way eliminated as a matter of fact. So, the medical doctors could continue their annihilation of patients without being hindered by any juridical means. From that follows: It may have life-prolonging effects, if juridical means are being taken or not. |
The Public Prosecutor’s request for penalty |
Refutation and evidence to the fact that the Public Prosecutor’s handling of the case is liable to punishment |
Today, there is no less primary (proto-) medical euthaNAZISM than there was at those times. Therefore, it is not a matter of indifference, whether or not KRANKHEIT IM RECHT exists. And it makes a difference, whether there are or there are not lawyers as the signatory, this makes a difference with respect to whether life is being prolonged or shortened, whether or not people made unpopular, whether or not the selected ones, the elder, the sick and the weak are being left alone and abandoned to the medical doctors. It is not a matter of indifference, whether or not the medical unlimited monopoly to murder is opposed by the State’s monopoly to violence, which is at least limited by laws. Those of "Wikipedia" are instigating the public at home and abroad against the SPK, against PF/SPK(H) and against the signatory in her quality as a lawyer, being one among many jurists who are assisting us (Pathopractice with Jurists, see our name shield). Different from what was needed 65 years ago, for Mr. Public Prosecutor Grossmann there was no need of any order or decree to refuse the signatory’s recourse to legal remedies by breaching both law and constitution, and to file an unlawful application for a penal order against her instead. |
Public charges are to be preferred against the Public Prosecutor Grossmann.
The offences committed by him have already yielded fruits.
One of the main perpetrators of "Wikipedia", Andreas Praefcke, continues just like before. He feels himself encouraged by the Public Prosecutor Grossmann. Is this Public Prosecutor of political crimes blind to such developments? Mr. Biedermann and his arsonist guest, is that reality or fiction? And the arsonists and instigators can feel themselves encouraged all the more so, as they can be sure of the approval on the part of the Public Prosecutor?
Proof: A recent instigating entry by Andreas Praefcke, dated July 6, 2006, against the SPK on his web page at "Wikipedia" (see attachment).
He calls us garbage, and he asks the whole world to kill us. To prefer a criminal charge against Public Prosecutor Grossmann is the only conclusion. It’s him who has encouraged Andreas Praefcke to "garbage" us.
Moving on to the next ‘subject’
Praefcke-epistle: hypocritical whimpering and whining and begging for mercy. "Good theatre performance in Mannheim", therefore better: a shoddy farce out of the duet between an honor-caused Green Member of the European Parliament, in Frankfurt (Cohn-Bendit), who simulates fainting fits in order to make his Public Prosecutor submit to his wishes. One remembers. For the purposes served in Mannheim, then, the incriminated epistle (see below) has already been quite enough to set in motion the evasive pipe-dream life, precisely through its fuzzy-logic, thus meeting the requests of elimination in such a manner that even in ancient Sparta no idiotes could ever have commanded it, because at those times there was no computerized and fuzzylogical justice, although they had got already digital exterminator idiots, that’s sure. And Leonidas’ 300 brave Spartans alone, all of them taking their own lives by their own pig-headedness, had the damage, and any description can still defy them. Yeah, Traveler, if you come to Frankfurt don’t forget Europe, and its primary (proto-) medical euathaNAZIa politics of extermination.
Furthermore, we hereby lodge a
Report of Offences and Penalties
and the
Request to Prefer Public Charges
against Mr. Andreas Praefcke for his letter to the Public Prosecutor Grossmann, dated July 11, 2005, which we learned about only one year later when we had the possibility to examine the corresponding files.
Prefatory juridical note:
When Andreas Praefcke wrote that letter, he had been accused by us twice for his "Wikipedia" hate and smear campaign against the SPK, firstly for having committed the crime of instigation of the people (Volksverhetzung), and secondly for participating, together with other accomplices of "Wikipedia", in a criminal association. Thus he was acting as an accused. And as such he is allowed by law to deny, to lie and to hush up. In his letter to the Public Prosecutor, who was conducting an investigation against him, Praefcke has made full use of that possibility.
It’s an old story: summoned to stand trial for having murdered a Black African, the culprits deny any connection to Nazism (Nazi ideology). That night, they just had drunk a little bit more than usual, "Kanaka" (the German racist jargon for foreigners) was not meant in that derogatory manner, "beat him to death" just a joke over a glass of beer, and that all in all it was nothing but a harmless, apolitical silly prank. Nobody wanted that he suddenly was dead. Besides, one ain’t got absolutely nothing against ‘Auslaender’ (foreigners), and the razor shaven heads and steel-toe boots were just a fashion fad.
In this tenor is written the Praefcke-letter. Only that differently from the example referred above, Praefcke is totally leaving out the whole context, or– following his passion for lyric operas – it is he himself who plays the part of the Black African. It’s him, the instigator, and thus the one liable to penal prosecution on our report of offences for instigation of the people, who is playing the role of the persecuted innocent victim, as false as the fake dagger and the fake blood on the lyrical opera scene, trying to divert attention to issues of secondary importance, while afterwards he doesn’t want to have absolutely anything to do with it – attempts to justify his own behavior en masse. As to its contents, his writing is but another piece of evidence to his complete incorrigibility, to his lies that he is keeping up with inveteracy, notwithstanding the fact that he has been proved wrong by us long since. This recent Praefcke-writing, just as those before, is taking once again the SPK and the signatory in her quality as SPK-lawyer to its target by fostering the hate and smear campaign to their elimination. Let’s not fool ourselves.
For the connected euthaNAZI facts of the matter see our reports of offences and penalties, claims and constitutional claim in the attachments.
Praefcke – epistle |
Liable to prosecution |
Dear Mr. Grossmann, here enclosed, I send you another finding I took from the Internet – once again published by the woman lawyer Muhler, being in a proven manner offensive and, if you permit, totally made up. The address: _ganz_modern.htm((Refers to our claim in the penal cause against Praefcke and others, dated 28.06.2005, which was made public via Internet by KRANKHEIT IM RECHT, cf. the attachment to the present ECHR-claim, note by the signatory))
Of particular interest is, if I may say so, Muhler’s opinion that, by publishing a few details of my private life, I would have granted her the permission to reproduce all these facts by arbitrarily distorting them ("Postcard Distribution"? I have never sold or distributed one single postcard. "England"? It’s years since I have been there. My father has never been a member of the local costume group "Lansquenets"*. My "legally trained relatives" – there are two lawyers under the name of Praefcke in Ravensburg – have absolutely nothing to do with this case, and they therefore ignore it. And all the rest of it.) *((Mercenaries, Middle Ages, note of the translator)). |
Yet recently, for Mr. Andreas Praefcke she was nothing but a single "beastie", as he used to call her with all his contempt. "Trolls", "vandals", "chaotic", "incoherent", "crazy" (so their Internet-dialogues)*, that’s what for the Praefckes are all those they dislike anyway.
Is the Public Prosecutor’s job that to conduct investigations, or must he limit himself to find someone guilty of lies? That’s why Mr. Praefcke is in the need of producing "liars", to help Mr. Public Prosecutor to get on the full manger. For Mr. Praefcke, several hundred thousands up to millions of signatories are but liars and swindlers, when he knows them being on our side (cf. his smear and hate articles against us in the Internet). In the whole world, there are but a few ten thousands participating in his association, according to official ascertainments, and especially Mr. Praefcke, the ultimate responsible, believes in such ascertainments. Time ago he has corresponded once already, but he did not have to wait for an answer. And that did vex him enormously, because with the proven diagnosis arsenal of "Wikipedia" ranging from Trolls to unpopular and undesired [Missliebig gemachte] (see above) they had not succeeded in taking us out. It’s anything else but interesting, what someone of the medieval idiotae-clique or of the equally relapsed ancient arsenal of the idiotes believes to retrieve this way or the other (Nicolaus of Cues; Bolz, a Berlin media professor, source: Der Spiegel No. 29/2006). But idiot remains idiot. We had suggested examining his legal capacity. But unfortunately, until now Mr. Andreas Praefcke did not make use of it. So, the Public Prosecutor was barred from initiating any investigations at that regard, although it’s precisely for that, and for the correct evaluation of truth and only, that he exercises his power as a state attorney. Postcard distribution: a prosecution for tax fraud will be enacted separately. Only a few months ago Mr. Andreas Praefcke had to fend off nothing less than (in their own words:) a battle-pig of a lawyer against the signatory. It would have been the duty of the Public Prosecutor to investigate into the rest of the Praefcke-statement, if we had not spared 3,600 EURO to dismiss the Public Prosecutor-Grossmann-Duo without more ado. |
Praefcke – epistle |
Liable to prosecution |
It was not me to start with that farce, rather on the contrary, I am feeling more and more being the victim of a woman lawyer who has become enraged and seems to believe that she is above the law, while accusing me of all people to act in that way. Muhler believed that she could succeed in intimidating the project "Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia", based on voluntary participation and good will (a fascinating Internet-project for the distribution of free knowledge and the winner of the Grimme Online Awards 2006) and a few out of thousands of participators – among them me and Kuno Duenhoelter – by the means of, in my opinion, illegal but free of charge cease-and-desist-orders [Abmahnungen], and in presenting us by the means of public offenses. I guess that all the cooperators named by her have become aware of the harmless encyclopedia-article on the "SPK" on the topic only because of her accusations full of hatred and, as to the corresponding facts of the matter and their language, I’m afraid, Muhler’s incomprehensible threats of filing a lawsuit (Mrs. Muhler seems to consider herself a sort of legal successor in title and interest of that association). At least to me that organization was completely unknown, until ((The "I" was omitted, other errors of grammar were also to be found more above)) became aware of that article by a short question of the US-American founder of Wikipedia, who didn’t know what to do with Mrs. Muhlers’ written accusations ((sic! Praefcke-German, already mentioned above)). |
" … I am feeling more and more being the victim …". Is that of psychiatric or of penal law relevance? The fact that we eventually have broken down the case proceedings was last but not least for the reason that a lawyer is subject to the imperative of objectiveness and, by consequence, a lawyer has to bar even the courts from being disparaged to an official of spectacles [Spektakelreferent]. For that 3,600.- EURO were not to good for us. That’s a swindle-firm. Cheating its customers, and nothing else. In a first moment, even we were taken in by it, when we were trying to correct their false article on the SPK in "Wikipedia" by ourselves. They immediately deleted our corrections. Meanwhile, universities all over the world have forbidden their students to make use of the "Wikipedia" texts. Reason: Incredibility (Source: International News Agencies). Offences liable to penal prosecution: Instigation of the people, Stultification of the people, Section 130 Penal Code of the FRG. Praefcke doesn’t know German, and the German grammar neither; he’s but an inhibited, confused and monomaniac psychopath. That has been confirmed and certified to him in public on the Internet by colleagues, experts and experienced people, who were directly involved. A relative denial is still overdue, at this time. Similar psychosis-relevant and neurosis-relevant faxes cannot be afforded by someone who, as the signatory and lawyer, Mrs. Ingeborg Muhler, has been nominated by the Hessian Ministry to become the Environment Minister (1992).
In each second Berlin household you can find the SPK-books. Who is really interested in the embarrassing gaps in the knowledge of a "Wikipedia-Enczyclopedist" like Praefcke?! That doesn’t matter to Mr. Praefcke, because, in case of need, to him all the others are but garbage that everybody ought to eliminate, as he recently has demanded once again (July 06, 2006). And the Public Prosecutor Grossmann has encouraged him in that. For Praefcke the sovereign state of Colombia is Germany and a woman lawyer therein (idiotic hate makes blind, or at least scatterbrained, rattle-rattle). |
Praefcke – epistle |
Liable to prosecution |
- As to myself, my contribution to the contents of that article is almost next to nothing and my contribution to its edition is minimal. For me, to tell the truth, the whole ‘club’ (or whatever it is meant to be), the whole subject, and Mrs. Muhler as well, is something I couldn’t care less about [ist mir voellig schnuppe] – it’s hers to expose herself to ridicule however and wherever she likes.
Concerning the contents, the targets of my attacks were neither lawyer Muhler nor the SPK (in case it still exists), but indeed her methods of intimidation and offences. It seems to me that to Mrs. Muhler it goes against the grain that I – differently perhaps from others before me - was not frightened by her function as a lawyer (there are some of the cooperators of Wikipedia, who cannot believe that something of the kind can originate from a lawyer permitted to practice the legal profession by the German Bar Association), by cease-and-desist-orders and charges brought against them, and because I am not of the opinion that the encyclopedia-article in question should simply be deleted just because one of the supposed persons concerned by it (who is neither called by name nor in another way mentioned) would desire such a thing. That’s why I refuse to acquiescence to the violation of the constitutional guideline on the liberty of expression by Mrs. Muhler and why I stick to my opinion that the article on the SPK shall remain in the Wikipedia as it is and that it shall not be substituted by the self-representation of Mrs. Muhler. |
That’s a damned lie. A pitiable lie to cover him against our claim dated June 28, 2005 in the penal cause against Praefcke and others (cf. attachment to the present ECHR-claim). The ‘black list’ in "Wikipedia" – which has been disproved person after person by us, and thus by people who where actually partaking in the SPK – published in order to associate the SPK with an organization hostile to patients (RAF), together with all the criminalizing (witch) hunt and the call for the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Secret Service of Germany), including the so-called "fatal shut" and the cop’s so-called "putative self-defense"; made virulent once again by Andreas Praefcke also in the English version of "Wikipedia". The legal succession of the SPK in favor of the PATIENTS’ FRONT, and even more so the exclusive right of representation on the part of PF/SPK(H), has been ascertained by the courts long since. But Mr. Andreas Praefcke puts himself over the courts; and he claims that right away also for all the future. Offences liable to penal prosecution: Casting False Suspicion, Section 164 of the Federal Penal Code, and Incitement of others to the prosecution of innocents, Section 26 and 344 of the Federal Penal Code. Totally imbecile justifications, riddled with malicious assumptions palpably contrary to the facts! Targeted, public deliberate homicidal instigation addressing our lawyer functions. Terror of intimidation exercised upon the wrong object. Lawyers who stand up for illness are being killed. According to experience, nothing but juridical writings is all what is needed to accomplish that (see footnote 4, cf. also section 15 of the claimed EHRC-violations). How much more is this the case, if it is an article, both false and irresponsible, written by the main culprit Praefcke. Offence liable to penal prosecution: Murder threat and Coercion, section 240 of the Federal Penal Code.
Who else but Mr. Praefcke is exposing her all the time, by selecting her by name and as the concerned, on the "Wikipedia" web sites even in England?! Blatant instigation to murder! |
Praefcke – epistle |
Liable to prosecution |
Till now, I deliberately have abstained from hiring lawyers, because I did not consider the problem really that important, but in the matter plain and indisputable instead. Even that is now being turned in an accuse by Mrs. Muhler, because in her opinion probably only fully qualified lawyers have the right to bring charges before the court, etc.. Thus my reproach of offending me by the denomination "criminal offender" certainly does not refer to Muhler’s letter as such, but to its publication on the Internet without the relative mark "suspicion". In the beginning, I have registered rather amusingly Muhler’s legally insubstantial and linguistically woozy slanderous remarks (as one can deduce from my and from other Wikipedia cooperators ironic diction, which is now being exaggerated by Muhler to inhuman Nazi language … - so, "troll" is the word that is permanently used on the Internet to characterize people who "mail contributions (through the Internet) by which they obviously want only to provoke without really contributing to the discussion"). Also the fact that my personal Wikipedia discussion page was being inundated with garbage (internet-wide known as "spam"), though being annoying, was ‘half that bad’. |
Praefcke and his fellows not only are shy of lawyers but also blatantly shy of the law. Proof: their numerous invocations on the Internet at that regard to abandon legal remedies at any cost. See also our proofs concerning this matter in the already mentioned appeal of June 28, 2006, enclosed. Offence liable to penal prosecution: Coercion, section 240 of the Federal Penal Code.
Praefcke and his fellows have already proceeded long since to propagandize roaring and blatantly the killing of people made unpopular and undesired [Missliebige]. They consider that being harmless, admissible and feasible [tunlich]. Offence liable to penal prosecution: Glorification of violence, Agitation of the people or Incitation of hatred against segments of the population, Section 130 and 131 of the Federal Penal Code. |
Praefcke – epistle |
Liable to prosecution |
However, I can no longer, at best will, file away Muhler’s recent publications as being amused by them. It is unacceptable, that Muhler continues to address her propaganda at my person – my report of offences and penalties is only an attempt to avert further damage from me, from my own business venture, and from other cooperators volunteering in Wikipedia. To be insulted in public as a supporter of Nazism and euthanasia, is unacceptable for me (the more so as it is totally made up out of thin air), and I hope that soon a solution will be found to remove those insults from the WWW which is free accessible to anyone. Best regards Andreas Praefcke |
To kill, and now even to muzzle us, that’s new. For "irony", funny little jokes and gags, we are lacking any sense of humor, especially if the topic is not the entertainment business but the blatant, uncovered impulse to kill and its uncovered propaganda. Offences liable to penal prosecution: Casting false suspicion, Section 164, Coercion, Section 240, Glorification of violence, and Agitation of the people or Incitation of hatred against segments of the population, Section 130 and 131 of the Federal Penal Code. |
Fine that Mr. Praefcke is confessing the crime and taking all the blame on himself, not even trying to whitewash his doings by burdening "Zinnmann" with his crimes, who had forbidden him and Duenhoelter at that time to delete his entry on the SPK.
The SPK in matter and manifestation does neither belong to an Andreas Praefcke nor to a certain "Zinnmann" or to anyone else, except Huber. Unobjected on all sides that fact of the matter has been examined also by the Federal Constitutional Court. The truth is: self-determination in its manifestations, instead of hetero-determined incitement idiotism! All the rest is a punishable offense: Violation of the copyright, calumniation, and incitement of hatred against segments of the population.
Andreas Praefcke has to be brought before the court and a criminal charge has to be preferred against him.
Account of the facts
We accuse the Federal Republic of Germany and its institutions. The present EHCR-claim is directed against decisions of the German judiciary. We reproach the judges and Public Procetutors involved that by their lawfully defective decisions they are fostering the primary (proto-) medical euthanNAZISM and their propagandistic supporters, namely those who call themselves "Wikipedia Encyclopedia": Violation of Article 2, Paragraph 1, of the EHCR.
The juridical instances of the German Federal Republic have denied the claimant a fair trial in the sense of the EHCR: Violation of Article 6 of the EHCR. In addition to that, the signatory has been subject to discrimination. Violation of Article 14 of the EHCR. The claimant has been violated in her human rights and fundamental freedoms, which are guaranteed by the European Convention. The claimant has been subject to these violations while exercising her profession as a lawyer in favor of the PF/SPK(H) and the SPK. This is a violation of the legal right of the signatory to the freedom of expression and free-exercise of profession guaranteed by Article 10 Paragraph 1 of the EHCR.
It started5 with a defamatory, violence-glorifying and hatred-inciting article on the Socialist Patients’ Collective (SPK) published on the Internet (by those who call themselves "Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia"). Appropriate alternative formulations on the SPK provided by the Patients’ Front / SPK, such of the same texts that already before had been accepted and answered positively without further ado, for instance by the serious standard-lexicon publishers Brockhaus and dtv, were simply deleted by those of "Wikipedia", the latter then put under penal prosecution. That means: Patients – also and especially when they themselves are the concerned – are being muzzled by "Wikipedia" that calls itself a "Free Encyclopedia", their own contributions are being deleted without further ado and substituted by the most malicious incitement (cf. list of calumniations, above). The signed lawyer was herself mentioned by name in the contributions of the calumniators, and she and her professional activity was vilified, at least on a trial basis.
In the beginning, all was done in the style of: We, the dead right, the elite, but them, the insane; nah, it’s that excitingly interesting! A bunch of Wikigrazian cheeky brats, that’s what they seemed to be for us. Because not anyone of those whom we had asked for information could imagine that something like that could possibly have passed even the most elementary and primitive socialisation hurdles, ever.5
That’s how it starts: at first defamation, discrimination and stigmatization by the means of language in the print media and other media, and in a final step: the "switch off", "weed out" and killing of those who have been stigmatized before. At those times "Der Stuermer" (The Stormer), nowadays the same primary (proto-) medical encyclopedic modern-euthaNAZISM.
"The euthaNAZISTIC murder continues hour after hour without being punished. Still undeleted stands the "Wikipedia"-text against the SPK in the Internet. As Andreas Praefcke has confessed he himself (cf. his letter of 11.07.2005 to the Public Prosecutor): an intentionally frowsy, inappropriate and denigrating article on the SPK. Turned into standing ovations to the monsters in clinics, children’s clinics, medical practices and old people’s homes: it's into that the euthaNAZI louts and their clientele from the normoisie-mega-sect have turned their entry on the SPK: in an applause to the actual mass murder."
That’s what we have had reason to accuse already in our constitutional claim.
Against the "Wikipedia"-text and its penal implications the signatory has brought charges before the judiciary organs, among others for instigation of the people [Volksverhetzung] and for formation of a criminal organization. The judicial authorities of the German Federal Republic have abstained from taking any action. By that they are approving up to this very hour the modern euthaNAZISM and its worldwide propaganda by the modern-encyclopedists of "Wikipedia". But the Public Prosecutor, the judge is certainly an honorable man; and all are honorable, up to the Federal Constitutional Court, which (in another case) has deemed that death caused by the medical adjunct of emetics is compatible with the Basic Law. For that, the European Court of Human Rights has now condemned severely the German Federal Republic. In the facts of the case: killing by medical doctors, countless deaths; only the claimant, Jalloh, had been so fortunate just to escape death (Verdict of 11th July 2006 in the case Jalloh ./. Germany).
EuthaNAZISM, that’s the killing of single ore more people in order to HEAL fossilized social conditions, and precisely in a way that – horribile dictu! – the murdered themselves are approving of their being murdered, considering that even the best thing to happen to them, because it takes place under medical control and because it’s called therapy and assistance to death. An evil light is being shed on a society that is allowed to boast about the voluntary approval of both their murderers and their victims in the matter of reducing and even cutting short life. Because a society is composed of social beings. But a society that is no longer able to differentiate between social beings and their decomposition [die zwischen Wesen und Verwesung nicht mehr unterscheiden kann] must probably be considered to be in its entirety a pretty dead society. Cutting off life by force is a mass-destiny, if not a class-destiny, that means a destiny granted by the hands of the medical doctors and, on top of that, thanks to their complete blindness and enslavement by the doctors, a destiny even approved of as "good" and "healthy" by the concerned people themselves.
It is however certain that society, in all its components, wants to live, and many an experience which the single ones are deprived of, or which they have been spared of, when life is being artificially [lege artis] cut off by the doctors’ gang, might turn out, in the retrospective inspiration of the single ones, to have been one of the most important experiences in relation to the society as a whole.
If in a society even only one single person is being selected because of his or her illness, then this is a society of trash and exclusion [Ausschuss- und Ausschluss-Gesellschaft], thus being no society at all. Selection, from Auschwitz to the gene-laboratory, from the Intensive Care Unit to the old peoples’ home. Dr. med. Mengele, too, and the likes of him have practiced purest humanism, in the concentration camp of Auschwitz, precisely by eliminating all the sick, the crippled, the elder people, in order to "redeem them from there existence unworthy for a human being", in the name of humanity, compassion and mercifulness. Operation Mercy-killing [Aktion Gnadentod]. Nowadays, too, the propagandists of the annihilation of the sick argue with the suffering of the single ones, for instance like this: "But you can’t expect a woman to …, overstrained with a sick child … the best thing to do for all". If the killing, in this case, of a child, is being considered the solution to a societal problem, then, it is legitimate to claim with the same right that: "If a woman is overstrained by her matrimonial condition, then, that woman is fully legitimated to kill her husband, because the continuation of her marriage would be cruel and inhuman, and furthermore it would contravene her right to free self-determination". In the case of the killing of the husband, everybody would say: there must be other solutions. But as soon as illness is at stake and a medical doctor intervenes, death is the means of choice.
Euthanasia is the mass-bloodthirstiness of the medical doctors’ class: There is no good or bad euthanasia, no good or bad assistance to death: all that was, is, and remains euthaNAZIa, as long as there still exists just one single medical doctor, who thus has got the say in that. Prior to that, already any attempt of discussion on that issue is but euthaNAZIa, for all the actual and future holocaust-practices [Holocaustereien].
The medical doctors’ class, that class of mass-murderers, is in the need of the approval of others, no matter how they succeed in getting it. The "common", that is: "healthy popular instinct" [gesundes Volksempfinden], that’s how it was called in the past. The SPK calls that: Normoisie-Mega-Sect. "The Stormer" was the propagandistic means in the past, nowadays it’s "Wikipedia".
The modern-euthaNAZISM in the so-called "Wikipedia", so called by themselves
Hostile to society and thus extremely against the European Convention on Human Rights, thus recognizable without any further ado in its intention and its purpose by any rightful thinking person, that’s how the incriminated article on the SPK in "Wikipedia" is introducing itself. No, it’s not an insignificant valuation from the point of view of the press law, but it’s filth and smut in its mass murder tendencies to tie genetics with the SPK. To call its founder an assistant doctor, instead of scientist, tries to displace him from the university, where there are no assistant doctors, back to the Wolhynian swamps of World War One, and precisely on the side of Russians miserably finished off in those swamps and morasses. Putting relations without cause [Beziehungssetzung ohne Anlass]? The incriminated article against the SPK is bearing fruits: in their attempt to explain to the world our significant expression FRONTPATIENT, these daubers have objected just recently without any reason and motive that the expression FRONT SOLDIER as a honorary title would span from World War One midst to World War Two. Well, if this is not mad! [Na, so ein Irrwitz!]
In their smear and hate campaign directed against the majority they are taking the SPK as their example to pervert the patients’ class into a therapeutic community, while instigating as gaily as narrow minded with psychiatry and again with psychiatry against a falsificated number of patients, and in the end they even create a RAF-community, because that can only subserve the new euthaNAZISM. They are perverting the SPK into an extinct declaration of intent ("were trying to turn illness into a weapon") and the patients’ class in its actual continuation as KRANKHEIT IM RECHT (Illness in the right), Pathopractice with Jurists, in a shabby office for cease-and-desist-orders. They perceive even here in a delusional misjudgement of reality their certified constitutional right. In their Freislerian extermination rapport with the SPK and the patients’ class they declare themselves to be the most authorized authority. They do this for the sole reason that they are copying and cheating from false reports on the SPK, which have been copied from other copied false reports, being in this animated by profound killing instincts against illness and patients, in order to broadcast that freely and unrestrictedly to all the world to the purpose to pocket donations and funds and to make them flow even in the distant Africa. May be that the declared mass murder is charitably serving the public good. It’s however understandable that the patients’ class cannot agree on such a thing. And it should not do as an adornment even to the European Convention of Human Rights.
Those of "Wikipedia" are carrying on their instigation to hatred on a mass-scale. Slurring and disparaging the others through denominations such as "trolls", "troll-zoo", "beastie", "to kill, just in a medical manner", "garbage", "spam", that’s the basic vocabulary used by "Wikipedia" against others. That instigation to hatred against people made unpopular and undesired [Missliebig Gemachte] to them, against the different-minded and dissenting people, such inhuman and denigrating language is continually in use in "Wikipedia". That has been noticed even by others long since.
"Fascistoid understanding of the law, … in this entirely following the Teutonic tradition, users are being characterized as "harmful organisms" and even as "pest" or "varmints". … Words from the language use of the Nazi: "Varmints have got to be extinguished",
all these are statements of others on "Wikipedia". These self-characterizations are to be considered as confessions, from a juridical point of view; because these statements come from people who are "Wikipedia"-members they themselves. Thus, meanwhile there are even in "Wikipedia" people to whom the euthaNAZIa-terminology of "Wikipedia" is striking.
An active ex-member of "Wikipedia" wrote at that regard the following:
"One of the most breathtaking examples as to its infamy and its denigrating and inhuman snotty-nosed attitude … can be found … on the discussion forum page relating to the entry phenol http:// de. wikipedia. org / wiki/Diskussion:Phenol. Everyone who’s of a somewhat capable mind should take that occurrence to heart once again, and then she or he would understand what I’m talking about. Dramatis personae of that Nazi-brown … show: among others the Wehrmacht-fanatic Zinnmann ((he, too, one of those against whom we have pressed charges because of instigation of the people etc., the signatory)), a right wing extremist administrator. Just call to mind again the following: By injecting them phenol, KZ-doctors as Mengele have killed Jewish test subjects used as guinea pigs. This fact was to be mentioned in a scientific oriented Wikipedia-article on phenol. What followed was a discussion, whether and to what extent that "historical" use of that chemical product should be referred to in that article, since spades and shovels, too, had been used to murder people.
Chemist Dschanz ((another member of "Wikipedia")), … wanted to protect the innocent phenol from the enmities of history in order that his German students would not be blocked by work-hindering feelings of guilt from doing value-free research – and the Nazi from the Ruhr valley ((another "Wikipedia" activist)) mobbed and mobbed, but no-one intervened.
The right wing extremist administrator Zinnmann raised the slogan that only if the number of death victims in the concentration camps caused by phenol injections would exceed a certain gage mark it would be "wiki-worthy and relevant" to be mentioned. By rule of thumb: if there are 20 victims killed by injection, then ‘out you go!’, if there are more than 1000 killed by injection, then ‘in you go!’. Thumbs-up or thumbs-down, just like whilom Dr. Joseph Mengele at the ramp of Auschwitz.
That idea was considered obviously more than amusing by all those participating in that macabre farce and they outbid each other by juggling with numbers and comparisons of relevancy of the manners of death, by which the Nazi were killing Jews. That they did not compile a list – another favorite pastime activity of the Wikipedians – with the 100 most frequent murder-methods of the SS – that’s even bordering on a small miracle".
(www. / gretchengermany)
Our comment on that: academic Nazi-brown scum, white-coated.
The Internet, and especially the so-called "Wikipedia" (so called by themselves) with the anonymity of its perpetrators, is offering ideal possibilities to the instigation of hatred. The hatred against the patients’ class, against those made unpopular and undesired [Missliebig Gemachte], against the sick, the elder people, the weak, the aliens, this hatred has not been invented by the "Wikipedia"-perps. However, they make use of it. The hooting crowd that is burning books or ‘witches’ made objects of hatred on the pyre, in the era of the electronic class struggle may also assume the shape of a switching-off clique, criminally organized under the cover of a "Wikipedia"-anonymity, the Ku-Klux-Klan hood has become dispensable. It starts with the "switching off" and the erasure of the utterances of those made unpopular and undesired. In the end, there is the "switching off" and the erasure of the life of those made unpopular and undesired, just the same way as it is being practiced day after day by the medical doctors. Hatred against illness, as it is practiced and propagated by the "Wikipedia"-perps, likes particularly to mate with arrogance and stupidity, and the spawns [Ausgeburten] of that combination bear names like Kerbholter, Praefbauch, Zinndubel and Philippi. However, it’s not there but before the court that one meets them again, as inciters of hatred and as criminal organization. And they have felt so comfortably save. At least in the beginning, but only in the beginning. Meanwhile they are forced to put aside tens of thousands of EURO from the donated funds, to pay lawyers, penalties and legal expenses. Swindle and cheat against customers! [Kundenprell!]
Those of "Wikipedia", with their illness-hostile utterances and statements, are practicing incitement of hatred and glorification of violence in the Internet, and by this they are fostering the primary (proto-) medical modern euthaNAZISM.
"The euthaNAZISTIC murder continues hour after hour without being punished. Still undeleted stands the "Wikipedia"-text against the SPK in the Internet. As Andreas Praefcke has confessed he himself (cf. his letter of 11.07.2005 to the Public Prosecutor): an intentionally frowsy, inappropriate and denigrating article on the SPK. Turned into standing ovations to the monsters in clinics, children’s clinics, medical practices and old people’s homes: it's into that the euthaNAZI louts and their clientele from the normoisie-mega-sect have turned their entry on the SPK: in an applause to the actual mass murder."
That’s what we have had reason to accuse already in our constitutional claim.
Today’s Europe, with its Convention on Human Rights and its Court of Human Rights, just for the mere reason of its own history and origin, and for the antinazist intentions of its founders, cannot and ought not tolerate similar modern-euthaNAZIstic relapses.
Course of procedures
All the domestic legal remedies have been exhausted. The legal requirements for lodging a human rights claim are fulfilled.
The plaintiff is legitimated to lodge a human rights claim. By the decisions of the judiciary referred to in the present claim, the plaintiff, as well as the founder of the SPK, Huber, universals pathopractician, and the whole patients’ class, have been violated in their human rights.
With her reports of offences and penalties, dated 21.02.2005 and 25.02.2005 respectively, the claimant has pressed criminal charges against the "Wikipedia" – perpetrators Dominik Bach, Kuno Dünhölter, Kurt Jansson, Andreas Praefcke, and others, for incitement of the people, criminal organization, and other offences.
The notification of the termination of the proceedings, by which the Public Prosecutor of Mannheim had dispensed with the prosecution of the criminal offenses, dated 28.04.2005, was received by the plaintiff on 03.05.2005 (file number Az. 503 Js 7300/05).
The complaint against that notification, lodged by the plaintiff with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mannheim on 06.05.2005, has been received by the latter within the time limit, on 09.05.2005. The claim has been substantiated with the successive written statement of the plaintiff on 23.06.2005.
The notification of the dismissal of the complaint by the Superior Official of the Public Prosecution Office of Karlsruhe, dated 18.07.2005, has been received by the plaintiff on 25.07.2005 (file number Az. Zs 1200/05).
The application for a court decision pursuant to Section 172 paragraph 2 of the German Criminal Procedure Code (application to force the Public Prosecutor to bring in a criminal charge at the Court) against the notifications of the Public Prosecution Office (of Mannheim) and the Superior Official of the Public Prosecution Office (of Karlsruhe) has been lodged with the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe within the time limit on 18.08.2005.
With her report of offences and penalties dated 27.04.2005, the claimant pressed once again criminal charges against Dominik Bach, Kuno Dünhölter, Kurt Jansson, Andreas Praefcke, Hauke Zuehl, Gabriele Hornsteiner also known as Philipendula, and others, for being suspect of instigation to hatred and other offences.
The notification of the termination of the proceedings, by which the Public Prosecutor of Mannheim had dispensed with the prosecution of the criminal offenses, dated 11.05.2005, was received by the plaintiff on 17.05.2005 (file number Az. 503 Js 12894/05).
The complaint against that notification lodged by the plaintiff with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mannheim on 23.05.2005 has been received by the latter within the time limit, on 23.05.2005. The claim has been substantiated with the successive written statement of the plaintiff on 28.06.2005.
The notification of the dismissal of the complaint by the Superior Official of the Public Prosecution Office of Karlsruhe, dated 18.07.2005, has been received by the plaintiff on 25.07.2005 (file number Az. Zs 1201/05).
The application for a court decision pursuant to Section 172 paragraph 2 of the German Criminal Procedure Code (application to force the Public Prosecutor to bring in a criminal charge at the Court) against the notifications of the Public Prosecution Office (of Mannheim) and the Superior Official of the Public Prosecution Office (of Karlsruhe) has been lodged with the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe within the time limit on 22.08.2005.
The decision of the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe, dated 14.10.2005, file number Az. 3 Ws 358/05, by which the claim of the plaintiff was dismissed, has been notified to the plaintiff (signatory) on 19.10.2005.
Against the decisions of the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe, notified to the signatory on 19.10.2005, she lodged a constitutional claim with the Federal Constitutional Court within the time limit on 26.10.2005. The prior decisions of the judiciary of Mannheim and Karlsruhe are violating particularly the right of the signatory to a (public) hearing before the court [rechtliches Gehoer] guaranteed by Article 103, paragraph 1, of the German Basic Law (Constitutional Law).
The present Human Rights Claim is directed against that decision.
Since the 16.09.2006 is a Saturday, thus no expiring date, the 6-months’ time limit for lodging the human rights claim expires on 18.09.2006. Therefore, the present ECHR-claim has been lodged within the time limit.
Indication of the claimed violations of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and substantiation of the Human Rights Complaint
The signatory has pressed criminal charges against the Modern-EuthaNAZISM of "Wikipedia". The German judiciary has abstained from taking any action. This constitutes a violation of the ECHR at the disadvantage of the signatory.
We have pressed repeatedly (two times) criminal charges against the so-called "Wikipedia", so called by themselves, for incitement to hatred against the people (Volksverhetzung) and formation of a criminal organization, calling thus horseman and horse by their names. The German judiciary has abstained from taking any action. This constitutes a violation of the law principle that concedes the right to a (public) hearing before a court at the disadvantage of the signatory. Iuria novit curia – it is assumed that the court itself knows the law (and therefore a plaintiff only has to bring in the respective facts, and it’s the task of the court to apply the respective law) - , that fundamental principal has not been applied in the present case. There was no application of laws far and wide by the German judiciary. Thus, stagnation of the judicature (justitium) and, in addition to that, active encouragement of the primary (proto-) medical modern euthaNAZISM.
In our reports of offences and penalties we have dealt with illness as contents and with matters of press law under the technical conditions of the computer era. Beginning with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mannheim (Section: Political Crimes) and continuing up to the philosophical ‘inspirited’ (literally: breathed on) judges of the Federal Constitutional Court, not even one single jurist concerned with the case has been capable to take these matters and contents up dealing with them in an adequate legal form. In contrast to that, we have corresponded to these contents by our legal explanations with regard to their matter and especially with regard to their form both adequately and completely. Compared with that, there is the defective form on side of the juridical instances concerned, and which consists in the fact that they were thoroughly lacking the legal form to take up our legal arguments in a juridical adequate and appropriate manner.
The juridical instances concerned with the lodged requests should have examined with the maximum of their attentiveness the issue of the legal accomplishment of the new penalogic phenomena that have found their way into the present by "Wikipedia" and their modern primary (proto-) medical euthaNAZISM through the means of the Internet.
All domestic courts’ decisions, which are being attacked by us with the present ECHR-complaint, stand under the manslaughter - cast shadow: DEFECTIVE FORM. As to its matter and its contents there is no juridical-technical form to judge in an adequate manner press reports on the SPK and the topics related to it. It’s true, though, that the form is in principle the first and most important contents, precisely because the searching and finding of truth (establishment of the truth; Wahrheitsfindung, in German both: philosophical and juridical) is realizing itself as a gradually ongoing process, and each form is disrupting the following form (going beyond it), while leaving behind any contents of the real, which is in principle incapable to be coped with. If the form is missing (defective form), then any notification, any decision, and any verdict are amiss and completely off the subject [verfehlt] from the very outset. That might and should have been changed long since. The contents: illness, as well as its adequate form (the concept of illness), they both exist, as published ones, since more than 30 years. The contents: Press-law-in-the-Computer-Age has existed at least for half a century. But the judiciary technique, in contrast to the computer technology, has made no advance. Likewise all of a sudden it has now to face up the fact of being under the attack of illness in its totality (Gesamtgegenstand Krankheit) and feels the deficiency in its resistance (immunity deficiency) against it (form deficiency). Without being perceived, the computers with their fuzzy logic, i.e. their defective logic, have pulled the ground out from under the fundaments of the logic of the judiciary (of equal rank as the laws of thought and nature). They knew how to dispense with the dialectic logic (Hegel). Now, they have got no logic at all. That too is taking a bitter revenge. The question is, at the most, on whom?
Each of the decisions attacked by us are suffering from a principally unrecoverable form defect. On the side of the judiciary there was missing any legal form to take up our arguments in a juridical adequate form. No legality has been applied. [Es wurde kein Recht angewendet.] As a consequence, the modern euthaNAZISM had and has escaped penal persecution up to the very day.
This constitutes a violation of the corresponding articles of European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), namely of Article 6, Right to a Fair Trial ((Public) Hearing before a Court), and Article 2, paragraph 1, Right to Life.
To be or not to be heard before a Court is one thing. To live or to be extinguished, especially if from the medical doctor’s hand, i.e. under the covering cloak and the palliative of non-violence, is another thing. The fact that in the proceedings at the domestic judiciary pre-instances no legal form was provided for the contents: press law in the computer age, and that no legal form was provided for the contents: illness-liberated-from-medical-doctors [arztfreie Krankheit] or SPK respectively, has to its result that these contents have been annihilated in a juridical-technical manner by the judiciary pre-instances, and that they just do not exist in the world. As a consequence, also the persons, people, human beings that are connected to them do not exist. The primary (proto-) medical Modern-EuthaNAZISM and its hostile to human rights propagation by "Wikipedia" are thus given green light.
Due to its constituted anti-nazism the European Convention on Human Rights has weighted long since, and precisely in favor of the majority, the patients’ class, and all are part of it (is there still anyone who can claim to be "healthy", since it has become obvious and clearly recognizable to everyone that "health" is and has never been anything else but an award-winning branded article of the advertising industry, thus a bluff package (!), certainly because "health" can not be found in any organism, at the latest since there exists scientific genetics).
Even though the domestic legal instances were lacking the legal form to cope with the new contents (illness and matters of the press law under the technical conditions of the computer age) in a juridical adequate manner, one thing is still for certain: the basis of any right is the will. And so is unwillingness, in the present the unwillingness of patients, who do not want to march once more without further ado into the gas chambers or to be murdered in some other way by medical-instrumental means, what adds up to the same. At the latest since the Socialist Patients’ Collective, founded by Huber, universals pathopracticioner, times have changed radically in this regard, because, for the first time in the history of occurring events (Begebenheitsgeschichte), that part of the patients’ class, that is: SPK, has broken once and for ever with the role of being victims to which the medical doctors gang has condemned them.
It is self-evident that nobody wants to die just like that and only because of the fact that the perpetrator is a medical doctor and the homicide is called therapy. On this issue the European Convention on Human Rights holds the same view.
The European Convention on Human Rights has rejected any modern-euthaNAZISM. And it is just for the sake of democracy, because it is orientated at the interest of the majority, that those times must be put behind once and for all, those times when humanity as a whole is considered being genetically deficient without exception, a wording used by minorities, that is by the medical doctors’ class, for a generalized license to kill [als abschussreif gesprachregelt wird]. And those times must be put behind also for their handymen and mental lackeys [Hand- und Kopflanger] at "Wikipedia".
The logic of the judiciary, which is in principle non-recoverable, has failed. What is missing, are the conceptual and legal instruments. How long are computer-capitalism & euthaNAZISM, together with its spawn under the name Wikipedism, still allowed to rage themselves out at the disadvantage and at the life-threatening damage of all the people?! For reasons of the European Law (European Convention on Human Rights), that cannot be permitted.
Those of "Wikipedia" with their unconcealed greed to destroy the SPK, and in addition to that its lawyer offices with KRANKHEIT IM RECHT, its emergency call connections and publishing activities (KRRIM – PF-Verlag für Krankheit; publisher pro illness), mainly however its electronic newspaper in the Internet, have thoroughly failed. All the more it is important to conclude that matter also by juridical means in order to put a stop also in law terms against similar euthaNAZISMs once and forever.
As we have exposed above, the judiciary of the FRG is lacking the juridical form requirements to face efficiently modern euthaNAZISM in the computer age. At that regard, we are not lacking anything. Quite the contrary: By substitutive execution and acting on behalf of the incapable and impotent judiciary, we have named the elements of the crime, brought forward evidence and pressed charges against the modern primary (proto-) medical euthaNAZISM, which can also appear under the name of "Wikipedia".
The signatory has accomplished her studies in informatics with a university degree long ago. Due to that she has acquainted herself optimally with the modern communication technologies (Internet, etc.) from their very beginning. The signatory has also studied law, and she was designated as environment minister of the State of Hesse, though being completely indifferent to that governmental position. She is an internationally active lawyer, and she has practiced her profession for five years at the Higher Regional Court. Other local lawyers, too, stand up for the SPK. And the number of its active supporters amounts to million, all over the world, from Australia to Columbia, already since 2003, and on a transcontinental scale even before, precisely since our presence on the Internet. Only a certain Mr. Andreas Praefcke (a luckless merchant dealer in school commodities) considers the Internet, out of which he makes his living, being a falsification, if it doesn’t work for him and his syndicate at "Wikipedia", but for all the people instead. Idiot = Private citizen.
The written pleadings and statements of the signatory have found their way to Law Faculties of Universities also in the German-speaking countries abroad, where they are being used as university teaching materials since several years. Legal reasoning and writing are considered being a scientific achievement. That applies to judicial verdicts as well as to the juridical pleadings and statements of the signatory, herself being an organ of the judicature with the qualification for judgeship.
The attacks of the "Wikipedia"-perpetrators are directed only seemingly against a single woman lawyer. The one who confronts the genuinely medical euthaNAZIa-practice of the modern and future differential euthanasia, the one who defends the mal-treated, abused and kicked in an appropriate way – and any other counsel would be betrayal of his party! – is the one they want likewise to get rid off, is the one they hate mortally. The hatred against those made unpopular and undesired [Missliebig Gemachte], the hatred against illness and the sick, that modern euthaNAZISM may also take the shape of so-called "Wikipedia"-administrators (off-switchers), so-called by themselves. Initially they believed it would be an easy game, where the concerned are patients. They hadn’t gotten to know the SPK yet. Meanwhile, that has changed.
A woman lawyer is not a lawyer to hold her tongue and to keep silent or to tell whomever what she or he wants to hear, for what it is the patients who have to bleed in the end. There are already enough lawyers who have got only censorship in their mind, when they even think of how to phrase and express contents in an efficient manner. In their fear to risk a trial against them, they rather prefer not only to sacrifice their freedom of profession and their freedom of opinion and expression, but also their clients, in order to save their income. By the attorney at law Mr. Schifferer, a lawyer within the PATIENTS’ FRONT – it is now 14 years since his death, which was anticipated several decades by medical doctors (Bechtold, Baeyer, Leferenz, etc.) with the support of the Regional Bar Association of North-Baden - , by the lawyer Schifferer that rest of the lawyers had been called "Berufszitterer" (‘profession-tremblers’). Mr. Schifferer, lawyer and barrister – on all sides respectable [unbescholten], just as the signatory of the present claim – was fighting for the creation of law by the force of illness and for the patients, reason why he was exposed by medical doctors to the attacks of the disciplinary court of the Chamber of Lawyers. He was accused of having violated the lawyer’s so-called "chamber-tone" [Kammerton], meanwhile declared being anti-constitutional; he was accused of having stricken the wrong note, compared to the ‘right’ one imposed by the Chamber of Lawyers. The medical doctors went even so far as to put into practice their desire to have him declared "insane" – an enterprise doomed to fail miserably and to cause great damage to its medical initiators and authors – because he spoke of Iatrocracy and of the fact that medical doctors are permitted to supersede the legislative, the judicative and the executive without being punished. Not only the European Commission on Human Rights and other European organisations condemned the medical intervention against the lawyer Mr. Schifferer, but also the German Federal Republic has been accused and is still under accusation by the UN for these interventions.
The local Chamber of Lawyers of Karlsruhe has been shitting itself for that till today. But, after all, it was with their approval that there was made an examination under psychiatric aspects of the lawyer’s writings to courts in defending people, taken from courts’ files (!), an examination against the repeatedly declared will of the lawyer Mr. Schiffer, declared repeatedly by writing and by phoning. The then Member of the Disciplinary Tribunal, Schibel, a millionaire lawyer (vox populi!), was plainly conscious about the fact that his proceeding would destroy all parts of the existence of the lawyer, and therefore on the first day of the proceedings Schibel denied to the press to have the least intention to take psychiatric steps. Nevertheless he forwarded some weeks later the files and the order for a psychiatric examination of Mr. Schifferer’s writings to a by him chosen psychiatric expert, for the rest bad-famed as an ideological high-ranking Nazi-functionary. Outcome: not any mental illness with the lawyer, Mr. Schifferer; but acquittal by the Legal Profession Higher Disciplinary Court, and all the procedural costs to be refunded at the expense of the Chamber of Lawyers. Another result: The lawyer, Mr. Schifferer, is dead (47!). Cause of disease according to the post-mortem autopsy: none. The then Member of the Disciplinary Tribunal, Schibel, the millionaire lawyer, responsible of the coercive psychiatric measure, indeed directed against Mr. Schifferer personally, - Schibel: a few years later dead, too (post-mortem autopsy? Please don’t spare to start researches!).
Meanwhile the so-called "chamber-tone" has been declared being anti-constitutional, and there are even medical doctors, though few and far between, who are warning (in vain!) sporadically in the whole of Europe against the Iatrocracy as "a society totally dominated by medical doctors", because even to them the killing of patients by their colleagues is going too far. However, even these medical doctors are wary of following suit to Huber, PF/SPK(H), W.D., Dr. med., and to stand up without reservation as patients together with other patients in favour of illness. Have the conditions for the patients and their life-interests changed to the better, so that one could dispense of the reasons for acting that way? No, quite the contrary.
As a claimant in the present human rights cause I have become unpopular and undesired [missliebig] in Germany with two press spokespersons, who hate me to death. One of them appears in the Internet and his name is Andreas Praefcke. The other press spokesperson works at the Public Prosecutor’s Office and his name is Andreas Grossmann. About their political party’s membership books, I don’t care a straw. I am completely aware of the fact that in Germany, as well as in Europe, there exist no regular Nazi-membership books. Understandably I have refrained from the requests of investigation in the relative evidence.
I write and publish as much as I can about illness. In this, I always hit the target. When a jurist writes, his statements – let’s hope so - always abandon with juridical features. Therein something rarely hits the target, goes the saying. Encyclopedic writers instead, since the times of Diderot, have to court the so-called masses for their favors; because if they do not, no one casts a glance into it. If a press speaker of the Internet is joined by the State, the latter acting as his accomplice by confirming him in his doings, then, the devil’s let loose, the more since the latter, in the general opinion, bears at least traits in common with illness.
As to myself, I descend from an affluent family. My father is a lawyer; he’s been in the bank business for all his life. In fact, from the Africa Corps of Erwin Rommel he had ended up as a prisoner of war of the Canadians, where he was permitted to become a lawyer by attending an Open University course. Among his ancestors, there were teachers, priests and Huguenots and farmers, who had acquired standing and high reputation. I myself was allowed to attend language laboratories for becoming an interpreter, but soon afterwards I changed over to my very first juridical training. Not one of the two press spokespersons referred to above are likely to have absolved a similar training, ever. In fact, I did my very first juridical training in the Socialist Patients’ Collective. There, press spokespersons were demonizing us with their smear and hate campaigns every single day for more than 17 months. Any juridical means of resistance – and we did not leave out even one – turned out to be a complete waste of time, and the files with our juridical means have been published, meanwhile. My goodness, that has been a juridical training indeed, and how glorious and magnificent patho-logical it has been in all its juridical instances, from the first to the last one. Not ten horses could and can ever make me more accessible to press spokespersons, after that successful training in the SPK, no matter where they are working, be it in the Internet be it at the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
I bear the name of my divorced husband proudly. The encyclopedia-spokesperson Andreas Praefcke was really generous in his scorn and derision of that my name. The right to do so, just as any other right, he has taken from his spokesperson-colleague Grossmann at the Public Prosecutor’s Office at Mannheim, who has let him get away with it by referring me, the plaintiff, in generic terms to private action, while, in the case of Mr. Praefcke, however, he has persuaded himself that he is acting in the public interest.
It is quite part of my experiences made during my juridical training that I have accompanied my husband through half of Europe, after they had managed, only in his regards, to get him down by the means of torture during his pre-trial detention (detention on suspicion), me being the only one capable of fighting by my hands’ work against his starvation, so that he, whom nobody, especially not from the medical doctors’ class, would like to have back with them any longer, could be spared of repeating such an experience.
A press spokesperson is thus allowed to take a lot of liberties, especially in such an illustrious company, flanked by the representation of the State. Already in 1983, the Member of the European Parliament, Mr. D’Angelosante, has delivered the following comment to KRANKHEIT IM RECHT:
"If in the German Federal Republic things were right, all medical doctors and public prosecutors of the Federal Republic would have been locked up in prison long since".
The claimant has been subject to discrimination (violation of Article 14 EHRC). The claimant has been violated in her human rights during the exercise of her legal profession as a lawyer in favour of the PF/SPK(H) and in favour of the SPK. That constitutes a violation of the signatory’s right to free expression and opinion and of her right to exercise her profession freely, as guaranteed by Article 10, paragraph 1, ECHR.
Hereby, the following requests are made with every emphasis:
we hereby lodge a claim for
Law Petition: We hereby apply for a new legislative initiative for Europe.
Aim: Abolition of all national laws within Europe that include killing people (so-called Euthanasia) and prohibition of all the relative propaganda materials for their violation of Article 2, paragraph 1, ECHR, Right to life.
Reason: They are incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.
Lawyer and barrister
Translation: |
Kurd Ch. Schager, Dipl.-Angl., M.A.soc.ling. , PF/SPK MFE |
Final editing: |
Huber |
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The primary (proto-) medical Modern-Murder will be destroyed again by the SPK. ![]() |