Für unsere Leute:

SPK im Schild

(jetzt vollständig: Briefwechsel Kolumbien ./. U.S.A.)

Mit nichts im Schild, als dem SPK, hat Kolumbien einen Entlastungsangriff selbständig begonnen gegen einen iatrokapitalistischen Wirtschaftszweig und erfolgreich beendet. Den iatrokapitalistischen Kulturbetrieb hat Argentinien mit SPK geschockt in mehreren Weltmetropolen, zuletzt in Berlin (Presseberichte), wie wir erst nachträglich erfuhren, siehe auch Internet usw. 

Den folgenden Schriftwechsel zwischen Kolumbien und USA dokumentieren wir als weiteres Lehrbeispiel im elektronischen Klassenkampf gegen die Euthanazismuslümmeleien, insbesondere im deutschsprachigen Raum.

PF/SPK(H), 25.05.2005

Correspondence between PF/SPK MFE Colombia and U.S.A.


From: PF/SPK MFE Colombia
a) Jimmy Wales personally: jwales @ bomis.com ((without blanks))
b) Wikimedia Foundation, Florida, U.S.A.
c) Federal Trade Commission of the United States of America (FTC)

It is not at all a matter of individual issues. I forward to you some ten thousands of signatures (1), and one of them is mine. A lot of European names. Why that? You have the same conditions like the Supreme Court of Europe. But just in difference to you in the 80ies of the past century eventually there resulted issues besides of the files.

Back to my "individuality" now. I wondered last week, that I had obviously succeeded in Wikipedia Spain. But learning from you, that I had disappeared in your files I felt a little disappointed about my individual success. Nevertheless I believe in your supremacy.

As you certainly know German Wikipedia submits to the command of Florida. The German euthanazism started from the U.S.A. Wikipedia Germany consists nowadays of physicians like Dr. Josef Mengele - Auschwitz (1) and the followers of the Deutsche Wehrmacht, especially in their University of Munich. Those euthanazists try to attack the Patients' Front. Therefore you must forbid them their contributions and links about patients (legal charge at the prosecuting attorneys brought in against Wikipedia as a whole, see www.spkpfh.de/Euthanaziluemmel.htm). The individuals of Wikipedia cause grievances to a lot of patients who have lost their fear to lose their own lives. Once more the United States with Florida take now occasion to protect German physicians and soldiers or not.

For the rest Wikipedia Germany is inundated with complaints about different things, different individualities and different crowds and organizations. You easily can learn it by a first glance into the screen of Wikipedia Germany.

But what concerns euthanazism is a different thing and the most important one. Put issues into command instead of Supreme Courts, it's your turn!

All these signatures are against the Dr. Josef-Mengele-Auschwitz-Doctors and against all EuthaNazis.
For the signatures see www.spkpfh.de/Kurzmeldungen.htm#LB_Antrag.

Copy forwarded to: Federal Trade Commission of the United States of America (FTC)
                                to file number: 5593344 (case: Wikimedia Foundation, Florida, U.S.A.)



Answer? None.


From: Jorge R.A.

To: board @ wikimedia.org
Cc: jwales @ wikia.com,  jwales @ bomis.com, beesley @ gmail.com
Subject: [Ticket#: 116382] SPK
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005

Mrs. Angela Beesley and
Mr. Jimmy Wales,

Let us inform you that Mr. Enrique has initiated a penal denunciation before the Public Prosecutor (District Attorney) against both of you. Here you have a copy annexed.

Jorge R.A.
PF/SPK MFE Colombia



Date: Sun, 01 May 2005
From: Jimmy Wales <jwales @ wikia.com>
To: "Jorge R.A."
Cc: board @ wikimedia.org, jwales @ bomis.com, beesley @ gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Ticket#: 116382] SPK

Dear Jorge R.A.,

Thank you for your letter. Honestly, we do not understand what this is all about. Who is Mr.Enrique. What is a "penal denunciation"? What are you mad about exactly?

This has been ongoing for quite some time, but you have never explained to me in plain language what the problem is. ((Comment PF/SPK MFE Colombia: Wrong! Correspondence since December 2004)).

We have people who speak German, French, Spanish, etc. If you have trouble expressing yourself in English, that is ok. Please write to us in any language that you like, and we will try to have someone translate it.

I want to help you, but I do not know at all what the problem is.

Please keep your complaint *brief* and *specific*. What changes to what pages of Wikipedia would make you happy? Please don't just say delete everything about the topics you are interested in: we won't do that. But if there is a specific sentence that bothers you, then we are happy to have someone work with you for a reasonable resolution.

Legal threats will get you nowhere. I'm in the United States. I don't care one bit about legal actions in Colombia. Speak to me as a human being, one person to another, trying to find satisfaction in a complicated world. I am happy to help you find happiness, but you need to relax and stop threatening me, ok?



From: Jorge R.A.

To: board @ wikimedia.org
Cc: jwales @ wikia.com,  jwales @ bomis.com, beesley @ gmail.com
Subject: [Ticket#: 116382] SPK
Date: May 3, 2005

Mr. Jimmy Wales:

For my part: I have written enough and clearly enough our complaints to you. You ought to know very well what to do. 

Well, if you want to know more, you could help yourself by reading our Stromzeitung in any of the languages in which it is published and you prefer to satisfy yourself and to be happy.

Now and further, if you don't care about the legal prosecutions, you should tell it to the public prosecutor, not to me. Mr.Enrique is not threating you, he has initiated the legal actions already, and now it depends on the public prosecutor and you. Not me.

Jorge R.A.

PF/SPK MFE Colombia

Date: Wed, 04 May 2005

From: Jimmy Wales < jwales @ wikia.com >

To: "Jorge R.A."

Cc: board @ wikimedia.org, jwales @ bomis.com, beesley @ gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Ticket#: 116382] SPK

Jorge R.A. wrote:
For my part: I have written enough and clearly enough our complaints to you. You ought to know very well what to do.

I am very very sorry but I do not know what you want me to do. Will you please give me a link to a specific page and quote for me a specific sentence that you do not like?

Well, if you want to know more, you could help yourself by reading our Stromzeitung in any of the languages in which it is published and you prefer to satisfy yourself and to be happy.

I have look ((sic!)) at http://www.spkpfh.de/index_english.html because I only speak English and a very little bit of German. However, I am unable to understand any of it, and I am especially unable to understand what it has to do with Wikipedia.

If you could please be extremely specific about your complaint, then I am happy to try to help you.

Now and further, if you don't care about the legal prosecutions, you should tell it to the public prosecutor, not to me. /Mr.ENRIQUE/ is not threating you, he has initiated the legal actions already, and now it depends on the public prosecutor and you. Not me.* 

Who is Mr.ENRIQUE? What public prosecutor? Why should I care about some complaint filed in Colombia?

Why are you so angry
* with me? I am trying very hard to help you.


*Comment PF/SPK:
As you certainly know German Wikipedia submits to the command of Florida. The German euthanazism started from the U.S.A. Wikipedia Germany consists nowadays of physicians like Dr. Josef Mengele - Auschwitz and the followers of the Deutsche Wehrmacht, especially in their University of Munich. Those euthanazists try to attack the Patients' Front. Therefore you must forbid them their contributions and links about patients (legal charge at the prosecuting attorneys brought in against Wikipedia as a whole, see www.spkpfh.de/Euthanaziluemmel.htm). The individuals of Wikipedia cause grievances to a lot of patients who have lost their fear to lose their own lives. Once more the United States with Florida take now occasion to protect German physicians and soldiers or not

(see above, letter dated 03.03.2005)

From Jorge R.A:

To Jimmy Wales
Subject: [Ticket#: 116382] SPK
Sun, 8 May, 2005

Dear Mr. Jimmy Wales:

I have to apologize. 

I now have to confess: Reading your answers to me, first I doubted in your honesty. Meanwhile I am convinced that the difficulties raised from the fact that you and I belong to very different cultures, so to say.

I allow to me to propose the following solution:
Please do write these 3 sentences beneath the German Wikipedia article about SPK: 

I had to interest myself in SPK. From the German Wikipedia encyclopedia I didn’t succeed in learning anything about the common and specifical doings and about the theory of SPK. I can’t but hope that similar things will not occur once more.
Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia
Very truly yours

Jorge R.A.
PF/SPK MFE Colombia

Date: Wed, 11 May 2005
From: Jimmy Wales 

To: "Jorge R.A."

Subject: Re: [Ticket#: 116382] SPK

Jorge R.A. wrote:
I have to apologize. I now have to confess: Reading your answers to me, first I doubted in your honesty. Meanwhile I am convinced that the difficulties raised from the fact that you and I belong to very different cultures, so to say.

Thank you.

Jorge R.A. wrote:
I allow to me to propose the following solution: Please do write these 3 sentences beneath the German Wikipedia article about SPK: 


I had to interest myself in SPK. From the German Wikipedia encyclopedia I didn’t succeed in learning anything about the common and specifical doings and about the theory of SPK. I can’t but hope that similar things will not occur once more.
Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia

I am very eager to help you and first I will need some understanding of what I am being asked to do.

First, this is worded in English, and German Wikipedia will not accept English.

Second, I do feel that I have learned some things about SPK, and about the theory of SPK.

What I would like for you to do is show me the specific sentences in the current SPK article on de.wikipedia, and how you think they should be changed. Don't reach too far, just show me the sentences that you think will be helpful to change.

If I agree with your changes, then I will post them. If not I will suggest an atlernative, ((sic!)) and see if it would suit you.

Go ahead and do this all in German. I can read German a little bit and I will get some kind and thoughtful German wikipedians to join me in understanding ths ((sic!)) matter more thoroughly.


From Jorge R.A:

To Jimmy Wales

Subject: [Ticket#: 116382] SPK

11 May, 2005

Dear Mr. Jimmy Wales:

I am not a German, but I am a Columbian and a Canadian, situated in the class struggle in favor of illness everywhere. Nevertheless here my translation, approved by Germans:

Ich selbst hatte mich fuer das SPK zu interessieren. Aus der deutschen Wikipedia Enzyklopaedie habe ich nichts ueber das SPK erfahren koennen, weder ueber seine Praxis, noch ueber seine Theorie, weder das Besondere, noch das Allgemeine. Es bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass dergleichen nicht wieder vorkommt.
Jimmy Wales, Gruender von Wikipedia
Very truly yours
Jorge R.A.
PF/SPK MFE Colombia
Final Statement from Columbia to U.S.A.


From Jorge R.A:
To Jimmy Wales

Subject: [Ticket#: 116382] SPK

May 16, 2005

Dear Mr.Jimmy Wales: ((no reaction from Wales since the last Colombian letter, dated May 11, 2005))

Thank you. We have realized the effects of your efforts.

Therefore the Patients’ Front of Colombia doesn’t need more juridical steps except those in Germany.

In presupposition of your appreciation we’ll withdraw our respective charge in favor of an extra-juridical agreement. In that we follow the proposal of Huber (70), founder of SPK.

Jorge R.A.

PF/SPK MFE Colombia
Abschließender Bescheid von Kolumbien an U.S.A.


Von Jorge R.A:
An Jimmy Wales

Betr: [Ticket#: 116382] SPK

16. Mai 2005

Sehr geehrter Herr Jimmy Wales, ((reaktionslos seit dem letzten kolumbianischen Schreiben vom 11. Mai 2005))

Vielen Dank. Wir haben die Wirkungen Ihrer Anstrengungen festgestellt. 

Deshalb braucht die Patientenfront von Kolumbien keine weiteren juristischen Schritte, außer denen in Deutschland.

In Voraussetzung Ihres Einverständnisses werden wir unsere diesbezügliche Strafanzeige zurückziehen zugunsten einer außergerichtlichen Einigung. Wir folgen darin einem Vorschlag von Huber (70), Gründer des SPK.

Jorge R.A.

PF/SPK MFE Colombia



Bis zum Jahr 2007 wird das SPK überall auf der Welt anerkannt sein und sich durchgesetzt haben (Ferdinand Nestor, 1992).

1992 gab es noch keine Stromzeitung. 2005 ist 2 Jahre zu früh, aber nie zu spät. Vergleiche hierzu Jimmy Wales: „Speak to me as a human being, one person to another, trying to find satisfaction in a complicated world.“ (Schnüffelkrake, snooping polyp, hast Du ‘ne Ahnung! Lies‘ nochmal den Wahrspruch!!).

PF/SPK(H), 25. Mai 2005