The dog that in the
iackers’ stable dwells,
After our heels is striding,
And all the while his noisy yells
But show that we are riding.
Things falsely related to each other that have been refuted and disproved long ago do not become true by copying and repeating them over and over again. Hackneyed stale stories will not become strong again by stretching them on 500 pages, as is anew the case with Pross. The whole thing, a makeup of juxtaposed and scrappy statements of so-called contemporary witnesses, is nothing but a word-salad poisonous to the human species, of no use to anybody who wants to start, namely to change the world by the strength of being ill, on both a small and a large scale, in every place, now, instantly. In short: no concern to illness, iackershit.
The medical doctors’ class, and with
it the physician Dr. med. Christian Pross, has been chasing after the SPK for 47
years now, after the skins and bodies of the patients, their "patients good",
which has been outswimming them against the tide.
SPK 1970/71: The beginning of history of
the human species. Uncatchable, unsurpassable. No all-party rule of medical
health norm, no normoisie-mega-sect can lock it up again.
It’s been 47 years now that the
confrontation-patients of SPK/PF(H) have been taking "their" illness in their
own hands, collectivising "their" illness, together
illness and themselves from the medical norm of HEAL. By the patients’
appropriation and collectivisation of "their" illness, the
iatrocapitalist property policy has
been struck in its innermost vital nerve, the nerve centre of subjectivity. With
the collectivisation of illness, authentic communism was and is targeted, of
flesh and blood, namely of one’s own: It was and it is about the appropriation
and strengthening of essential human forces, about the collective appropriation
of the generally binding illness as human
species in its indivisibility-individuality.
Since the SPK the medical doctors’ class is hurt in its innermost core and has
been forced once and for ever onto the defensive by this irrecoverable exemplary
loss of its control over illness.
Then, as now, the medical doctors’ class aims its attacks especially at the front patient Huber. In the absence of a leftist-theoretical better term, as he said, Peter Brueckner termed the illness-inversive creation of the human species initiated by the founder of the SPK, Huber, W.D., Dr. med., as "class treason", and we liked it nevertheless, as for the sake of the human species there can’t be anything better than the treason against the medical doctors’ class, in unrestrained and wholehearted taking sides with the patients’ class – the SPK its very first beginning.
From the very beginning, in the patients’ collective founded on illness, and in the later SPK, it was agreed upon that domination, oppression, and hierarchy are quite out of place when it comes to illness. It was precisely the front patient Huber, who saw to it that the top signifier of all oppression has been broken once and for all, the top signifier, the medical doctor, and with him all the signifying chains of oppression since the primordial beginnings and everywhere. The entire medical class-diagnostic terror of HEAL was broken in and by the SPK, including all the crap of iatrocapitalist property-coined signifying, also in its psychoanalytic form: transference, object-relationship, self-esteem, feeling of guilt, loss of love, etc. All this had been collectively replaced by the material dialectics based on the analysis of commodities: agitation instead of therapy, as its result intensification and potentialisation of the collective force of illness instead of the private appropriation of illness in the doctor-patient relationship – illness common to all as a revolutionary means of production of the human species instead of medical transformation of the single illness into money, the substitute of the human species.
In 1970/71, people of all ages and from all social classes found acceptance and took refuge in the SPK with "their" illness. In contrast to all medical university institutions – and also to the then SDS (Socialist German Students League) – nobody was rejected, no one excluded. The mass growth of the SPK up to finally 500 patients – result of the exponentially increasing intake capacity due to the collectivisation of illness – was and still is today, after 47 years, a perpetual annoyance of and an unerasable existential threat to the medical doctors’ class. And that is precisely one of the central accusations especially against the front patient Wolfgang Huber. The solution of the problem of mass misery, given by the collectivisation of illness by the SPK, together with the expulsion of the patients from the clinic, reveals to this day and also in the future the total bankruptcy not only of the Heidelberg university medicine but also of the medical doctors’ class as a whole. The threat of legal reprisals made by the counterparty, especially against Huber W.D., Dr. med., because of denial of assistance in the event of a refusal or some kind of exclusion of a patient, eventually ran out and came to nothing in every respect because of the collectivisation of illness which had been carried out long before.
In continuation of the openness of the SPK towards the outside its working groups and general assemblies were public. In the SPK everyone who wanted wrote flyers at any time of day or night. In full confidence in the increased and potentiated consciousness of illness, we resolved the aimless and by the external pressure intensified protest of the patients against each other and against themselves, in a jointly target-oriented pathopractic, solidary cooperation and reciprocal self-control (single agitation, group agitation, working groups). The respective state of both the collective as well as the individual consciousness of illness found its immediate pathopractical expression: the diversity of illnesses on the path to the illness that all share in common, to specified illness, to the human species.
Especially leftist groups (Project Group Medicine of the then medical student of medicine and today’s Dr. med. Christian Pross) tried to patronise or ignore on purpose the objectively collective status, already present from the very first early stage of the later SPK – precisely this collective status that was honored by the Heidelberg clinic with a house ban against the patients and Dr. Huber.* In their lack of practice, which they were selling as theory, the patients were regarded as a quantité négligeable of their political claims, which they narrowed down in their profession-specific that is class-specific perspective to the elimination of the shortage of doctors, the agitation of the nursing staff and the classless hospital. Abstract aloof dogmatism from the year dot (early 19th century workers’ movement). They were trying to vanish and convert the rebellious and reality-bursting collective force of illness of the patients’ collective into a conflict between employer and employee, or to re-label it as a "case Huber" – and Dr. med. Pross does this still today. We confronted this aloof reluctance to reality, hostile to illness and patients, of the left, of the medical students and future doctors, with the dialectics of illness and capitalism – illness as a revolutionary productive force! Thereby, in the concrete situation of the patients’ collective, we have broken once and for all with the object and sacrificial role for which the patients are intended by the medical doctors’ class – a break that was not meant to be in the preconceived aloof schematism of these leftist patients cheaters. And certainly not to expose themselves to the illness-collectivising "interior view"** of their own illness-affectedness and to take a decision in favour of illness (pro-illness-decision). Instead, they decided to form a "psycho"-group with video recorders, LSD and medically controlled "self-awareness" in the SPK-hostile Psychosomatic University Clinic – as a rust-protective agent against illness.
* Even today, and not just in Berlin, Dr. med. Pross is known and notorious for the fact that he is acknowledging even the slightest hint of a doctor-free approach with furious polemics and attacks, with all signs of panic that the "affected" may, however rudimentary, slip away from the medical control!
** "Interior view of the SPK": this is the topic Pross boasts about presenting his bookish fictions as "new", but they are just re-hackneyed and falsified (see above).
A few opposed us by openly representing the interests of the clinic. At that time already, Pross, in collaboration with the university medical class, tried to divide the patients’ collective into "good" and "bad" patients, a "good" clinic-Huber and a "bad" SPK-Huber, anticipating and exercising the medical-class maxim of the "divide et impera", according to the style of the ancient Roman archiaters. Note: Our super-Huber and our sub-Huber, our guru and leading wolf, was and is illness, quite down-to-earth, not to say: intellurectal.
And those who took French leave from the SPK, who stayed away without returning, as well as those who distanced themselves from the SPK?* Threatened by the Patients’ Front? 1978: Direct confrontation, sought by front patients against doctors, a hunger-striking front patient against the medical director of the Hohenasperg prison hospital – the latter a former, temporary participant in the SPK – now as medical doctor responsible for imprisonment and torture. Result: The doctor was directly confronted by the patients’ resistance, offended and hurt by the strenght of illness, and so he quit service.
Traitors? With the abandonment and the renouncement of their illness-protest, collectively conquered in the SPK, they are betraying first and foremost "their" illness, and themselves, revealing themselves up to recognisability of their person = mask, through which resounds the multiform echo of the commodity exchange mechanics made of egoisms, value, competition, value mirroring, self-esteem, balancing the books, debt import and export – symptoms of "their" privately appropriated and privately managed illness. They do not only betray "their" illness but also the illness of the private patients and statutory health insurance patients who still come to them – because many of those who have spoken out in Pross’ book as the ones who have stayed away or taken their distance from the SPK are physicians, or the major part of them are at least belonging within the gravitational field of medical doctors. In this case we will spare ourselves making a list of all the accomplished facts created by the front patient Huber and by the confrontation patients of the Patients’ Front, accomplished facts by which these distance-takers who departed from the SPK have been and are protected from threats, attacks, betrayals, court trials, persecution and falsehoods – originating from the terror of the medical doctors’ class, including the threat of prosecution by their accomplices in state and the judiciary; they are part and parcel of our inalienable, i.e. thanks to illness’ strength inalienable collective memory. To make them subject to a rectification would be an experiment on an unsuitable subject.
* The pluralis majestatis (royal "we") abused in connection with "doom", hostile to the SPK, by one who had distanced himself from the SPK 46 years ago (compare the title of Pross’ book: "We wanted to rush to our doom") – in a deceiving rear-projection of his elective-selective and hostile to illness infatuation (Hegel) onto the collective "We" of the SPK – had and has to do with the SPK only insofar as the SPK fought, fights and will fight against the doom in each of its iatro-capitalist forms, and this by the strength of illness.
And the archiaters? We encounter them again in the archives of the ruling medical doctors’ class – and there is no other rulership in all past societies than the violence of value (iatrarchy) medically programmed (in the past: by priest-doctors) and ruling through every pore. And consequently, Pross, expressing his gratitude, is using the archives of those of his kind. Whereas the SPK, fighting medical rulership, is acknowledged by Pross and his publisher with a: "Cover layout … by use of the book cover of an SPK writing: SPK – Turn illness into a weapon", a use for the purpose of creating false relations and, above all, of increasing sales. Deceived by the "use" of the SPK book cover on the cover of Pross’ spreadings, the one and the other interested reader – as they have let us know – took his book, believing to hold one of the SPK’s writings of illness in his/her hands, but noticing the difference while turning the pages they put it aside. This does not diminish the general interest in our writings of illness at all. We shall continue to put them by and by in our electronic newspaper, in all common world languages, so that everyone can read our writings of illness in the original.
Neither the patients’ class nor the SPK/PF(H) as a very first beginning can be hit by this kind of media-political ephemeral dayflies – we have taken our precautions. After all, they try to hit the SPK and the SPK/PF(H) where it never was, never is and never will be.
Our written warning from 2012, whiningly perceived by Pross as a "threatening letter", has proven its effectiveness. He has become cautious in what he writes about the SPK. He has to verbosely resort to others (so-called "contemporary witnesses") to make them say what he himself would have liked to say, especially false relations disproved long since.
During the last 47 years the forces of illness, first activated and set in motion free of medical doctors since the SPK in 1970/71, have been outgrowing – also multi-focal – the medical doctors’ class and their control and treatment technologies. The patients’ class cannot be hit by false allegations handed down and copied again and again by copyists, quite often supported by media-drunken distance-takers and normoisie-recidivists. After all, the worldwide significance of today’s SPK as SPK/PF(H), based on results, multi-focal expansion and breaking also of the foundations of the science of nature is worldwide out of question. To the permanent vital nerve-killing damage of the medical doctors’ class.
The KRRIM – PF-Publisher pro Illness has filed an application for a cease and desist order against the publisher Psychiatrie Verlag at the local district court of Mannheim for reasons of protection of the right of use (Amtsgericht Mannheim case number 14 C 1536/17). However, it was not acceptable for us to comply with the district court judge’s referral to the one-way street of judicial formalisms such as the issues of litigation value and jurisdiction competence. Illness is disproportionate and has no relation to value, to litigation value. Illness, as the non-value per se, litigates and opposes exclusively to destructive, human life-dispising conditions that have placed value in the centre of their medically programmed and controlled murder market logic.
Editorial collective
On behalf of KRRIM – PF-Publisher pro Illness
At the local district court (Amtsgericht) in Mannheim our application for a temporary injunction (here an abbreviated version) is listed under file number 14 C 1536/17.
To the |
KRRIM – PF-Verlag für Krankheit e.K. Postfach 12 10 41 Tel: 0049-621-25 36 6 Internet: |
Date, 03.02.2017
of KRRIM – PF-Publisher pro Illness
represented by the holder – applicant –
Psychiatrie Verlag GmbH, represented by the managing director – respondent –
for Issuing a Cease and Desist Order
Litigation value: EUR 3.333,33.
We hereby
for the issuing – without previous oral hearing because of the urgency of the matter – of an interim injunction / a cease and desist order as follows:
The respondent – in order to avoid a contractual penalty up to EUR 50,000 or confinement for contempt of court – shall cease and desist with immediate effect from:
Using the book cover of the book
SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe
Eine Agitationsschrift. Vorwort von J.-P. Sartre,
KRRIM – PF-Verlag für Krankheit, derzeit 6. erweiterte Aufl. 1995,
ISBN 978-3-926491-25-1,
(1. Auflage 1972, Trikont Verlag)
– Turn Illness into a Weapon,
For agitation with a preface by Jean-Paul Sartre
KRRIM – PF-Publisher pro Illness, at present 6th
extended edition 1995
ISBN 978-3-926491-25-1
(1st edition 1972, Publisher: Trikont Verlag))
or parts thereof
for the book cover of the book
Wir wollten ins Verderben rennen
Die Geschichte des Sozialistischen Patientenkollektivs Heidelberg,
von Christian Pross, unter Mitarbeit von Sonja Schweitzer und Julia Wagner,
Psychiatrie Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-88414-672-9,
(We wanted to rush to our doom
The history of the Socialist Patients’ Collective Heidelberg
By Christian Pross, with the assistance of Sonja Schweitzer and Julia Wagner
Publisher: Psychiatrie Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-88414-672-9)
Using the book cover of the book SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen or parts thereof on the Internet and/or on advertising materials,
Reproducing the book cover of the book SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen inside the book Wir wollten ins Verderben rennen. Die Geschichte des Sozialistischen Patientenkollektivs Heidelberg, on page 317 (figure 33).
The infringement continues with each sold copy, as well as with the spread of the book cover on the Internet and on advertising materials. Urgency is given. The distribution of the printed work must be stopped immediately. The respondent had been given the opportunity to state its position. He did not sign the requested cease and desist declaration. There is danger of repetition.
The respondent has to bear the costs of the proceedings.
The publisher Psychiatrie Verlag advertises the above-mentioned book on his website and also on advertising flyers and invitations to discussion events, also advertised on the Internet.
Means of evidence: *
1. Color printout of the Psychiatrie Verlag website, printout of
03.02.2017, annex 1
2. Color printout of the advertising flyer and invitation to the event at the
Charité in Berlin on 24.01.2017, annex 2
The applicant became aware of the abovementioned publication on 23.12.2016. Thereupon, the publisher Psychiatrie Verlag had been warned via email on 21.01.2017, as well as via letter post, and he was requested to sign a cease and desist declaration by a deadline of 30.01.2017.
In a letter dated 30.01.2017 by its attorney, the respondent refused to sign the requested cease and desist declaration.
There is danger of repetition. The issuing of a cease and desist order via an interim injunction is necessary.
The above-mentioned publication has been published by the Psychiatrie Verlag GmbH.
The respondent is the publisher and managing director of the Psychiatrie Verlag GmbH and thus also the publisher of the contested publication.
The Psychiatrie Verlag used the cover motif of the SPK-book: SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen (SPK – Turn Illness into a Weapon) for the layout of the front cover of its above-mentioned book.
This constitutes a usage subject to consent in the sense of the intellectual property law (copyright). The KRRIM-Publisher had not been asked by the publisher Psychiatrie Verlag, neither for a copyright permission nor has he agreed to the usage.
The exclusive rights of use for the book SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen, including the cover, belong to KRRIM – PF-Publisher pro Illness.
The exclusive rights of use for the book, including the cover, had been transferred to the KRRIM – PF-Publisher pro Illness in 1987 by the publisher Trikont Verlag, Duisburg.
The KRRIM – PF-Publisher pro Illness publishes the writings on theory and current practice of the Socialist Patients’ Collective / Patients’ Front, SPK/PF, in the most important world languages.
Since its 5th edition 1987 – that is for 30 years – the book SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen has been published by the KRRIM – PF-Publisher pro Illness, as well as all the translations of the book in English, French and Spanish language.
Everyone, worldwide, can obtain information about the publications of KRRIM-Publisher via the website and order them either via book trade or at the publishing house directly.
This website of the KRRIM-Publisher is known to the publisher Psychiatrie Verlag and to the author as is shown by the quotations in his book. Therefore, they know that it is the KRRIM-Publisher that publishes and distributes the writings of SPK/PF, especially the book SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen.
Yet, the publisher Psychiatrie Verlag has never asked the KRRIM-Publisher whether they may use the book cover of SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen or parts thereof for their own book cover.
On the imprint page of its book the Psychiatrie Verlag thanks various people, publishers and archives for the assignment of the rights to use pictures. The KRRIM-Publisher is not mentioned.
The Psychiatrie Verlag also used the book cover of SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen on page 317 of their book (figure 33) without consent of the KRRIM-Publisher.
This is not an image-quotation protected by the German copyright law (§ 51 Abs. 1 UrhG). It is another infringement of the rights of use of the KRRIM-Publisher.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the Psychiatrie Verlag, as it is evidenced by the listing on the imprint page, also did not request the publishing house Trikont Verlag, the former owner of the using rights, to grant the image rights of the book. The Trikont Verlag would then have referred the Psychiatrie Verlag to us.
The fact that the Psychiatrie Verlag can also act otherwise is shown by the detailed list of the image rights requested from other right owners (see imprint page). While the Psychiatrie-Verlag had addressed archives, physicians, books- and newspaper-publishers requesting printing permissions, it ignores the KRRIM-Publisher, the owner of rights of SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen, in an unlawful manner, thus precisely the very publisher of the writings of the SPK.
The Psychiatrie Verlag has not made any kind of effort to obtain the printing permission for the book cover of SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen. Acting this way, it has deliberately violated the existing rights of use held by the KRRIM-Publisher. The Psychiatrie Verlag has refused to sign the requested cease and desist declaration. Thus there is an urgent need to issue an interim injunction in order to protect the rights of use held by the KRRIM-Publisher.
The use of the SPK book cover is illegal also because the SPK is put in the fundamentally false context of the Red Army Faction (RAF).
By this also the KRRIM-Publisher, publishing all the writings of the SPK, is violated in its rights. For the public, the entire publishing production (books, DVDs, videos, audio cassettes) is put into this false context.
On the book published by the Psychiatrie Verlag a five-pointed star is emblazoned, in this form known as the emblem of the RAF. Also the colouring of the book cover in the colours red, white and black resembles the RAF emblem closely. In the five-pointed star one reads in large letters: "Wir wollten ins Verderben rennen" ("We wanted to rush to our doom"). That way the perception of the consumer, shaped by the well-established medial reporting for decades, is pre-determined. With its cover design the Psychiatrie Verlag’s objective is to program the reader’s perception to "RAF" and "doom".
After this priming of perception the consumer reads the subtitle "The history of the Socialist Patients’ Collective Heidelberg" – which is printed in much smaller letters.
The SPK, on the other hand, is characterised in more detail by the illegally used book cover motif of the SPK-book SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen, depicted on the left side of the star. Thereon you can see the front of a building with a large wall newspaper reading:
Der Stein, den jemand in die
Kommandozentralen des Kapitals wirft,
und der Nierenstein, an dem ein anderer leidet, sind austauschbar.
Schützen wir uns vor Nierensteinen!
(To cast a stone into a
commanding centre of capitalism is one thing,
but to transform a kidney-stone into activity is the same.
We ought to protect ourselves against kidney-stones!)
It is exactly this book cover motif with the kidney-stone slogan that has been a characteristic element of the SPK book cover since 1972 up to this day, i.e. for 45 years, and in all languages. For a very large number of readers (and also nonreaders) of the SPK-book worldwide, it has an explicitly strong recognition effect because it stands for the SPK and its liberating pathopractices and is inextricably linked to the SPK as a pro-illness-collective. For this reason alone, we would never have agreed on the use of the book cover motif in the above-mentioned context.
The SPK-book itself has been a contemporary "classic" since its release. It is pioneering and has set new standards not only for the new-revolutionary theory of illness, but also for everything that called and calls itself "critics of medicine" ("No medical doctor could get around without being concerned with the SPK") as well as for any politics that wants to keep up with the times. "That was our Bible!", so the enthusiastic statement from a bookseller at a bookfair still at the beginning of the 2000s.
The author of the book published by
the Psychiatrie Verlag, Christian Pross, himself has expressed his intention –
allegedly attached to the book – to establish the true facts about the factual
and historical false relation, that has always been drawn between SPK and
The book cover, on the contrary, places the SPK in the context of the RAF and
thus restores precisely this false context.
It can be assumed that the author of the book in question knew of this false relation between RAF and SPK on the cover of the book and did not contradict. Thus he is belying his aforementioned intention.
The false relation between the RAF and the SPK violates the legally so-called self-defined claim for social recognition. A violation is always present where the person concerned, at least according to the general impression produced by the reader, is advocated as a "witness against himself". The protection of the claim for social recognition applies not only to single individuals but also to groups of persons such as the SPK and its continuity as SPK/PF(H). As a group of persons the SPK is a protected bearer of personality rights.
The rights of the KRRIM-Publisher, publishing the writings of the SPK, are violated by the false relation between RAF and SPK. For the public, the entire publishing production (books, DVDs, videos, audio cassettes) is related to this false context.
The use of the cover motif of the SPK-book is illegal and constitutes an infringement of the rights of use of the KRRIM-Publisher. Moreover, it is a fundamental component of a false relation between RAF and SPK, a false relation that is also emotionally charged by the use of a pejorative and from its context detached commentary of a so called contemporary witness for the book title: "We wanted to rush to our doom."
The title of the book Wir wollten ins Verderben rennen (We wanted to rush to our doom) proves, not only for the usual expert audience of the Psychiatrie Verlag, the tendentious and fundamentally hostile intentions to illness and patients of this publisher who calls himself a "scientific" publisher. First, the publisher throws the stone ("We wanted to rush to our doom" = medically diagnosed self-endangerment) and then he hides his hands by deliberately choosing a single phrase, taken from a lengthy statement of a contemporary witness.
"Yes. But, of course, we also wanted to rush to our doom, that means we did not want to turn around, we did not want to give in. That was part of our self-conception, of our truth. Not to give in. That was true, we also knew that we were rushing to our doom. That was our self-respect. Or our madness, call it what you like." (p. 336).
After a 45 years’ separation and distance, not to say: after 45 years of distancing himself from the SPK, this "contemporary witness" speaks in the arrogated Pluralis Majestatis (royal "We"), which is of common use by medical doctors, but hostile to the Patients’ Collective: "We wanted …". But he speaks here solely for himself and in his own name. In no way does he speak for the entire SPK. At that time, in the Socialist Patients’ Collective, the "We" was fully justified. And the "We" is still valid for those who have stayed with it. But today and for this contemporary witness this "We" does no longer exist. After a 45 years’ of the contemporary witness’ distancing himself from the collective, this Pluralis Majestis (royal "We") denotes exclusively the person of the contemporary witness himself. His present day statements have nothing to do with the SPK of 1970/71, absolutely nothing.
Nobody in the SPK wanted to rush to his/her doom. The choice of words already has absolutely nothing to do with the SPK and its goals. It is a statement that is factually and historically wrong, and the Psychiatrie Verlag is also legally to blame for the fact that it has chosen outright this false testimony for the title of its book. If they absolutely wanted to use the testimony of this contemporary witness, the publisher could have titled the book: "We did not want to turn around", or "We did not want to give in".
The choice of the lurid book title in combination with the overall concept of the book cover clearly shows the biased orientation of the Psychiatrie Verlag, whose founders were and still are proven enemies of the SPK.
From the above it becomes clear that the Psychiatrie Verlag deliberately wanted to put the SPK in the fundamentally false context of RAF and "doom" on its book cover. It was clear to them that we, the KRRIM – PF-Publisher pro Illness, would never ever have agreed to a respective printing of the SPK-book cover motif. This is the reason why they did not ask us. They tacitly accepted the violation of our rights of use.
Note and pay
The SPK had and has
- nothing to do with the RAF
- nothing to do with the politico-activists of the so-called 68-movement
- nothing to do with the so-called self-help groups and suchlike
- nothing to do with the so-called anti-psychiatry or other medical or
non-medical specialist disciplines
but it had and has to do with illness against Iatro-capitalism.
(specific issues relating to copyright questions, therefore here omitted)
By the illegal use of the book cover and the cover motif of the book SPK – Aus der Krankheit eine Waffe machen the Psychiatrie Verlag has violated the existing rights of use of the KRRIM-Publisher.
The rights of the KRRIM-Publisher, publishing the writings of the SPK, have also been violated by the false relation between the SPK and the RAF on the cover of the book "Wir wollten ins Verderben rennen" ("We wanted to rush to our doom"). For the public, by this the entire publishing production is placed in this false context.
The copyright infringement continues with each sold copy and with the spread of the book cover on the Internet and on advertising materials. Urgency is given. The distribution of the publication must be stopped immediately. The respondent had been given the opportunity to state its position. He did not sign the requested cease and desist declaration. There is danger of repetition.
It is only by issuing an interim injunction and cease and desist order that the continuing and persued harm caused to the KRRIM-Publisher can be averted.
We shall preserve the right to initiate proceedings under the criminal law pursuant to § 106 UrhG of the German Copyright Law.
KRRIM – PF-Publisher pro Illness
PF/SPK MFE Greece / PF/SPK MFE CraencStw
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